Kicked and banned...mistake?

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Kicked and banned...mistake?

Postby Relativity » Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:09 am


I was playing on ECGN #1 Feb 4, at around 4:30 EST I got warning. I logged back in, asked why for a few minutes and finally was told I tked Tek while he was on the carrier. Only problem was, HE was playing Axis, I was playing Allies...far as my understanding of the rules go, you have to play on the SAME team to tk. When I tried to point that out, I got a permanent ban...

I've never intentionally tked EVER, and I wasn't even in playing the same team, let alone anywhere near the carrier (which I would assume was off somewhere out of reach of the allies except planes).

Anyway, Tek claimed he had taken a screenshot of the offending kill, I certainly would appreciate seeing it, since I was actually having alot of fun on that server (and not doing all that bad either, I might add).

=General Relativity=:confused:

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Postby tek » Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:14 am

Your name above your lil head was red.. I just got into the server, poped up on the carrier was prone laying on the deck waiting for a plane.. you spawned in and capped me in the face.. you and orion in fact were just kicking it shooting anyone who came on the deck..

As far as I am concerned the ban is in place and just. Post your CD Key Hash up on the forums and maybe in a week I'll remove it. Might be sooner, might be later.. I'll let that ride on your responce.



Postby Relativity » Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:21 am

My response is that whoever was running around spawn team killing definitely deserves to get banned....just that it wasn't me. I was playing allies, wasn't near the carrier, and was right in the middle of trying to take an axis base when you kicked me. If you have a screenshot, check the name, see if it's something besides =General Relativity=. Somebody's running around tking that *isn't* banned, while I am. Don't you guys have logs also?


Postby Relativity » Thu Feb 05, 2004 1:07 am

Well, I'm still wondering if we're just leaving it that I'm a tker and that's the end of it. Tek, did you look at the stats for that game? You say that Orion was also playing Axis was "just kicking it shooting anyone who came on the deck" but he had a decent score playing Allies, has a low overall tk score (2) and wasn't kicked (obviously I'm not listed on that game.)

I also noticed there were two Axis players named tony and remorse who had 6 and 7 tks respectively and 0 it possible they were using some hack that spoofs other player names? Does anyone know if such a hack exists?

Can somebody please investigate my ban? I really would like to play on this server again...look at my stats, I was ranked 125 by the time I got banned (6 rounds played). Also check two games before that, Telemark I got a medal out of 35 ppl and 0 tks...why would I suddenly go on a tk spree a couple of games later? Again, I have never once intentionally tked (not even for revenge). I have been playing since BF1942 was released, and this is one of the best servers I have played on (until this happened of course) It's only my love of this game that makes me treat this allegation so's not just whether I can "maybe" get unbanned, I don't want to be branded something I'm not (and which I hate). I think any ECGN member would feel the same if this happened to them.

General Relativity

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Postby tek » Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:49 am

Perhaps you need to re-read my reply.

Once you do as my previous reply requested. We will look into things. Until then, there is nothing we can do.



Postby Dakana » Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:00 pm

Why don't we just check the logs and see if he really TKed or not.

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Postby tek » Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:59 pm

This issue has already been resolved.

Thread closed.

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