When does the bot kick?

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When does the bot kick?

Postby Vamprey » Wed Dec 17, 2003 1:12 pm

I thought there were 3 times the bot would get people.
1. -5 or worse
2. high ping
3. 4 consecutive tk

I am wondering about #3 specifically. Last night around 11pm CST a guy tk'd about ~14-15 people (axis main) on karkov. The bot only got him after his score went negative. Should he have got the bot boot sooner?

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Postby Ryan » Wed Dec 17, 2003 2:30 pm

The bot will kick you on -6. I know some people get a decent score, and then TK like crazy, but the bot can't distinguish.


Postby Bagginses » Wed Dec 17, 2003 3:40 pm

Yeah, I think it was a guy named Warhammer. He got his score up to 21, then started TKing everybody. It took forever for the bot to finally catch him.


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