This forum is used for questioning why you were banned or kicked from official ECGN servers. Posts anywhere else will be deleted, keep them in here.


Postby CapriccioSCOURG » Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:06 pm

I've been a regular to the #1 server since early summer (under a different username until a few months ago). It's the best server I can find; great pings and I like the set up with friendly fire, the perfect ticket amounts, and the skilled players that frequent the server. Enough ass-kissing though . . .

So, despite all that I'm quite peeved to learn that it seems I've been banned from the server. I may know why, in fact. Yesterday, November 28th, while playing Gazala I took an artillery piece up onto a hill to shoot at the north most base, by the time I got on the hill the flag had gone neutral and there were team members in the process of capturing it, I failed to notice this and got off two shots, killing at least two people (possibly more) before realizing what I'd done. I yelled my "sorry!" and switched aim towards an enemy tank coming up the road to the flag. Before I knew it, I was kicked.

Fair enough. Team killing is a no-no, and I did something moronic. But I took it as a warning, and intended to enjoy the rest of my free time by playing Battlefield, so I rejoined the server . . . only to be kicked again. Now I was quite pissed and maybe even amused. So I rejoined again, only to be kicked within a few minutes. I must have rejoined at least 20 times or so, all the while trying to enjoy myself and get in some kills for the team.

After awhile I only gave up because the server became full. So, I got up and did something else. I returned later last night to play some more, and I wasn't kicked.

I've played off an on for a few hours today, doing quite well. I played as a medic on Kurusk and made it my duty to heal anyone and everyone I saw injured to make up for any wrong I had done the day before. No lie. I still managed to get 5th place for that game, and the next game on Market Garden I placed first while on Allies, scoring 45 points and only dieing ONCE. That was fun. So, the map changes to Omaha Beach and everyone's having a good time. After about 5 minutes and my team, the Allies, are trying to break the shell of the German defenses. I die a few times in mindless assaults up the hills and notice we only have 1 other sniper, so I decide to switch roles and get in some support fire. I climb one of the side hills and start sniping, I get two shots in before I'm kicked again.

"Hmm." So . . . I try to rejoin the server and find I can't. "Unable to join server" the box says. I refresh the server with All Seeing Eye a bit, to make sure the server isn't just off line or it isn't locked for clan play or something. No such thing, and it seems I'm banned.

So the long exposition is just myself, a regular to the server (and a pretty good player, I think I can say while remaining modest), wishing to know which admin has decided to kick me, and then seemingly ban me, and why they have done it. Am I really in the wrong here? Everyone makes mistakes, I'm sure most of the server regulars can say I'm not rude or a smacktard or an ass most of the time. But if not, I'd like to know what people see is wrong with my behavior.

Thank you.

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Postby WeSSiN » Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:22 pm

Well I was playing that game when I noticed EIGHT snipers on our team (allied). That got me a bit mad until I noticed a bunch of "******* banned for sniper over-population".

Where did you get the idea there was only one?


Postby CapriccioSCOURG » Sat Nov 29, 2003 8:28 pm

Possibly they had all been dead when I selected scout. But after dieing it said there was only one Active Scout, and there were plenty of Active Assualt and Active Medic. I could have possibly read it wrong, and there were 7 scouts. Or all of us spawned at once. I'm rarely scout on that map in any case.

I didn't know you could be banned for being a certain class though. As far as I know I've never seen that happen before on the server. And it's not in the server rules. Ah well, if that is indeed the case (and I'm not sure it is) then I only wish to know when I shall be unbanned. Thanks for the info.

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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Sat Nov 29, 2003 9:51 pm

It was me who handed out the temp ban on Omaha. When I started there were actually 11 snipors. You got caught in the net. It was only a 30 min ban so you should be able to get back on now. :)

Omaha and Market Garden are the two maps where I'll make sure that we don't have too many snipors.

Get TeamSpeak. :) It helps stop issues like this before they start.

Edit: I don't know who was kicking you the other day.


Postby CapriccioSCOURG » Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:25 pm

Yeah, I got back in. Sorry for the inconvenience. I have teamspeak, but I don't know the server's channel.

I'll look around and see if I can't find it around the site though. Thanks for the advice.

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Postby Chacal » Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:48 pm

Channel is BF#1 (first one at the top)

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Gandhi: "I think it would be a great idea."[/color][/SIZE]


Postby CapriccioSCOURG » Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:52 pm

Yep, I found the original thread. Thanks though. I'll try out soon.

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