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Admin abuse for balancing teams

Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:22 am

Started on Allies

Axis 3 down, go Axis

Allies go down 2, go Allies

Mastery starts putting me spec and renaming me

How does a caught hacker get admin at a server anyway?

Re: Admin abuse for balancing teams

Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:26 am

Great story, that's not what happened though, try again...

Re: Admin abuse for balancing teams

Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:27 am

You've been making up a lot of stories that aren't true lately...

Re: Admin abuse for balancing teams

Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:47 am


This is only my second post here, I had to create an account last night. What other stories have I "made up?"

And how is that not what happened? Tell me Casey, please, how it did happen? He threw his regular admin temper tantrum, I pointed out the fact that he's a caught hacker, drama ensued. Why are you on Mastery's dick?

Re: Admin abuse for balancing teams

Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:16 pm

It's interesting you post this, i recently posted after being frustrated with him but after understanding the rules, asked to have my post deleted bc theres no point in biting the hand. i posted to see if others also had a similar problem. I was on last night and noticed that axis were down and that you switched to axis then switched back to allies. I think most people only noticed you switching to allies, allies was dominating and they assumed you were switching because a lot of people are stat whores/hate being dominated....etc. If you playing for stats, you would NOT have switched from allies in the first place...Similar to my instance, the axis were down and everything was even so my switching did not change the balance of the game, even though my skill wouldn't change it anyways. I only switched because I was bored of allies. I kept getting put to spec and it was frustrating. However, after posting then reading through the forums, this is a rule that all the admins enforce across the board. So although you were switching because the teams were uneven, or for whatever reason {its obvious it wasn't for stats}, the rule is the rule. They cannot have everyone switching because they want too. So you are not being singled out. I personally think they should enforce it on a case by case basis. It is pretty obvious when someone is switching for stats and to stop losing. And even teams is enforced so you can only join a team with less players anyways. But the the current rule is whats in place and it is enforced equally from what I have read on the forums. So don't think mastery has it out for you. I thought he did too. I know how frustrating it is when you keep getting put to spec. ECGN really is the last place to play wolf, it doesn't do any good to lash out, although in the moment it so damn frustrating, especially because you weren't switching for selfish reasons. If you want to keep playing, you need to apologize, because you really weren't singled out and technically, although wrong and needs to be on a case by case basis, thats the rule.
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