Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!
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Updates to the Wolf server

Wed Oct 23, 2002 11:46 pm

Hey All-

Some of you may have noticed a few changes to the Wolf server. To be more specific, I will list them all below:

One bullet to the pack on a flamer will kill him.

The mg42 is super-accurate for the first 6-8 seconds you fire it, then the accuracy deteriorates until about 10-12 seconds, when it overheats.

Venoms, snipers, and flamers drop their gun when they limbo. Any class can pick up any weapon by pressing P by it to drop their current one, then running over the new weapon. This can be used to a great advantage, ie. medic flamer.

You can now poison the enemy with your medic needles. Poison deals 5 damage per hit ( can be adjusted ).

You can drop objectives by holding your knife and hitting the drop weapon key.

During warmup it will now print, in the center of the screen, the players with the most kills, revives, best accuracy, and most property damage.

Medics and LTs now start with 2 grenades instead of just 1.


If anyone has any other ideas for this mod, post here and we'll talk bout it.

I am already working with Shrub on giving the medic class one spare clip to start with as default, because just one clip is silly. Also I feel if the flamer is gonna explode with one bullet to the pack, he should go up in flames :flame:

What are your ideas?


Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:10 am

Wait, the MP40, the standard Axis gun, or the FG42, the gun used by the Elite Guard in the Single-Player game? 'Cause if it's the MP40, then . . .

/me looks at accuracy %

Drat, I thought I had legitimately gotten better. :( :help: :mad:

As to mod ideas, I can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe tomorrow when I'm awake.

Thu Oct 24, 2002 12:11 am

The MG42 are the mounted machine guns on the bunkers. Normally when you fire them, they spray bullets everywhere, making them useless for long range. This makes them very VERY accurate, like a rapid fire sten, but only for 6-8 seconds.

Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:51 am

OH. Well don't I feel dumb.

OTOH, It seems I did get better! :cool:

Thu Oct 24, 2002 10:58 am

if you will be able to drop the objectives wont you be able to get as many points as you like just drop it and get i back
i won't do it but i can imagne that some lamers wil do it

i didn't play the new mod so i dont know if it happens in the game
but when i read your post that came in my mind


Thu Oct 24, 2002 2:00 pm

You can only drop it once per life, and you dont get any points for grabbing it anyway :)

Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:05 pm

This sounds awesome mmmgood I think all the changes are great. I think that the flamers should go up in flames if shot in the pack. And the medics should definatly start with extra mag. U guys are doing a great job and keep up the good work.:lol:

Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:16 pm

i have played on the server now and the new mod's are great
i didn't think it could get better but you did it.
good job


Sun Oct 27, 2002 10:10 pm


I have given medics and LTs two grenades instead of one.
I have given medics one spare clip to start with.
I have added smoke grenades for LTs. To activate them type /sg in the console and throw an airstrike canister.
I have added a new voice chat.

To use the voice chat type /omw in the console. To bind it to a key type

/bind (key you want) omw

Make sure it is in lowercase!

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