
This forum is used for questioning why you were banned or kicked from official ECGN servers. Posts anywhere else will be deleted, keep them in here.

Postby cashcow » Tue Nov 18, 2003 4:16 pm

Admins will obviously make mistakes, and I think that your kick was simply a misunderstanding.

Then again, I have seen some weird things go on.

Once, in Gazala, I spawned in the hangar at the beginning of the game and walked to the Stuka. As soon as I began to take off, I was kicked. It couldn't have been my ping, as my ping on BF42.com BF #1 has never gone above 100. Is there any rule against walking to planes, did an admin decide it belonged to them, or is there another possibility? I've been wondering about this for a LONG time.


Postby Bullhead » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:34 pm

I don't know cashcow, but it may have been a delyaed effect type of thing, i.e. you had done something (or been accused) that an admin felt deserved a kick, but it took him a minute or two to actually kick you, by which point you had respawned and were taking off......just a thought, and I'm not trying to imply you even did deserve it.....


Postby cashcow » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:51 pm

This was at the very beginning of the game, meaning the first time anyone had spawned.


Postby Bullhead » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:01 pm

oh....never mind then! :D

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:38 am

Just so I read this right, the admins are being accused of not only incompetence, but favoritism as well...

That's never been the case in my experience... but then I guess I am among the favored, so wouldn't know :roll:

I can tell you with 100% certainty... if I ever drove a vehicle to get another vehicle, and it was seen by an admin, I would be kicked... and I would not expect any leniency.

It's only a kick, too... I've been kicked before... by the bot for too many tks at the beginning of a map (usually a ship or arty)... it's no big deal, you come back in, figure out what you did wrong, and fix the problem...

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Postby JimmyTango » Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:07 am

Nex ttime read, I did not take the jeep to the tank. Not only that, if I had done it, it is not against any rule. The only rule dealing with driving vehicles to another vehicle is the jeep to the airfield.

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Postby jnkcrp » Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:42 am

This is simple, at any one spawn, taking vehicles to other vehicles is not allowed. What is so hard to understand. If you are driving a jeep by a plane or tank spawn and it spawns... keep driving you already made your choice of travel.....live with it.


Postby Bagginses » Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:24 am

Originally posted by jnkcrp
This is simple, at any one spawn, taking vehicles to other vehicles is not allowed. What is so hard to understand. If you are driving a jeep by a plane or tank spawn and it spawns... keep driving you already made your choice of travel.....live with it.

Well, there could be some exceptions to this (as with everything). But, take Philippines for example, you have those two bases on the west island. You're in the south, you grab a jeep and hightail it up to the north base. The jeep there has been gone for some time, and suddenly the tank spawns. Now, are you allowed to get out of the jeep to grab that tank, or does it break the rule even though you've reached your destination and traveled some distance with the jeep already? Also, say an admin just spawns there as you arrive and sees you hop out of the jeep into the tank. Since there's no other jeep there, are they to assume you took that base's jeep and drove it to the tank, or do they have to guess that you drove it up from another base?


Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:53 am

Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't drive a ship off of the map on purpose either... will you get kicked for doing it? Absolutely.

It reminds me of the scene in "A few good men" where Cruise asks a witness where it says you are supposed to find the mess hall in marine corps regulations... "You mean to tell me it's not in any book? Have you ever eaten a meal there? How did you find the mess hall?"

Some things you learn with experience. And other things are common sense.

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Postby jnkcrp » Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:24 am

"at any one spawn", taking vehicles to other vehicles is not allowed. ie...if you pick of the jeep in the north...don't drive it to vehicles in the north....see simple....

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Postby jnkcrp » Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:38 am

Next class I will explain why midgets tend to attack in pairs.


Postby Bagginses » Wed Nov 19, 2003 12:27 pm

Originally posted by jnkcrp
"at any one spawn", taking vehicles to other vehicles is not allowed. ie...if you pick of the jeep in the north...don't drive it to vehicles in the north....see simple....

Ah, I missed that little bit. :roll: :wall:


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Postby Harry Canyon » Wed Nov 19, 2003 12:56 pm

OK, here's something that happened to me last night.

On El Al, spawned at the airfield. No planes or people to be seen because there were only about 24 or so people on the server and we as allies had 2 out of three flags. I grab the airfield jeep to go to another flag. As soon as I grab it and drive a few feet, the B17 shows up, damn near ram into it. Knowing no one else is around and the B17 could really be used to blast the axies only base, I take the B17. Of cource, as I take off, someone saw this and stated that I drove a jeep to a plane....

Should I have kicked myself???

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Postby jnkcrp » Wed Nov 19, 2003 2:07 pm

I say yes.....and you should give yourself a stern talking to....you could have killed a plane camper with that crazy driving...you are lucky there were not many on...I bet you don't use your rear view mirrors or signal when making a left while driving on the airfield. Did you even stop at the airport gate and sign in? I think not!

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Postby hightimber » Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:13 pm

Originally posted by Harry Canyon
OK, here's something that happened to me last night.

On El Al, spawned at the airfield. No planes or people to be seen because there were only about 24 or so people on the server and we as allies had 2 out of three flags. I grab the airfield jeep to go to another flag. As soon as I grab it and drive a few feet, the B17 shows up, damn near ram into it. Knowing no one else is around and the B17 could really be used to blast the axies only base, I take the B17. Of cource, as I take off, someone saw this and stated that I drove a jeep to a plane....

Should I have kicked myself???
I think that's a legitimate question that shouldn't be brushed aside with sarcasm. I'd say that taking the b17 in that case is ok since it wasn't your sole intention to take a jeep from one spawn to another vehicle at the same spawn. Yes, I know people could lie about this but one's credibility would have to be taken into consideration. To say that when you pick a vehicle that you must live with that decision sounds reasonable until you toss in the fact that, like in Harry's instance, he was the only one there. If he doesn't take the b17, there's a reasonable chance that it may fall into enemy hands.

So, is Harry supposed to drive the jeep to the east flag, then back to the airfield to take the B17? That's absurd.


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