This is interesting...

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This is interesting...

Postby CrazyBri » Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:27 am

At about 5:17AM EST today (Friday Jan30th) I was kicked and banned from your ECGN#1 server approximately 10-15 seconds after knifing an admin, Harry Canyon, near the east sandbags on the middle hill on Kharkov while the flag was turning grey. The other admin present was Rule of Wrist. This was my 3nd and last map for my "quick break" I was taking from my project ( :D ) and I was not acting out of line, tking, or breaking any rules that I was aware of (I've read the server guidelines and agree with them 100 percent). I really wish I could assume this was an accident but the timing of the kick was a little suspicious. I have absolutely nothing to hide and I'm confident my behavior was never out of line.

Basically, I'd really like to hear the complete reason for the ban please and hopefully I can rejoin again in the near future when I'm ready for some more vanilla bf. I've stated many times how much I admire the ecgn servers and the jobs the admins do to keep the servers as cheat free and smacktard free as possible and I still think this way regardless of the misunderstanding this morning. I've even gotten some great assistance from Chacal, an ecgn admin, in regards to helping our dc offical forum server admins handle "problem" players more effectively.

admins: The name I used was "just a quick break..." (hoping that would remind me to turn the damn game off after 1 map and get back to work. :) ) Also, my IP can be sent to any admin that needs it for verification.

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:59 am

Yep I was there, screwing around mostly... since it was late at night :D

I wasn't the one who got you though, I'll let him explain it...

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Postby Harry Canyon » Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:27 pm


Well, I thought you might have been cheating...seems you were finding me in some interesting places.

I may have jumped to conclusions that might not have been right. :help:

Sorry about that......

I fixed the ban. See ya back on the server soon, I hope. :D


Postby CrazyBri » Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:56 pm

Well it's a shame you felt that way and that was the reason for the kick. However, I'm glad you were honest about this though and I appreciate the apology. I know you guys have a lot of trouble to deal with and cheating can get out of hand but I just hope you're aware of how easy it can be to assume the wrong things about a player when paranoia levels are high.

I'd like to give you my perspective of what happened before I knifed you since that seemed to be the final event that proved my alleged guilt. I was walking up the main road to the middle hill on Kharkov as I noticed the flag turned grey and I heard an mp40 go off. There are 3 spots for that flag that I consider to be the most popular hiding places. The first is the middle building. I saw no movement whatsoever behind the entrance and windows to that building as I got to the top of the hill. So I quickly jumped over to the east side to see if anybody was hiding along the edge of the east house or behind the sandbags .(the 3rd hiding spot is on the west side below the hill where you can cap the flag without exposing your head to the enemy on the top of the hill)

Even knowing that that is a major hiding place I was still taken off guard when I saw you laying prone so close to where I jumped. So I had to quickly jump back behind the sandbags, switch to my knife (well I didn't have to do that ;) ) and then jump back and go for the kill.

Also it seems you forgot about the incident where I was trying to take my panzer to safety on the southwest ledge of the hill after it had been badly damaged. ;) I jumped out to repair it assuming nobody would be in that area (why would an enemy be all the way over there when their team didnt have the flag capped and the total amount of players on server was low?) Well it seems I picked the worst place at the worst time as you came from the far south part of the ledge and shot me while I was reparing and then took the tank of course. My reply was something along the lines of "omg" "wonderful". Because that was the worst thing that could have happened and the last thing I ever expected. :D

Sorry for the novel but I just wanted you to hear my side. I would be lying to you if I said I had never wrongly accused somebody of cheating so I hope you don't think I hold anything against you for this. :beer:

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Fri Jan 30, 2004 6:46 pm

Do you have TS? You should get on with us sometime, we were having a great time last night messing around...

And I usually cap flags, I was just playing the clueless sniper role and trying to kill Harry (successfully :D )...

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Postby Harry Canyon » Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:04 pm

Thanks for the info.

Lately, it's been busy for us admins with the people using the 'training tools' (yeah, right) out there. It's very easy to assume the cheats first, especially at that late hour. Many of us have been either kicking or banning if it's assumed, then let the come on the forums to explain themselves. A very small percentage actually come back to say anything.

Sorry again about that...have a
:beer: or two on me. :D

And get on the TS channel with us...nothing like fighting with 64 players on the game AND TS!!!

P.S LOL, forgot about the Panzer!!! I can be a sneaky bastage!!!


Postby CrazyBri » Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:54 pm

I don't have a decent mic but I plan to get one when I order some new PC parts soon( since i dont use headphones anymore I'm worried about what type of mic or headset i should get that would keep surround sound speakers from interferring). I still plan to join the TS channel though so I have a better understanding of what is going on during the crazy 64 player battles instead of relying on chat lag and radio commands. :) I definitely need to grab the software and read those FAQs about setting it up so I can see the fun I'm missing out on.

Wrist even when you're supposedly messing around you're still playing much better than many pub players at their best and that goes for capping flags too. ;) At one point we had a guy dropping exp packs in our uncappable base where the player spawn points are located. There were also 2 tanks about 15-30 feet away shelling us nonstop. There were no flags to spawn at unfortunately, so I went to freecam to find where Wrist was because I knew he would help if I asked. Sure enough, I asked him if he could bail us out by capping the flag and he did. :cool:

BTW, I've flown with you guys a decent amount of times on the server and either you guys have cleared my six when I was in trouble or you were the one getting me in trouble when you blew me out of the sky (i think i remember wrist being nasty in zero and harry in the spit). Flying is what I love the most in this game and it's definitely a major challenge on your server due to the abundance of great pilots and relentless ground fire. This is yet another good reason for me to get on the TS channel.

Harry thanks for those beers :D *gulp* I hope to be on the server again soon and I'll be watching my back more often when I pull out that wrench for my panzer hehe


Postby Bullhead » Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:18 pm

CrazyBri, a few randow thoughts:

1. Get TS immediately, even if you have no mic. Set it all up, and when you connect, you can go to "self->Mute Microphone" to let others know that you can hear, but not talk. This is HUGE, since you can not only get to hear all the info being thrown around in TS, but actually respond via in-game commands (i.e. someone calls out for air support at a flag, but specific, like "Panzer at North flag, on the hill", and you, in a plane, hit F1-F1 "Roger that" and come in and wate the guy). Also, you'll get to hear all the late-night silliness on there, as well as get a feel for how TS is best used.

2.Whenever you get a mic, MAKE SURE TO TURN OFF VOICE ACTIVATION. It's easy, and saves everyone else from alot of aggrevation, and keeps you from getting kicked outta TS !

3. One of our regs, Rondeau, came up with a nifty util so you can use speakers with TS... to quote Ryan:

There is also a nice utility for those players without headphones. Below is an excerpt of a tool that is handy if you do not have a headset available for your gaming pleasure

"I play with speakers, not headphones.

Unfortunately, the background noises in BF1942 make it hard to transmit in Teamspeak.

I wrote a utility to help. It mutes the Master volume to a pre-selectable level whenever you press your PTT key.

If you are interested you can get it at

Just match the hotkey selection in my utility to the PTT key you use in Teamspeak. (sorry but it does not save your selection)

Please let me know if it is helpful...
(SRM) Rondeau"

Post any concerns/probs in the BF1942 forum....

Welcome Aboard! :beer:


Postby CrazyBri » Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:16 pm

Bullhead thanks for the great info! I will definitely use your advice. =)


Postby Bullhead » Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:17 pm

Originally posted by Pvt. Boisclair
HAHA! Look what I found! :lol:

Looks like being banned is becoming a form of initiation. :rotflmao:

Only for smackers :P


Postby CrazyBri » Sat Mar 27, 2004 4:45 am

Boisclair + free time + search button = dangerous! :flame:

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