If you were kicked or banned from our Public RTCW server, post here.
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Sat May 16, 2009 11:00 pm

Hello everyone this is my first post..umm the other day Agent Grief got banned for a week for tk'ing , I'm not defending him as far as I know he did not see the message from Admin warning him, but that does not matter he can accept the punishment...what I am curious though is that Grief myself and Strife all live in the same house and when i tried to connect today a message popped up that said "I damn well told ya'll take a week off for tking". Is there a way that I can play but he can't or do all 3 of us have to wait a week? I guess its prolly cuz we share IP address..idk but strife and I would really like to play thanks fir your time


Re: Hello

Sun May 17, 2009 12:19 am

I banned him. He tk'd Savvy a few times, when i got a pm I asked Grief to stop tking and gibbing his own teammate. I looked up in the console and once again he tk's and gibbs Savvy. I am sick and tired of asking/telling him to stop the tking the bleeding and the gibbing of his own teammates. He seems to choose a victim each night he plays. Maybe if you all live together and you see the problem we are having maybe you can explain to him his wrong doing and explain to him he is going to cause all of you to be firewall/banned for good. The ban said "I damn well told you, see ya in a week".
I'm not defending him as far as I know he did not see the message from Admin warning him
Also..i type in caps for the simple fact with all the talk and team chat I wanna make sure people see what i am typing. Unless he is blind or has chat turned off he seen what i said. I will lift the ban,but please for your sake and the sake of other players have a talk with him.


Re: Hello

Sun May 17, 2009 3:03 am

Ok I'll talk to him B, the thing is Grief and I started the Agent clan if u wanna call it that, and then all these other people always ask us can i join and we don't wanna be rude but at the same time we don't consider ourselves a clan, and I think that a lot of them ruin it for him and I b/c of the Agent tag. But I know he does Tk people when he gets upset when someone types something like "move noob" or something but he should'nt do that, idk we all get frustrated by other peoples actions, but I can say that him and I really like playing with everyone and hope to avoid any problems in the future



Re: Hello

Sun May 17, 2009 9:42 am

I don't see where you two starting a clan is an excuse for his tking. Also...if you don't want someone in your clan then you say "no we are not taking new players". Another thing..a clan that's really not a clan but a bunch of friends using a crazy tag can be called a community. Peace.
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