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Rant About Smacktards!

Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:59 pm

I was just on #1, and there were no admins on. I'm not whining about that, but here's what I'm mad about.

First off: It's Wake Island. I spawn on the carrier and get an SBD. I take off without a hitch and take down defguns, AA, tanks, etc. WE get the airfield and start advancing. With both planes up in the air, there are still around 7-8 people running around on our carrier. "NO PLANES ARE GOING TO SPAWN SO GET OFF THE CARRIER" I say. No response. Anyway, eventually I'm flying along and a friendly Corsair rams me, and I get a negative score as well as die. SO I spawn on the carrier to get my SBD back. There are two people on there. One begins shooting at me with a Garand. Then the plane spawns. I hop in and start getting Garand fire. The other jumps in and starts shooting my tail. "STOP OR YOU WILL BE BANNED" I say, and he hops out. So all is well, but I get flakked after a bombing. No big deal, land at the airfield and repair, right? WRONG! I land and start getting small arms fire. "AH, ya killin me here!" tells me it's friendly. I say "I'M FRIENDLY" in text, but still I get shot at, even by coaxial MG. Still, I actually get a friendly to help me repair. I hop in and start backing up, and get out as a friendly Corsair drops a bomb right by me. I keep repairing, and OF COURSE! Somebody jumps in and starts taking off. SO I exit battlefield and take serveral deep breaths, and then write this thread. And here I am, still pissed. SMACKERS!

:ar15: :tard:
:ar15: :tard:
:ar15: :tard:
:ar15: :tard:
:ar15: :tard:
:wall: :wall: :wall:

Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:42 pm


That is an interesting and detailed story. All I can say is I feel your pain. Rammin your head against a brick wall wont help though.:) :beer:

Wed Mar 10, 2004 8:58 pm

If you provide some photo evidence next time...:help: Maybe an admin might be willing to open up some whoopass on the BAN button:D

Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:03 pm

i think you are referring to midway.

Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:15 pm

The smackers seem to be uprising as of late....we must exterminate!

Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:56 pm

The smacktard photoalbum thread is your friend. This would have made a very nice entry. :D

Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:37 am

Check out teamspeak channels, there might be an admin available on the other team or in "Church". I'm sure one would stop by.
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