Just wondering if the server rules apply to admins?

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Pfc Clownboat

Just wondering if the server rules apply to admins?

Postby Pfc Clownboat » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:34 am

On Bocage (ECGserver #1) about a half hour ago I was kicked by an admin (Dirty Harry or something like that) on your server while camped in a barn covering the windmill from across the water with my halftrack.

At first the admin jumped in the vehicle while I was gunning and drove it to the sawmill where it was immediately destroyed by the allied frigging armored division waiting there. Isn't hijacking against the rules? When it respawned I took it back to the barn and continued firing on the occupied windmill and not even a minute later he shows up again. I get in the driver seat to prevent the same thing from happening so he gets in the gunner seat and the chat goes something like this:

:freak: "get moving or your kicked"
:confused: "... why am I kicked?"
(back at server browser) You have been kicked from server.

Rolling in gravy laughing my pantaloons off there fella.

So uh yeah, I was just wondering if the rules apply to admins and if I should continue going to your server, because it's pretty hard to play if you're going to get kicked every so often for NO APPARENT REASON while jackasses are ramming the planes with jeeps. Is there a complaint desk around here? Can I get a discount or something?


Postby Bagginses » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:41 am

Look, common sense. Snipers in the windmill are not a problem. You don't need to waste an entire APC to camp in the barn and point whore trying to kill them. Obviously there weren't many there or else you would have been sniped in a couple seconds. You were wasting resources. If you were in a Tiger shelling over the river instead of advancing, you'd probably be kicked. If you were in an APC in Kursk or Kharkov, and were shooting at aircraft, then no one should drive away with it. Plain and simple: you don't need to waste an APC to get rid of snipers. That's worse than actually going scout yourself to snipe them out.



Postby AnimalCracka » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:16 am

An APC is not a firing platform, its a troop carrier. It can sometimes be used as anti aircraft, however from your position in the barn, you couldnt even use it for that. I was the one that asked for you to be kicked and Harry tried to get you to move and you wouldnt. The only reason the other APC was parked in the barn was because it was stolen and denying the other team their vehicles is a sound tactic. Point is, use the vehicles for what their purpose is ie. apc's for transport, planes for air support, tanks for taking and holding a flag, and artillery for blasting the hell out of things from a safe distance behind the front lines. Use your head when youre playing here.

And what the hell do you want a discount on, you dont pay for the privilege of playing on this server. Have a nice day.

Pfc Clownboat

Postby Pfc Clownboat » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:28 am

So admins have free reign to just lasso any vehicle they want for a nice suicidal charge across open fields and kick anyone that does not comply without giving any explanation as to what their vague goal is?

BTW what is the exact definition of 'point whoring'? It sounds like a term reserved just especially for use in this forum. Anyone going to acuse me of being a 'newb camper' for playing defense now or a 'wrench whore' for repairing damaged tanks? And no I wasn't trying to kill snipers, the halftrack was backed up far enough inside the barn that it wasn't even in the fov of the upper floor of the windmill, I was covering the ground level of the field across the bridge where there was a lot of infantry... exactly the only target I can see the APC as being useful against since all it is is a lightly armored MG platform with infinite ammo. Not something that I can see going out to tango with shermans, tank destroyers. Ugh.

Pfc Clownboat

Postby Pfc Clownboat » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:33 am

Rarely have I seen more than two people in an APC deathwagon at a time on even the packed servers, the exception being linear maps like Wake.

Oh well, woe is me etc.

Oh and:

And what the hell do you want a discount on, you dont pay for the privilege of playing on this server.

Twas being facetious. :p


Postby RCinator » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:43 am

Out of your 8 kills on this server, none were with the APC, so who knows what you were covering.


And for what it's worth, APCs get quite a bit of use on this server.

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Postby LeVar Burton » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:55 am

I'm his top assassin!!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!

For real though, when the opposing team has two flags including the sawmill you don't need defense for your last flag. On several occasions on Bocage I've seen the APC take people to the sawmill and survive long enough to gray the flag which is really useful.

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Postby Vamprey » Sun Feb 15, 2004 5:42 am

Harry did warn you to stay out of HIS barn with that APC via chat. You could have accomplished your goal with a STG44. If you had been on TS you could have received a verbal warning to get out of the barn.:violin:

Ralph Wiggum

Postby Ralph Wiggum » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:16 am

As Levar astutely points out, defense isn't needed when your team only has one flag on Bocage. The APC can be used for many things, including killing infantry, but it is next to worthless in the situation you are describing. Protecting the south side for Axis when that is the only flag you have is a waste of time and resources. You might as well have been protecting the uncappable main with the APC or mining the south bridge - two other useless activities.

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:53 am

Ok………It is not in the rules that you cannot have a troop carrier in the Barn. If you have any clue how to play this game you would not have done this. If you want to point whore please go 1337 and don’t waste the vehicle. The admins on this channel try to keep the game flowing. I am sorry if you feel slighted, but he warned you and you should have listened. I can’t believe that you are posting over a kick. Everyone here has been kicked at one time or another. It is the way that we mold players to play the non-smacker way. The only thing that you accomplished with this thread was to make every admin watch you closer.

" We are not retreating. We are attacking in a different direction" Chesty Puller...USMC


Postby Unregistered » Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:21 am

Originally posted by Pfc Clownboat
So admins have free reign to just lasso any vehicle they want for a nice suicidal charge across open fields and kick anyone that does not comply without giving any explanation as to what their vague goal is?

BTW what is the exact definition of 'point whoring'? It sounds like a term reserved just especially for use in this forum. Anyone going to acuse me of being a 'newb camper' for playing defense now or a 'wrench whore' for repairing damaged tanks? And no I wasn't trying to kill snipers, the halftrack was backed up far enough inside the barn that it wasn't even in the fov of the upper floor of the windmill, I was covering the ground level of the field across the bridge where there was a lot of infantry... exactly the only target I can see the APC as being useful against since all it is is a lightly armored MG platform with infinite ammo. Not something that I can see going out to tango with shermans, tank destroyers. Ugh.

Occasionaly, Rules are made up on the fly it would seem. Can't drive the APC to the Barn? WTF?


Postby the_slog » Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:29 am

I didn't log in, that's my post above. I still can't believe that Admins are kicking for misuse of vehicles.

Isn't this supposed to be a demonstration server?

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Postby residue » Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:39 am

consider it a common sense rule. it's impractical to list all instances of bad behavior.

this forum is the proper place to ask about a kick. better to learn these things now before committing a more severe error and getting banned.

i strongly urge you to join us on ts.


Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:23 am

The situation as I am seeing it described here is pretty much a case of an admin trying to help his team by trimming a player that was tying up a valuable resource that could/should have been used as part of an assualt on an enemy position. The only way that what the admin did could even remotely be considered vehicle hijacking is if (as has already been mentioned) the APC is being used as an AA position in a area where there is not an AA emplacement.

Admins are not constrained to just following the rules blindly. We are allowed a degree of lattitude in order to keep the server playing smoothly and enjoyably for the majority of players. Admins do not use their powers to go about "lassoing vehicles" for their own use PERIOD.We do expect a degree of strategic common sense on the server, while it may not be common practice to enforce this with a kick, it isn't unheard of either. If an admin does go out of his way to say something to you (as he did) in such a situation, comply or dismount and then try talking about it either in game or here.

Before you go on about how you were using the APC as a gunning platform, remember there is a .50 cal on the top floor of that barn. An APC (with a few exceptions) is usually needed more as an assualt platform than anything else.


Postby Bagginses » Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:33 pm

A little something I pulled out of the Webster Dictionary:

Main Entry: 1 Point Whore
Pronunciation: 'point, 'hOr 'hor 'hur
Function: noun
Etymology: Battlefield: 1942 v1.0 point here, akin to Old ECGN Wespe whore , and Damn dirty plane whore --
1 : A player who is capable of obtaining a large amounts of kills in contribution to his/her team's efforts. Often used in a sarcastic sense.
2 : A smacktard (see: smacktard), who's main concern is to run up their score regardless of the fact that their team's resources are being wasted, and their help would be more valuable in another place. Methods of point whoring: Artillery camping their main when flags are contested, being a 733t sN1p0rz (see: 733t and sN1p0rz), parking tanks in the enemy hanger, etc.



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