What games are yall playing

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Re: What games are yall playing

Postby BladeRunner » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:04 pm

residue wrote:saw havoc on the other night. saw bladerunner on tonight. also heard he was supposedly giving the tlb folks a hard time for not apologizing after a tk :eek:

Opps, I didn't realize what they were talking about :(
I was in the def gun on iwo jima, looking back on it it now I must have tked
and didn't know it.

I'll try and keep a better eye on the chat next time i play there.

Sorry TLB guys, if any of you see this.
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Re: What games are yall playing

Postby Chacal » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:10 pm

Wait, did someone say "Guinness"?

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Re: What games are yall playing

Postby -HaVoC- » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:49 pm

My goodness My Guinness!

"Now, if things look bad, and it looks like your not going to make it, then you've got to get mean, I mean plum mad dog mean, 'cause if you lose your head and give up then you neither live nor win, and that's just the way it is."

- The Outlaw Josey Wales -

put me on the team that Harry aint on....I sure miss shooting him and if im on the same team as HaVoC...OMFG we will stomp a mudhole in you and walk it dry.

- YaDad -


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Re: What games are yall playing

Postby CodeRed68 » Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:27 am

CodeRed68 wrote:Yes ! Check it out... There's even BF2142 for Mac as well..

There's lots of games available for the Mac now... not like it used to be..

Well.. looks like i was wrong. I purchased BF42 for the Mac, only to forget to check the system requirements. It turns out the Mac version is older and only for the PowerPC chip systems. Mac has since gone with Intel based processors and that's what I have.
Weirdly though, the game seemed to work on my system... maybe a little buggy but it worked fine. I have returned it though and replaced it with BF2142, which is out for the Mac and definitely for the Intel based Macs.

It is sad , as i really wanted to play '42.

My experience so far w/ 2142 has been awesome. I have been playing for about a week w/ the options cranked to max. I don't even have hi speed internet yet... i am running on Verizon free ethernet for now... Tomorrow they come to install Fios. Speeds should be 20/5.
thanks to Spirit of Me for the sig!


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