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Postby JimmyTango » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:56 pm

Can I please be told why I was booted again?

FatBastard was driving a jeep, then got out when possible allies were moving in. I get to the drivers position as I see him running the other way so i can pull passed a building that our tanks are shooting behind. Thee is a dead ally. I backed up a little bit to drive up the hill, i think that is when i backed just a tiny bit into FatBastard, we both go behind these two further back buildings where our tanks shot behind, also. I am still in the jeep, he is on foot.

Ok, we check, no ally there. I start driving off when a tank spawns, so, I get out of the jeep and take the tank. I see Wairdo not moving staring at me, and I think, no way, he isn't booting me for that, is he? Sure enough, booted.

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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:30 pm

You took a jeep to a tank..simple...KICK!

Rules apply to YOU to Tango.

I see you break another one and I will hand YOU a temp ban!

If you can't handle playing by the rules here, I suggest you go play on another server.

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Postby JimmyTango » Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:36 pm


Please give me the exact rule that you just said exists. One, what you mention talks about airstrips. Two, I never took the jeep TO a tank.

Like I said, that tank spawned right in front of me. So I got out. I did not specificly take the jeep to the tank.

Are you really saying I am not allowed to use another vehicle if one spawns in front of me becuase I happened to be in a jeep when that happened?

Cpl. Bingham

Postby Cpl. Bingham » Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:26 pm

Even if he did take a jeep to a tank. so what. The only reason the jeep-plane rule exists is that a misparked jeep can cause a plane to run into it and explode.

The whole point of a jeep is to transport people. Using one to get to an infinately more useful tank seems like something you would want players to do.

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Postby JimmyTango » Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:10 am

Cpl. Bingham,

It is obvious to me that no matter what, if Wairdo sees me playing, he will automaticly assume I am doing something wrong.

I shutter to think what will happen if I have to fire near a teammate to kill an enemy and he sees it. Might be a 10 day ban.

I still do not see the rule I was booted for in the server rule thread.

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Postby hightimber » Tue Nov 18, 2003 12:30 am

Originally posted by Cpl. Bingham
The only reason the jeep-plane rule exists is that a misparked jeep can cause a plane to run into it and explode.
I don't think that's the only reason. People use jeeps to get to planes faster than other players on foot. Then, when the jeep is abandoned on the airstrip, players who want to use that jeep to get to an alternate location (contested flag, etc.) have to walk quite a distance to retrieve the jeep. By that time, the jeep may timeout and then it will be unavailable until it respawns. I think driving vehicles to access other vehicles is a bad move.

However, if you are in a jeep and a tank spawns as you approach it, that needs to be acceptable. Leaving armor vacant is a bad idea as it can be easily exploited by stealthy enemy forces.

Tango, it sounds like you got caught with the appearance of taking a jeep to get another vehicle.

Cpl. Bingham

Postby Cpl. Bingham » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:00 am

High, your point about the jeeps is sound, but the potential for a jeep/plane collision is the main contention behind the rule.

Since the typical smacktard who uses a jeep to speed to the planes is likely to use said jeep to ram into any currently taxiing aircraft, the rules basically in place to prevent jeeps blocking planes.

I've seen a couple of admins go easy on people taking jeeps to planes, as long as they park the jeep well away from the runway. And the few times I was at the airstrip when somebody pulls up in a jeep, they were wise enough to realize it when I hopped in the jeep and quickly got it out of the way of any airplanes.

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Postby BladeRunner » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:59 am

BladeRunner the player (not an admin) looks at it like this:
jeeps are for transporting people, your job as a jeep driver
is to pick up a passenger and take him to where ever he
needs to go that will best help the team. that may mean
the airfield, tank spawn, offense of a flag or defense of a
flag. a good jeep driver does not blow up his jeep, he
finds other passengers and takes them where they need
to go.
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Postby Chacal » Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:38 am

Originally posted by Cpl. Bingham
High, your point about the jeeps is sound, but the potential for a jeep/plane collision is the main contention behind the rule.

Although it's a concern, the main reason for the rule is waste of resources. The players who drive to planes are willing to waste the jeep needed by their teammates just to get a plane before everyone else, so they're not playing for the team.

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Postby jnkcrp » Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:11 am

I would just like to say that off all the forum sections this is my favorite. I read these complaints every morning as I start work for a laugh.

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Postby hightimber » Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:24 am

Originally posted by Chacal
Although it's a concern, the main reason for the rule is waste of resources. The players who drive to planes are willing to waste the jeep needed by their teammates just to get a plane before everyone else, so they're not playing for the team.
Thanks for the follow-up, Chacal. That to me is the largest reason to not use the jeep as a method to get to airplanes. If you're going to win, those resources are too valuable to be used for 15 seconds and thrown away (albeit temporarily).

Cpl. Bingham

Postby Cpl. Bingham » Tue Nov 18, 2003 11:11 am

Well, if you say that's what it is, that's what it is. I was only echoing what people said when the rule was created.

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Postby Buliwyf » Tue Nov 18, 2003 11:44 am


as I was not there to witness the event and I really cannot comment on this issue, however we admins do make sound judgements. Do we make mistakes? Of course, we are human, but please bear in mind.. Wairudo and Chacal are on top of their game when it comes to judgement calls and balancing between right and wrong.
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Postby JimmyTango » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:07 pm

I understand that mistakes do happen. However, i woudl think regulars would get the benifit of the doubt. I know, that will cause flaming from numerous here for thinking that if you are a regular, you should get the benefit of the doubt of not being a smacktard.

If he saw one of his buddies in the same situation, like Rule of Wrist, I highly doubt he would have booted him.

It is to the point where I basicly have to ask him to do anything, as no matter what I am doing in game, it is automaticly bad. This is the second, to me, BS reason in barley 2 weeks.

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Postby hightimber » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:31 pm

Originally posted by JimmyTango
If he saw one of his buddies in the same situation, like Rule of Wrist, I highly doubt he would have booted him.
Your doubt, in this case, is unfounded. I would say that Wairudo and I are 'pretty close' and he kicked me once for an incident where I accidentally TK'd someone while killing an enemy. I shot a tank shell in the proximity of two persons battling it out on foot. I thought that I could be pinpoint enough to kill the enemy and not the friendly. I was mistaken.

At the time, I was upset about the kick but we discussed it later and I understood why he did what he did. It has also changed the way I play the game and reduce the potential for accidental TK'ing.


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