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See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.
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Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:06 am

Originally posted by Chacal
I'll turn the suggestion into a requirement. Making a public cheating accusation is unacceptable, especially without proof.

If Viper doesn't provide me with undeniable proof before the end of the day, I will ban him from ECGN BF2 servers for two months.



Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:27 am

Good call Chacal.

Personally I am offended by this post. The ECGN admins watch ALL players. Noobs and regs are ALL subject to scrutiny at any time. We do not give up our gaming time to watch others just for the fun of it or for just for some people and not others.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:45 am

Originally posted by Hunter/Killer
Good call Chacal.

Personally I am offended by this post. The ECGN admins watch ALL players. Noobs and regs are ALL subject to scrutiny at any time. We do not give up our gaming time to watch others just for the fun of it or for just for some people and not others.


Sometimes they can't even have fun when certain people are on, but they still stick around....!!!! :)

Great guys all of them.... :)

Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:51 am

Like parrot said, if bf-wonka is a cheater then put me on that squad of cheaters please...

the guy is just good (damn him to hell - haxxor, l33t cheater b!tch) :D

Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:13 am

Uh oh.. "Wanted. 4th horseman". Or maybey change the name to 3 musketeers.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:38 am

major sonar,

I'll answer that one for you...the BF_ in front of wonka is a clan tag from back in his TWL jedi knight 5 on 5 days. It stands for "bastards of the force". That is what it origianlly meant, not sure if he's upgraded it to mean "battlefield" now a days. :D

Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:05 am

I hope Wonka doesn't see this thread. He doesnt need a bigger ego. As for Viper, he is just a child. This started back in BFV. He got banned and tried to divert attention to Wonka being a "cheat". Viper would come on TS and cause all sorts of problems. This is going to be his third or fourth time to get banned from ECGN. I don't think it really matters to him.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:19 am


Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:22 am

tsk tsk....wonka, shame on you.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:26 am

christ some of these guys are really funny. i'd think that if this guys been playing since BFV days he'd know better than to post bullshit like this. it sounds to me like wonkas killed him a few to many times and now he's gone crazy. seeing cheaters everywhere, around every corner. yep i've seen it a thousand times. the illness is called cheaterphobia. its sad really.:P

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:12 pm

Originally posted by Hat Rack
This is going to be his third or fourth time to get banned from ECGN.

Yes, I remember him from BFV and if it is me it will not be the third or fourth but the last.

Now stop posting in this thread so it can die out before Wonka sees it and we have to deal with his ego in game!

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:22 pm

YOU'RE ALL CHEATERS! Admit it! Everytime I get killed, it was done by a cheating bastard!! Damn you all! Damn those guys who are really good at this game even more.. because they are cheating with their $600.00 video cards and their nice systems that give them low frame rates. I'll say it again, you cheating bastards! I would pwn if it weren't for the cheaters.

(note: for those of you who can't see the obvious, this is a sarcastic rant)

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:22 pm

Wonka's not a cheater. As for the vehicles, bf series is ALWAYS a first come first serve basis. Nothing to do with cheating.

Originally posted by elite_viper
will I be able to Tank Whore and camp flags to rack up ridiculous kill totals too?

Only if your good enough.

Well, just try to beat people to tanks/ choppers. I have done that with wonka... never has worked, never have i got a tank... uh... playing run around in circles, pressing "E", seeeing who can get the tank first.

But you know, worth a shit.. Just do gunner. You get a driver/ kill assist each kill he makes so ya.

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:39 pm

Originally posted by Chacal
I'll turn the suggestion into a requirement. Making a public cheating accusation is unacceptable, especially without proof.

If Viper doesn't provide me with undeniable proof before the end of the day, I will ban him from ECGN BF2 servers for two months.

Yeah Chacal, like you never cheat. I have the proof right HERE , Now you can't ban me ha ha ha. ;)

Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:48 pm

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