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Mon May 19, 2003 5:54 pm

I play this game a lot.(battle field/desert combat) The main problem of this game is the damn campers. I think that many of the people that play are campers, for the apache's and yeah, plains. And with apache's people will camp above the flag, and take it then go somewere else and do the same it makes me mad. When we finaly kill it, there is another one that respawns in like 5 seconds. Just not a real way to play I dislike that this is a way some people play. Well who cares if you get 100 kills, and 1st for the damn round, you don't deserve it. Go play like you should for real. Stop CAMPING and do what you should be doing because its not liked very much. YES I have camped.... but it gets boring, and I found out how bad they get mad at you so i stoped so please do this for me and stop camping.


Tue May 20, 2003 11:55 am

Here's a plane for all the plane camper's...heheheheh

Tue May 20, 2003 2:28 pm

Even that is better than they deserve.

Thu May 29, 2003 12:01 am

Could someone please plant detpacks in that hulk before a camper jumps into it?

Sat May 31, 2003 11:45 am

I got to the point last nite in Market Garden on our server where I just had to bring an iron fist to bear. I warned people to stop camping several times then I made an announcement several times that anyone spawning in at the planes would be kicked. Harsh in the extreme? Yes. But considering 1/3 to 1/2 of the team had been spawning there and nobody was taking any flags it was my only option and it actually worked. After a few minutes and several kicks the airfield was joyfully quiet. Sometimes you just gotta be the tyrant of the airfield. I figured it was better to just have me out of the game (watching the airfield) than to have 4-6 guys out of the game sitting there being smacktarded.
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