If you were kicked or banned from our Public BF1942 server, post here.
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Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:55 pm

It's Camel that should be moved to a banned section.

Oh wait...

Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:29 pm

Mazz, I don't mean to imply that you must always play to win, and that you can never smack around (hell, I'm one of the smacker leaders, right behind my 'ol pal RiSK :D ). However, you aren't supposed to smack around to the detriment of your team (at 3am, with 10 people on, ok, maybe...). I was actually on the other team, so I don't know the entire story, I was only catching the pieces you sent globaly (this actually occured before I was an admin, I think).

And I had hoped it was a joke, I didn't really think you were serious, but I also wasn't sure you weren't. It was not funny, and didn't contain any smilies/etc to indicate sarcasm, which can sometimes be hard to pick up in a post.

You've been a solid player in the past, and it's a shame things turned out this way. However, I cannot comment on the ban specifically since I'm not the admin who handed it out. You'll have to wait on that person for an answer as to whether or not to lift the ban.

And Camel.......stop drinking at work. period.

Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:57 pm


You weren't banned just for the name, but because of your attitude that night.

To answer your original question, no, we won't lift your ban for a few nights.


considering you followed the proper procedure for being unbanned;

considering your past history as "a solid player" according to Bullhead;

considering the admin who banned you agrees to your ban being lifted;

considering your strange post elsewhere in the forums was only a joke (albeit a poor one);

and even though your present attitude is still mildly negative;

I will now unban you, period. I trust I won't regret it.

However, I suggest, for the future:

- going out for a walk if the game frustrates you to the point of losing control;

- having a more positive attitude;

- using smileys when making jokes on the forums.

Now click your shoes together and say "There's no place like home".
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