Batlefield 1943 Q&A

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Batlefield 1943 Q&A

Postby Buliwyf » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:46 am

Battlefield 1943 Q&A

I spent my weekend answering questions for the Swedish Battlefield community ,and now I’d like to give all non-Swedish speakers the chance to learn more in-depth what Battlefield 1943 is all about!

- Is there any support for clan matches?
- Why a 24-player limit?
- How does the replenish ammo function work?

Questions answered answered questions from my session at and the game’s producers blog. Don’t hesitate to ask new questions in the comments!


Will there be any ships in the game?
BF1943 have 2 hangar ships and LCVP’s.

Is there any support for clan matches?
There will be support for private matches in BF1943.

How many kits will there be in BF1943?
We have narrowed down the number of kits to 3 kits that enables you to do almost everything that you could do in BF1942 with 7 kits!

* Infantry - SMG, Hand grenades, Anti-tank rifle and a lethal Wrench!
* Rifleman - Semi-automatic Rifle (Garand etc), Rifle Grenade, Hand grenades, knife
* Scout - Bolt-action Sniper Rifle, Expack (C4), Pistol and sword/knife

Infantry and Scout seem to have some kind of anti-vehicle weapon, what about Rifleman?
Rifleman have his Rifle Grenade rifle that does damage to vehicles!

Is BF1943 a “Internet browser” game?
No, BF1943 is not a Internet browser game, it’s a download-only game on X360, PS3 & PC.

Is there any stats system?
Yes, BF1943 will use a stats system very much like the one in Bad Company.

Is there any medic packs or ammo crates on the levels?
No BF1943 won’t have either.

* BF1943 uses a regenerating health system
* BF1943 uses a replenish ammo system

The ammo system is balanced with reload and overheat systems. You still will have clips with 5/8/30 rounds that needs reloading.

Expacks and AT rockets are coming in “bundles”, you can fire the amount of rockets you have pretty fast, then a tweaked timer kicks in to reload the bundle!

All this together will give you an gaming experience where you don’t need to run around looking for crates and can focus on what’s fun, pwning enemies! =)

How does the Air Raid work?
The Air strike can be called in by any one person and it’s controlled by that person!

How does the recoil and deviation system work?
BF1943 uses my new weapon design that instead of randomizing bullets in a big circle as in many other games, your bullets will instead “follow” after each other in a pattern.
This doesn’t mean that it’s easier to use the weapons but they will be easier to learn, control and master!

Is there any unlocks?
We wanted to give all players the same experience from start and that’s why we will not use unlocks but give you all the weapons and gadgets from the start!
But our stats system will give you things to hunt for instead!

Why does BF1943 have a 24 players?
64 players is awesome but will all good there is some hurting also. The 24 player limit is not about us being lazy, but the experience of a massive battlefield is necessary not bound to the amount of players!
We have also optimized the layout and size of the maps to compensate for the 24 player limit.

And as many of you remember most clan wars where player with 8vs8 or 12vs12 and what we have seen many of the 64-player servers are mostly half-full or having lack of performance.

Beside these design decisions there are technical limitations. There are very restricted bandwidth limits on the consoles and we are networking a lot more than 24 players:
- 24 players are networked
- Almost as many physics driven vehicles with movable and destroyable parts
- All destruction, if a wall is being destroyed on one client we need to update it on all the others, otherwise we could end up with players hiding behind non-existent walls.

If we removed all destruction and all our vehicles we could have more players. But no other game gives you the wide gaming experience we have!

I cant see any minimap on the preview videos, is it removed?
BF1943 will have a minimap at release, it just haven’t been added yet =)
The videos you see are recorded from a pre-alpha build and is not always the final version!

Has anything been done about base raping for collecting stats?
Yes, BF1943 uses an anti-base-rape system that makes it impossible to get any stats inside enemy bases!


That’s all for now! Make sure to give me your thoughts and questions in the comments!

Tags: Battlefield 1943

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