Just wondering if the server rules apply to admins?

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Postby Matt174e » Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:54 pm

I'm sorry to say, but this is the dumbest reason I ever heard for a player to be kicked. If you look at Dooms sig you'll notice that it's very hard to see in the barn and a sniper probally wouldn't see the APC, if he used the MG attached to the barn he's a dead target. Also, planes wouldn't be able to kill the APC so eaisily from in there, nor can tanks from the Middle flag. Players shouldn't be kicked for not playing the way you expect them to.

Admins, you're doing a good job... but this is ridiculous.
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Postby hightimber » Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:33 pm

Originally posted by {CN}Doomfarer
Admins are not constrained to just following the rules blindly. We are allowed a degree of lattitude in order to keep the server playing smoothly and enjoyably for the majority of players.
I think this 'fuzzy' part of admin'ing is what makes ECGN the high-quality place to play that it is.

The admins do a fantastic job 99% of the time. Remember these guys are unpaid and perform these functions at the sacrifice of their own gaming opportunities and for the betterment of your game playing experience.

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Postby residue » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:25 pm

i believe on that map, axis only had the west flag. the team only gets 2 tigers (which take a while to respawn), a kubel and a jeep. vehicles are at a premium.

there was no need to have the kubel in the barn because we already had a stolen apc behind the barn to hit planes. if the tickets are counting down, it doesn't matter how many infantry you pick off at the windmill. the priority is to get another flag.

do we need a written rule to tell people that a team doesn't need 10+ snipers on any map?
do we need a written rule to tell people not to idle all round?
do we need a written rule not to use armor as artillery?
do we need a written rule not to drive ships off the map?
the list is endless.

the bottom line is that ignorant behavior can quickly ruin a map for the entire team. get teamspeak, pay attention to chat messages and actually THINK about how you can help your team.

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Postby Harry Canyon » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:43 pm

AS you can tell from the other player's posting...it seems that parking an APC inside the barn is a bad idea. I saw you in there for about 15 minutes before I decided to get your ass out of the barn. Others on TS were talking about your 'gameplay' too...I wasn't the only one. You were wasting a vehicle, hitting no one at that time despite the map was already a half hour in the game. If I recall, your points were 0 points, 0 kills and 9 deaths during this time. Do you realize that the APC can be used to cap flags???? It can talk several tank hits before it goes 'BOOM'??? And of course, the other reasons that other players have already spoke about.

As you can tell from the posts, what you did was a vary bad idea if you wish your team to win. At least you've posted here to find out what was incorrect about your actions. Many players that come to the server DO NOT ask, they just play as individuals, not as a team. It appears you wanted to help, just that your tactics were not the best. If you want to find out how to play and win, get on TS and listen to the players....watch what they do...take tips from them. They gameplay on this sever is probably the best you'll find outside of the top clan matches.

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Postby Harry Canyon » Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:55 pm

Originally posted by Matt174e
I'm sorry to say, but this is the dumbest reason I ever heard for a player to be kicked. If you look at Dooms sig you'll notice that it's very hard to see in the barn and a sniper probally wouldn't see the APC, if he used the MG attached to the barn he's a dead target. Also, planes wouldn't be able to kill the APC so eaisily from in there, nor can tanks from the Middle flag. Players shouldn't be kicked for not playing the way you expect them to.

Admins, you're doing a good job... but this is ridiculous.

Matt, he was an easy target inside the barn for any decent sniper/scout..easy pick'ns. So, you're saying that driving an APC or Tank inside the barn, shooting from there is a good idea???? At the Bocage north flag there is alrady an AA gun and MG within 50 meters from each other, with serveral other AA guns at the main base to take care of planes. AS for taking care of snipers this way...what would you rather shoot with??? An APC MG or an Eng/Sniper rifle?? Also, any decent tanker or arty guy could easily hit the barn entrance that the APC was showing thru. It seemed a waste of the vehicle, and it seems many others agree with this point. As you know from other maps, one or two vehicles used properly ( or improperly) can change the course of the game. Would you like me to do nothing while a single player on Omaha takes off with the Allies' destroyer??? That's just one example of many that we all can think of. What else could I have done???

Open for suggestions..........

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Postby residue » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:04 pm

Originally posted by Harry Canyon
Open for suggestions..........

call up doom and have him go medieval in the barn.

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:12 pm

Yeah, I don't see how anyone can question Harry and Doom on anything regarding the barn... :P


Postby Dakana » Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:12 pm

He was point whoring. End of story. He deserved the kick.

Now here's my problem: People come on the forums and bitch, bitch, bitch if they get kicked. Don't like the admins? Leave. We don't want you if you're just going to get all high and mighty, acting like you're better than the admins and otherwise fueling your ego. Look: we don't care. Just leave. We don't want you to play here if you don't think the admins are doing their job badly. No one is going to throw themselves and say "SO SORRY! WE'LL CHANGE FOR YOU, OH MIGHTY ONE!"

If you're banned, come here and present your case. If you want to whine, don't waste our time.

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Postby LeVar Burton » Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:49 pm

As I understand it, wasting resources is a kickable offense. To me, this was a waste of resources because that APC needs to be either taking out planes or charging for the sawmill.

I have a question though about an incident that happened on El Al. Some guy got into the wespe at axis main and sat there moving the barrell around. I asked for him to be kicked and Chacal said there is nothing in the rules barring that activity. To me this was a wasting vehicles offense, and if not there should be a common sense clause for the admins to kick anyone doing something that is detrimental to their team (with the exception of simply having poor BF skills).

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Postby JimmyTango » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:41 pm

Originally posted by Unregistered
Occasionaly, Rules are made up on the fly it would seem. Can't drive the APC to the Barn? WTF?

Learn to read. He said IN the barn, not TO the barn.

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Postby Chacal » Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:11 pm

The rules are kept purposefully simple and precise. We don't want too numerous or complicated rules, so it's not possible for them to cover all bases. Since situations are rarely clear-cut, the application of the rules is left to the admins. For example, while the rules say "No TK", it's up to the admin to decide wether a particular incident IS a TK or not, and what action to take. The admins are NOT bots: they will make the best possible judgment call.

This also applies to resource wasting.

The Nazinator

Postby The Nazinator » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:14 am

Originally posted by residue
i believe on that map, axis only had the west flag. the team only gets 2 tigers (which take a while to respawn), a kubel and a jeep. vehicles are at a premium.

there was no need to have the kubel in the barn because we already had a stolen apc behind the barn to hit planes. if the tickets are counting down, it doesn't matter how many infantry you pick off at the windmill. the priority is to get another flag.

do we need a written rule to tell people that a team doesn't need 10+ snipers on any map?
do we need a written rule to tell people not to idle all round?
do we need a written rule not to use armor as artillery?
do we need a written rule not to drive ships off the map?
the list is endless.

the bottom line is that ignorant behavior can quickly ruin a map for the entire team. get teamspeak, pay attention to chat messages and actually THINK about how you can help your team.

I did not witness the OPs incident, so I cannot comment on it. HOWEVER, this type of thing seems to be happening more and more lately.

That is to say, I've heard a lot on TS lately of regs (and sometimes admins) wanting kicks on people just for being noobs.

We had an incident this evening on Caen, where we as Axis managed to lose all but the front flag, basically we dug our own grave. Back at the last flag, some noob grabbed our Wespe, and proceeded to use it quite inefficiently. But then TS lit up with calls to kick/ban/castrate the poor guy. Keep in mind he wasn't violating any rules, not killing teammates or hijacking. An admin finally spoke up with the comment that if they kicked all noobs, there'd be ~10 ppl on the server.

All you regs that get frustrated at noobs, next time think about the first time you played BF1942 (or your first experience with online gaming.) Think about how turned off you'd be if you found a great PUBLIC server and got kicked for NOT being a smacktard, but maybe just not being as good, or as experienced as the next guy...


Postby Bagginses » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:29 am

The difference with that guy on Caen, though, and this situation, is that the guy on Caen was doing what was supposed to be done with the Wespe. If he was firing at the enemy, and not driving it towards them, then there's not really much you can do. However, if he decided to go sniper hunting with it, that'd be a different manner. I think everyone understands that newer players will learn alot on this server, but when they misuse vehicles to the point where it's detrimental to their team, then some action needs to be taken. I think what's most important, is that with every incident like this that comes along, we all learn something.


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Postby residue » Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:08 am

when i first started playing on oc48/ecgn, i did not get in a single vehicle (other than a jeep) for three months. instead, i listened on teamspeak and played infantry while observing the regulars at the time. though extreme, i wish more people would actually take the time to learn the particulars of the game instead of jumping in and assuming they immediately know everything.


Postby AnimalCracka » Mon Feb 16, 2004 8:22 am

Copy that Res...........I did much the same thing except I dont think I waited 3 months, maybe 1 and 1/2. I was actually scared of jumping in a vehicle on this server because I didnt want to screw up and not use it effeciently. Also I didnt want to get called a dumbass over TS, but that still happens today so ..... well what can I do. Anyway, I did learn to use each vehicle pretty effectively and at least learned what not to do with them.


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