whats up?

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whats up?

Postby liQUiD8OR » Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:19 am

i was having fun on your server sat night until i was attacked by several of your members when the server admin accused me of trying to start an argument. in all actuallity i was only defending myself from ECGN members who were trying to make sport of me. i was muted and then kicked.

most of the members of ecgn were on the teams opposite of mine for a few matches and the rounds werent going their way so they proceded to call everyone noobs and said that anyone using an m60 sucked.

first i was called a spammer and a camper and basicaly taunted by members of ecgn, after which i was called a "stupid noob" because i was using an m60.

im only on the game to have fun, and i admit i got short with one of your players early in night but i dropped it and didnt say anything else.

that is why i dont understand the behaviour of people in your clan who basically abuse the rights they have been given.

it is my understanding that being in ECGN is a privelege and not a right.

anyways i know im not perfect and like i said im only there to have fun like most other people, which is why i dont appreciate being treated in that manner... anyways just wanted to get it off my chest.




Postby liQUiD8OR » Sun Mar 21, 2004 4:48 am

i fail to see the importance of how i pick the team i like. what is it with you anyways? youre constantly on to everyone about how people are on a certain team or play with a certain weapon.... whats with that?

and boisclair when you include everyone on a team in one of your remarks, thats hardly "giving him a hard time about it" thats giving everyone a hard time and that is why i said something, because quite frankly i was tired of hearing you moan about it.

you dont like the way i play, fine. im a camper im a noob im stupid i suck i spam im american too much i use m60s too much..... whatever.

all i know is i wasnt breaking any rules when i got kicked i wasnt breaking any rules when i was muted. so whats up?

riddle me this....

how was i kicked for making a smart remark when i was muted for half a round , from the begining, before i was kicked? your account of these events lends you little credence...

i wont be posting another reply to this thread so i wouldnt bother replying..... ill be seeing you on the server and serving you some hot m60s rounds, which is something im sure you wil enjoy. :)

have a nice day


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Postby Chacal » Sun Mar 21, 2004 10:10 am


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Postby Bagginses » Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:01 pm

3- Team Jumping: uneven teams can quickly take the fun out of a game. Jumping to the other team after the game has started can cause even more unbalance.Of course, jumping TO the undermanned or the losing team is always acceptable. Also, when you join a server, always check teams before you spawn and don't select the one that's already winning or already overmanned. Frankly, we don't care if you'd rather play Allied or Axis. What matters is helping whatever team you happen to be on.

That's straight from the rules. Every single time I've played this game, the US at the start of the map, always has more players. You can't come on and play as one team every single time. You have to make compromises. My understanding of the team jumping rule is that it is only allowed when jumping to an undermanned team. If all you want to do is sit around and waste people with an M60 every time you play, there are plenty of servers you can play on where you'll actually get more kills than you would here.



Postby CrazyBri » Sun Mar 21, 2004 3:55 pm

Originally posted by liQUiD8OR
i fail to see the importance of how i pick the team i like. what is it with you anyways? youre constantly on to everyone about how people are on a certain team or play with a certain weapon.... whats with that?

Uggghhhh!! I will back up Boisclair completely on this. We even had regulars who were abusing this and it was very annoying.

Do you know how fun it is to have to hit suicide right after you spawn in order to switch to the other team because of guys like you how think they should go to their preferred team at every map start?

Bagginses said it perfectly in his last post btw.

I'm afraid if there are ever stats setup for ECGN #2, this problem, as bad as it is now, could get a lot worse. (unless of course a patch comes out that addresses the issues)

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Postby Ryan » Sun Mar 21, 2004 3:56 pm

Originally posted by Pvt. Boisclair
riddle me this...



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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Sun Mar 21, 2004 7:10 pm

Liquid I did ask you to drop your abusive language earlier in the night and you did. (Thanks) Then later in the night I recall that you started it up again:( I am not to sure why you were kicked, but I am sure that it had to do with you truculent attitude. Can we all just get along now? Thanks have a nice day.
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Postby Bossman » Sun Mar 21, 2004 11:34 pm

I called you a spammer after you spent the final few minutes of the game sitting on the third floor above the NVC spawn point (don't recall the map) lobbing grenades everytime someone spawned. You got me 4 or 5 times. I don't mind getting killed often, not even by someone who wants to use the M60, but spamming imho is just a tactic to run up your score. If you were interested in helping your team you would have some down and tried to cap the flag. I don't know who "taunted you", but I will stand by what I said, you were spamming.


Postby liQUiD8OR » Tue Mar 23, 2004 2:53 pm

if you arent competent enough to TRY to avoid getting shot, youre just making up excuses for your own lack of ability.... TRY NOT TO DIE. this isnt bf 1942, youre not going to run and dance around like a chicken with its head cut off and not get shot.....

nerfing a weapon isnt going to make it any easier. besides, even if the m60 were to be nerfed, what would you complain about next? how about we just all run around with clubs and knives, does that sound like fun? im sure some of you would enjoy that judging by your knife club... ahh how easy some people are to amuse. interesting how easy they cry about others....

and skill ive got lots of skill...
i can sit all day and kick ass with a VC engineer gun, or i can sit all day and kick ass with an m60. makes no diffrence to me.

there are no bad tools only bad craftsmen.... keep that in mind next time you run out into the open and get wasted by an m60 (or any gun for that matter)

boisman whats with this cutting and pasting one remark out of a whole conversation... judging by your erratic behaviour i would say youre trying to make it look like im the one who sarted crying about m60s...
just goes to show you how self righteous some people can be. he even believes its my fault hes a crybaby.

devildog what you call "abusive language" includes what and what??
i have personally witnessed several ecgn members and even an admin using abusive language towards people non-ecgn on a daily basis....

explain this, i wasnt using profanity and i wasnt singling anyone out, so would you care to explain yourself? im interested in knowing why i was kicked because there could be some admin abuse issues that need to be dealt with. another thing, i dont quite understand this blind defense of ecgn members. if you see that they are starting something, how is it you jump on the non-ecgn before you try to correct the regular? you know what that is called dont you?

i have just as much a right to state my opinion as the next person as long as i am not infringing on their rights, which i did not.... my suggestion to your admins is that they behave like admins and not hooligans because it shows your entire community in a bad light.

anyways have a nice day and see you in the jungles.


Postby Murgatroyd » Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:19 pm

Don't be dissin' the knife club.

Knife 4 life, weez be l33t.

So what if I'm easily amused? Doubt I'd be playing Vietnam if I wasn't... ;)

I also say nerf the M60, but it's in the game and I don't blame people if they use it. Check the other threads, it's a more dynamic discussion than just 'nerf the M60'.

If you check the thread, DD sited your "truculent attitude", not anything specifically profane. It's understandable that they don't want people being confrontational on the chat, it's distracting, can get ugly, and in essence, nothing but spam.

I was there that night, and you were saying some incindiary things. It would have happened to a regular as well, it has happened to regulars in the past, plenty of times. I can tell you from personal experience, that the ECGN admins take no preference for regulars.

I also remember that you were totally wrecking people that night too (myself included), and weren't acting like a smacker in-game, but just saying some incindiary things on the chat, which you continue to do on this forum, proving Devil Dog's point.

My advice would be to chill out, let bygones be bygones, read the gameplay rules, and have a good time.


Postby Bagginses » Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:37 pm

If you're walking down the street and you see a group of your friends having an argument with a stranger, who are you going to side with first? Your friends, or the stranger? I think someone should just dig up the chat log and get this straightened out.


Ralph Wiggum

Postby Ralph Wiggum » Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:48 pm

I was on an remember it started with the ragging on the M60 (which we all agree is a little much, but yet somehow can't put down). Then Liquidator started talking about the railgun in Doom II and it went downhill from there.

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Tue Mar 23, 2004 7:00 pm

Originally posted by liQUiD8OR

devildog what you call "abusive language" includes what and what??
i have personally witnessed several ecgn members and even an admin using abusive language towards people non-ecgn on a daily basis....

explain this, i wasnt using profanity and i wasnt singling anyone out, so would you care to explain yourself? im interested in knowing why i was kicked because there could be some admin abuse issues that need to be dealt with. another thing, i dont quite understand this blind defense of ecgn members. if you see that they are starting something, how is it you jump on the non-ecgn before you try to correct the regular? you know what that is called dont you?


First, I would like to know which admins are verbally abusing players. I find this very hard to believe. As to why I didn’t take your side. It wasn’t because they were ECGN it was because you were being a problem on chat. I have kicked ECGN members for the same thing, which by the way I didn’t do to you. If there are 36 players in game and you are arguing with 7-8 of them. Who is the problem here? All I did was ask you to quit arguing and play the game, which you did for awhile. Thank you once again. Then later in the night you started up again. The in game chat is not the time to argue over the mechanics of the game, and then move on to more personal issues. This is when you were kicked. Once again, I did not do it. In fact I was just going to type that you were a good player? Before you started your incendiary torrent again...People get sick of it kind of like I am with this thread.

Liquid, it was only a kick please get over it. You are not helping your case any here. Come play but try not to be so contentious, and have a good time.
" We are not retreating. We are attacking in a different direction" Chesty Puller...USMC



Postby liQUiD8OR » Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:08 am

its all good. see you in the jungle!!!

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