Coral Sea (and other maps) and Complainers

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The Nazinator

Coral Sea (and other maps) and Complainers

Postby The Nazinator » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:49 am

I've seen the type of behavior below on other maps, but last night's experience on Coral Sea stands out:

Playing Coral Sea around 11pm, I was on Allies. Reading chat AND on TS noticed that we had lots of complainers, on both teams. People who said things like "This map sucks," "Don't repair the carrier, let's just lose and get it over with..." and various other negative comments. This was not 1 or 2 people, more like 7-10.

My question is, if you hate the map, why the hell are you playing? Take a 20min break for Chrissakes! No one is forcing you to stay on the server for a map you don't like! I'd like to play a map and not lose right of the bat 'cause my team is a bunch of defeatists that don't like the map we're playing.

And to admins, wouldn't this be a potentially kickable offense, especially on a full server? You have people playing a map they don't want to play, and therefore not trying hard, or at all; while potentially people that DO want to play are waiting to get onto the server (just as bad as wasting resources.)

People, save your b!tching about maps for the forums, and when you get on the server, no matter what the map rotation, actually try and win the game.


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Postby residue » Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:27 pm

i think this is very similar to the situation on difficult maps when one side can't cross a bridge, assault a hill, etc. people, regulars included, then decide to snipe because they feel it's hopeless to even try for the rest of the round.

which brings up an interesting event about a year ago. i was playing axis on omg. i think i was 3-3-22 because i was the only person on the entire team trying to cross the bridges. naturally, i was mowed down almost every time because 10 guys were waiting for me on the other side. i heard kristov and colt on ts discussing how pathetic i must be to have such a low score and i, along with other bottom dwellers, was soon kicked from the server.

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Postby JimmyTango » Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:39 pm

That is pathetic. You should have gotten a 1 month ban, at the least!!!!

Certain maps I do not bother to 'play.'

OMG: If I am axis, i refuse to do anything but AA guns. It is a horribly designed map, plain and simple.

Coral Sea: AA guns and engineer only(and kill anyone who gets on our carrier). I do not fly, so why bother trying?

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Postby Harry Canyon » Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:43 pm

Oh yeah..

Seems the number of 'complainers' has risen lately. I could be accused of this at times. I've been trying to resist the urge to complain on TS, but I've heard way too many others complaining. It's been so bad lately that I've been hardly playing at all.

Remember people, this isn't just a 'regs and admins' server, this is a public server. You can't expect a BOTR match quality game EVERY GAME!! Us admins can't (or shouldn't) kick players just because they're not playing the game in the manner that we might wish them to. Or, kick players in planes or tanks just because someone else we know might be able to use the things better. The best we can do it try to make it fun for EVERYONE, not just the 'regs and admins'.

Just play the game and try to help your team to win...thats all I would expect from anyone.

The Nazinator

Postby The Nazinator » Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:07 pm

Originally posted by JimmyTango
That is pathetic. You should have gotten a 1 month ban, at the least!!!!

Certain maps I do not bother to 'play.'

OMG: If I am axis, i refuse to do anything but AA guns. It is a horribly designed map, plain and simple.

Coral Sea: AA guns and engineer only(and kill anyone who gets on our carrier). I do not fly, so why bother trying?

Jimmy, at least you're contributing to the team in the above examples.

I'm talking about the people who made the comments last night on TS to the effect of "Let's just lose and get this map over with, don't repair the carrier" (yes there were TS'ers that said DON'T repair the carrier.) IMHO, not liking a map like CS or OMG and playing AA all map because of it is one thing, intentionally TRYING to lose to get the map over with is another...

The Nazinator

Postby The Nazinator » Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:20 pm

Originally posted by Harry Canyon
Oh yeah..

Seems the number of 'complainers' has risen lately. I could be accused of this at times. I've been trying to resist the urge to complain on TS, but I've heard way too many others complaining. It's been so bad lately that I've been hardly playing at all.

Remember people, this isn't just a 'regs and admins' server, this is a public server. You can't expect a BOTR match quality game EVERY GAME!! Us admins can't (or shouldn't) kick players just because they're not playing the game in the manner that we might wish them to. Or, kick players in planes or tanks just because someone else we know might be able to use the things better. The best we can do it try to make it fun for EVERYONE, not just the 'regs and admins'.

Just play the game and try to help your team to win...thats all I would expect from anyone.

Roger that Harry, sometimes I lose my desire to play with all the complainers. I'm not the best player, but I try hard. At times, I feel if I don't play as well as some other regs, I'm likely to get labeled on TS as a smacktard (and this has happened in the past.)

I lost count of the times on ECGN that my team was doing well, then we lose a crucial flag (like the nest on Eagle's Nest) and all goes downhill. TS lights up with regs talking about smacktards this, smacktards that, "why didn't any morons stay back and defend?" blah blah blah. Usually coming from people who WEREN'T staying back and defending, but up front trying to get in on the action.

It's amazing that seemingly randomly, one night TS will be a model of how Voice Comm really works to improve teamwork and the flow of the game, while other nights, it's just turns into an all-out b!tch session. I think some folks see TS not as a strategic tool, but as another means to gripe and report bad play. Like I said in the original post people, save the whining about maps, players, smactards, etc, for this forum, use TS for what it mas meant for.


Postby Bagginses » Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:57 pm

Last night on Santo Croce, the teams were off, the Allies couldn't get out of their base and were essentially getting their asses torn a new one, so I just quit until the next map started. Whenever a situation arises where there's not much hope, I just hop out, take a break, and wait for the next map to start. It's too much effort to start complaining about all the things that are going wrong.


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Postby FarginMofo » Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:03 pm

People have been complaining about Coral Sea since day 1. I haven't heard "let the ship sink" in quite a long time though.

As far as complaining goes - yes, there is too much of it. The word smacktard and others are over used and old. I admit, I do bitch about one thing, mostly on the forums though, and thats about lack of D. I hate to see good games end in routs because no one protected key flags.

Last nights arbedeen is a perfect example. Allies are currently winning the map by holding 3 flags to 2. I'm in the def gun shelling an axis flag. I use scout spots to find a sweet spot and then I switch over to the 3rd person front view (f10) to eyeball the front of the base for any incoming enemy tanks while continuing to shoot the gun on that fixed spot. However, I can't see the entire front of the base plus I have to keep switching views back to the spot every once in a while to see what is going on. So, what happens? One axis foot soldier (scout I think) is able to sneak into main. As soon as I hear ("We're losing contact....") and I see our main flag neutral I jump out of the def gun and run towards the flag. What do I see? I see one axis standing calmly right next to the flag pole like he was reading the paper or something. I tried to line him up for a shot but he saw me and darted over to a sherman standing a few feet away. I was dead meat. Base lost.

Soon we were down to 2 bases and about to be down to one when someone on our team managed to steal their main. The tide turned and we won. Exciting - yes. But 9 out of 10 games like this usually end in complete routs.

So to all the players out there whether “reg” or not, TS or no TS, when your team gets beat down because of lack of D at key flags, instead of bitching about it here is what you do. The next time that map comes up play D at the base that cost you the game. Maybe things will go different.
"Well, we're not just gonna let you walk out of here."
"Who's we sucka!?"
"Smith and Wesson and me."


Postby AnimalCracka » Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:16 pm

Yep, recently Ive heard alot of bitching on ts about how nobody is playing defense and its usually comin from the same people that dont ever play defense. I dont expect alot from the normal people on the server, but the regs should do whats needed to be done to win and that usually means not padding stats. "Offense sells tickets....defense wins championships".

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:22 pm

Good point fargin... talk is cheap, what will you do to help the situation... like last night, when eagle's nest came up, I was tired of seeing 1 or 2 infantry come up and take the nest... so instead of my usual spot on the hill in a sturm, I went assault to guard the ONE place that infantry goes to get into position to climb the hill...

With some help from animal and a couple of others, the nest was ours for the whole map... mission accomplished...

As far as coral sea, if there's TS guys saying not to repair the ship and lose, that's a problem IMO... no you can't tell them how to play, but them trying to do that is ruining other people's games who actually do want to play. I would suggest to those that don't want to play Coral Sea to not play it, not sabotage it for the rest of the players, because it's not going anywhere.

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Postby Buliwyf » Tue Feb 24, 2004 3:45 pm

I said it once I will say it again, the key to that map is the AA. Get on as many AA points as possible and hold those points, and the enemy planes are in trouble.
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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Tue Feb 24, 2004 7:33 pm

Originally posted by Rule of Wrist
Good point fargin... talk is cheap, what will you do to help the situation... like last night, when eagle's nest came up, I was tired of seeing 1 or 2 infantry come up and take the nest... so instead of my usual spot on the hill in a sturm, I went assault to guard the ONE place that infantry goes to get into position to climb the hill...

With some help from animal and a couple of others, the nest was ours for the whole map... mission accomplished...

Regarding this, once it got boring up there, you all could take turns going down to the action. :) When you die you spawn back at the top and the next person goes. ;)

Originally posted by Rule of Wrist

As far as coral sea, if there's TS guys saying not to repair the ship and lose, that's a problem IMO... no you can't tell them how to play, but them trying to do that is ruining other people's games who actually do want to play. I would suggest to those that don't want to play Coral Sea to not play it, not sabotage it for the rest of the players, because it's not going anywhere.

This is worse than cheating or being a :tard:! :mad: If you don't like the map...TAKE A BREAK...and let people who do enjoy the map, play. Don't ruin everyone else's fun! :(
There are very few maps that I do not enjoy and I don't want to hear about your disdain for the map in game or hear it on TS. This is one of the reasons I do not enjoy playing lately. :( It's a REAL DOWNER listening to all the complaints. :freak:


Postby Xythar » Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:04 pm

I was on the Allies TS last night on Coral Sea. I agree their was little effort by the allies to repair the ship, and I totally agree with Rules post. The complaining wasn't bad the first round when the allies got KILLED.

But an admin restarted the map just to get our asses kicked again. I spent the majority of time under the deck repairing and watching for pirates. After the map was manually restarted, the entire TS channel was PISSED OFF. I just shut off TS after a bit because there was little to no in-game strategizing.

At least Aberdeen was 1000000000000000000x better :D


Postby AnimalCracka » Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:06 pm

Originally posted by Wairudo Enjin
It's a [B]REAL DOWNER listening to all the complaints. :freak: [/B]

Roger that Enjin. Alot of the new TS'ers bitch and moan continuously. It starts to grate on ya after a while.:(


Postby the_slog » Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:07 pm

Just do other stuff on Coral Sea. Here is a list of things I do on Coral:

1) Bazooka AA: Nothing is more fun than taking out those water skimming ships with a bazooka as they try to strafe your ship. (note: stat whores need not apply since you will end up with 4 kills and 15 deaths)

2) L33t Sniporz - Hitch a ride and snipe those plane camperz!!!

3) Anti L33t Sniporz - Go hunt Fat Bastard who always seems to do #2.

4) Hostile AA take overs. Nothing more fun than flaking planes as they take off.

5) Anti-Hostile AA takeovers. - Self explanatory.


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