Less Kicks, More bans

This forum is used for questioning why you were banned or kicked from official ECGN servers. Posts anywhere else will be deleted, keep them in here.
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Postby BladeRunner » Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:31 pm

Originally posted by *AnimalMutha*
Thanks for answering that for me Blade.:beer:

Roger that Animal, PunkBuster has not put out a manual
for Battlefield yet. the word is to use the Q3/RTCW manual
until they publish one.
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-rtcw.php user and server admin can be seen there.
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Postby Agent-Commando » Sun Feb 01, 2004 11:28 pm

Well now with chat lag fixed, I think it's easier to give out warnings and say "so and so, you are banned until further notice. Take it up on the forums if you want to come back."

I saw Ryan did this last night on Market Garden, we all had quite a laugh, especially the ECGNers... so I think smackers will now hear the voice of Admins from now on... Give it a week since 1.6 just came out, and we'll see if idiocy has gone down... if not, then otherwise disregard this post of mine. :)

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Postby Ryan » Mon Feb 02, 2004 1:50 am

I think some of you guys are completely missing the point for ECGN #1.

ECGN is a business, not an exclusive members only club. A lot of you have come to the conclusion that this is your server, and that everyone who thinks otherwise gets banned. You have to look at EVERYONE as if they are a customer. You never know if the person who joins the server and does something you consider 'idiotic' or a 'bad tactic' is actualy someone just testing the server out and thinking about buying it. Are these the people we want to ban, from a business standpoint? Absolutely not. However, it is impossible to tell if the person is a possible customer or not, so we must treat everyone as if they were.

I know I like to have fun while playing, whilst keeping the server a smacktard free server. Of course, as its been said, people who blantly TK deserve (and usually recieve) a ban. There are very few big FF on 64 man servers.. so when people shoot up planes because they didnt get it, usually dont reliese that FF is on, and they are damaging a vehicle. Even when FF is off, shooting a plane still makes pieces of the vehicle fly off, without doing damage. This is why the person simply gets kicked, instead of banned, because they may not have known they are hindering their teammates. The think they are just venting anger for not getting it first.

I will give you a counter example though. Tonight, on Telemark, I was flying the C-47 for a good 20 minutes or so, providing an awesome mobile spawn for our team. While flying around, we lost some important flags, and 5 people decided to spawn in the C-47. We now had a full load, and I continuited on the direction I had been headed for 20 minutes or so. While I was turning, I heard the machine gun fire a round. Keep in mind, we were probably 1000-1200 feet above the ground, so there was NO way he saw an enemy on the ground. "No problem," I thought as we kept sailing along. I did, however, notice that he had taken a bar damage to the Plane. He now FULLY was aware FF was ON, as he has the aircraft damage meter while manning the gun. A second or so later, he lit up the inside of the aircraft, and within seconds, he had blown it up. Now, -12, was kicked by the bot. I made sure to look up his CD Key hash and ban him right away, as this is an example of somone who truly deserves to be banned. His intentions were clear, to piss people off. It was just plain rude what he did, and these are the type of people we want banned, never to return again. For some reason, I can't stop thinking about what he did. Why the hell would someone want to do that? It really just boggles my mind.

I would also like to point something else out. I have been noticing that some TSers ask for a kick on TS, although no admins saw the offence. After the guy is not kicked after a few seconds, the TSer gets angry the guy hadn't been kicked. Folks, understand, its rare we kick without seeing the offence. Do not expect us to kick someone just because you think they should be kicked, or banned for that matter.

Hope that shed some light on the situation.

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Postby Chacal » Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:48 am

Originally posted by senwolf31
id be gone and the server would be empty one suposedly bad player.

Who turned out a great one, and a good teamplayer too. :beer:


Postby the_slog » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:41 am

He now FULLY was aware FF was ON, as he has the aircraft damage meter while manning the gun. A second or so later, he lit up the inside of the aircraft, and within seconds, he had blown it up. Now, -12, was kicked by the bot. I made sure to look up his CD Key hash and ban him right away, as this is an example of somone who truly deserves to be banned. His intentions were clear, to piss people off. It was just plain rude what he did, and these are the type of people we want banned, never to return again

The original point of the post was that often a player like this was simply kicked and not ID banned. I thought that I had made that clear, and I apologize if the post didn't convey this.


Postby senwolf31 » Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:14 am

ive allways been a great team player from the begining Chacal ask DevilDog. I was just over frustrated and should have steped away from the computer instead of doing what I did

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Postby JimmyTango » Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:09 am

If someone is purposely tk'ing, shooting teammate's vehicles, etc, yes, a ban should happen. Of course, the admin should see it, and not go by someone's word. If they want to play right, they will find the forums.

Yesterday on Coral Sea, someone had -15 until kicked, not banned, but kicked. That person is in no way interested in playing correctly. If they are, they still need time in the penalty box.

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Postby Lt. Mass » Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:11 am

Gotta love this server. It provides you with a grief counsellor/anger mangement program! Thx Chacal (you're not one of those unliscensed doctors, are you???)

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Postby Chacal » Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:21 am

Er... to be frank most of the time I just ban the fucker's ass.


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Postby Bagginses » Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:34 am

Originally posted by Chacal
Er... to be frank most of the time I just ban the fucker's ass.


:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


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Postby Bossman » Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:58 am


Fat Bastard

Postby Fat Bastard » Sun Feb 08, 2004 3:35 am

Originally posted by Ryan

I will give you a counter example though. Tonight, on Telemark, I was flying the C-47 for a good 20 minutes or so, providing an awesome mobile spawn for our team. While flying around, we lost some important flags, and 5 people decided to spawn in the C-47. We now had a full load, and I continuited on the direction I had been headed for 20 minutes or so. While I was turning, I heard the machine gun fire a round. Keep in mind, we were probably 1000-1200 feet above the ground, so there was NO way he saw an enemy on the ground. "No problem," I thought as we kept sailing along. I did, however, notice that he had taken a bar damage to the Plane. He now FULLY was aware FF was ON, as he has the aircraft damage meter while manning the gun. A second or so later, he lit up the inside of the aircraft, and within seconds, he had blown it up. Now, -12, was kicked by the bot. I made sure to look up his CD Key hash and ban him right away, as this is an example of somone who truly deserves to be banned. His intentions were clear, to piss people off. It was just plain rude what he did, and these are the type of people we want banned, never to return again. For some reason, I can't stop thinking about what he did. Why the hell would someone want to do that? It really just boggles my mind.

That sucked as usual I was one of the victims, even in the air i get TKed WTH is it with me :(

Good thread guys I know i get to the point like highway does where these asses should just be banned but alot are noobs and should be given a second chance.

Keep up the awesome work guys.

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:29 am

That is it I am banning all your dumb asses:):tard: :ar15: :wall: :beer: :rotflmao: :roll: :violin: :) :D ;) :P :eek:
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