24/7 beach

This forum is used for questioning why you were banned or kicked from official ECGN servers. Posts anywhere else will be deleted, keep them in here.

24/7 beach

Postby AstroCreep » Thu Dec 11, 2003 7:38 am

ok, stop the whining already.. jesus. they try and fix the server so people cant use wallhacks.. that most people been complaining about. now or course.. their bitching about punk buster, and low airstrike times and dyno exploding all over. shut up!!, damn all i see it yelling and complaining enough is enough, the server is free and they cant please everyone. how u think that makes them feel, they fix most of the complaints and u people still bitch. bitch about panzers so they lower the panzer amount, and still yell about panzers, my god people get a life and grow up already, and be happy u can play here for free. if u want to bitch rent ur own server and have a bitching contest on it lamerz...


Postby Slaughter » Thu Dec 11, 2003 8:50 pm

umm ok.......cough cough


Postby AstroCreep » Thu Dec 11, 2003 9:37 pm

wow very insightful reply, if just a few lame remarks are your thing then please go the The Tickle Me Elmo forums


Postby Slaughter » Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:27 pm

ok and your smart for starting a thread about it, I got a present for u 2 bullets to your head on beach and whats your in-game name????, I'll be waiting for ya

Thats how I bitch on the beach shooting my mp40

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