Kicked for knifing enemies?

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Kicked for knifing enemies?

Postby Fibbis » Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:08 pm

Me and my bud were playing on the server today under the names 'I'm gonna cut you up' and 'I Hack......with knives' and we play only using knives, pistols and running the enemy over with jeeps. But we were both kicked even though our scores were pretty good for using knives and pistols only? I didn't break any rules that I am aware of.

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Postby Vamprey » Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:38 pm

If that's all you were doing, yes it may have got you kicked since full time knifers are not helpful to the rest of the team. At least that's what I think I read in another thread about a month ago. This is not in any way an official opinion...stand by for admin response...:freak:


Postby Bagginses » Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:06 am

We were on Bulge, and the depot was under attack by infantry and tanks. I'm driving in the Sherman over to the graveyard to see what's in there, and I see the two of you walking in circles with your knives in your hands. The server was full and I'm sure there were plenty of people waiting in line to actually play the game so I brought it up to an admin's attention.


P.S. I hear EA makes servers for that stuff nowadays.

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Postby residue » Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:28 am

if your skill set only includes "knives, pistols and running the enemy over with jeeps" then you're likely not much of a team player regardless of your stats. there's a time and place for that type of gameplay and it's usually very late at night and/or on another server.

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Postby Harry Canyon » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:20 am

Yes, try the EA servers...they seem to contain MANY of your kind.

And your stats were something like 5 points 5 kills and 20+ deaths apiece before enough of the REAl players asked for your kicks.


Postby Fibbis » Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:47 pm

I cap bases and heal friendlies a lot with or without using knives only. Sure, BOTB is not the best map for knifing but everyone has a bad round once in a while regardless of what weapon they're using. BTW, we would play on other servers but none of the others have a top 10 knifer stat page :)

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Postby LeVar Burton » Thu Feb 19, 2004 8:16 pm

Well if you're on my team and we're losing and I see you knifing people instead of using your most effective weapons, I'll still ask for you to be kicked. Unless its one of those late night maps or early day maps when people are just messing around. Also, for those of you who might point at Sir Loin and ask if he should be kicked the answer is no because that was almost exclusively OMG, and everyone know the allies don't lose that map.

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Postby Bossman » Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:51 pm

Originally posted by Fibbis
BTW, we would play on other servers but none of the others have a top 10 knifer stat page :)

I usually don't weigh in on these discussions but just the fact that you cite the "knifer" stat as a reason to be here makes me suspect of your ability to be a team player. Regardless of the board or the way that the teams might be stacked, my experience is that the regs on this server will make the best of the situation and play the game to the end as if they were trying to win. I don't recall people deciding to abandon team play just because they were loosing or because the board wsan't favorable for their team. If your in it for the knifing then maybe the EA servers are the ones to practice on.


Postby Bullhead » Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:21 am

And if you look at the stats page, I'm almost over 100 knife kills, but I do that when:

a. the opportunity to knife presents itslef, i.e. I stumble upon a sniper

b. My team has map under control, and a fairly large ticket lead

c. My team is doomed, down by 300-400 tickets with less than 100 of our own...

If knifing stats are that important, great, but when a flag is contested the LAST thing you should be doing is trying to knife anyone. The flags (and winning) are more important to EVERYONE on this server, not stats (although some of us are very fond of them :D )

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Postby Ryan » Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:40 am

Yes, you were kicked for knifing the enemy. Knifing is completely prohibited on our servers. It is so against the rules, we kick for it if you kill someone with the knife...

/Sarcasm :lol:


Postby Bagginses » Fri Feb 20, 2004 10:31 am

It's one thing to go and knife the enemy, it's another to be walking around in circles while there are infantry streaming into the graveyard and a tiger and a panzer on your front doorstep.



Postby Bullhead » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:44 pm

and a stolen arty piece sneaking up behind you, eh bagginses? :D


Postby Bagginses » Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:59 pm

Originally posted by Bullhead
and a stolen arty piece sneaking up behind you, eh bagginses? :D

:ar15: Damn you, and I was looking for you too, then the flag went gray and I seemed to have been one of about two people left. So I figured the graveyard was more important. Sure taught me.



Postby Kurith » Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:21 pm

Even *I* gave up the knifing gig, it just gets old.


Postby Bullhead » Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:22 am

Originally posted by Kurith
Even *I* gave up the knifing gig, it just gets old.



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