Mild Ban?

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Mild Ban?

Postby trombone » Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:55 pm

I realize the issue with plane camping, but when it comes to a new map does the penality withstand? For instance I was booted for taking a jeep to an SBD at the start of Wake just a few minutes ago. I didn't cut anyone off or anything I just drove for a plane. An ECGN member was also in the jeep at the time and he hitched the ride for a corsair. I'm not sure whether he got in it, but I know I was kicked immediately as I hit the skies.
I'm not a cheater at all and this was hardly a purposeful mistake for I had no idea the plane camping rule applied, if that was the violation, to the beginning of new maps. I enjoy playing cooperatively on the ECGN servers because I get great ping here on the east coast, players are hardly smacktards (since those who jerk off frequently are elimintated), and overall gameplay is excellent. You can see on my stats I've got fewr tks (maybe a misplaced shell or two from that priest :wall: ), I'm a great team player (repairing others like mad), and most importantly I've never had negative stats at the conclusion of a map.
With all this in mind I'd like to appoligize for being an ass and running for that plane, perhaps there is a better time I can test my piloting skills. There may be many ruthless, careless, uncooperative players out there to ban, but in all honesty I dont believe I am one of them.



Postby Bagginses » Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:59 pm

I'm assuming this is what it was for. Straight from the rules:

3: Taking vehicles to an airfield: Do not take any vehicle to the airstrips next to the main base, period. The only time you are allowed to use a vehicle to reach a plane is on Gazala, to reach the B17 location, and only a jeep is allowed for that, anything else, any other map, instant kick.

I'm sure it was an honest mistake on your part, you didn't know, but go read the rules in the BF42 forum. I just wouldn't do it again.



Postby trombone » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:08 pm

HEH, Well thats Funny an EGCN member got right in my jeep and took a ride too! I betcha he didn't get booted. Looks like even the members dont know the rules throughly. Yes I concede I was ignorant, hardly any servers are as organized rule wise as ECGN, but the major benefit is more enjoyable teamwork and gameplay, and I'll vouch for that ANYDAY.

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Postby Buliwyf » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:38 pm

Yes taking a jeep to the airfield will get you kicked. I was not there to witness the event, so perhaps the admin who did kick you will comment on the situation.
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The Nazinator

Postby The Nazinator » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:49 pm

Originally posted by trombone
HEH, Well thats Funny an EGCN member got right in my jeep and took a ride too! I betcha he didn't get booted. Looks like even the members dont know the rules throughly. Yes I concede I was ignorant, hardly any servers are as organized rule wise as ECGN, but the major benefit is more enjoyable teamwork and gameplay, and I'll vouch for that ANYDAY.

I know when I get in someone's jeep, I can only hope they are going somewhere useful with it, unless of course they are on Teamspeak and we can easily communicate.

Get Teamspeak, play smart (ask yourself when you do something "Is this helping the team?"), and have FUN!
Welcome! Oh, and there are no "members" and non-members here, just regulars who are proud to wear the ECGN tag.

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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:04 pm


I was the one who booted you after being told that you took a jeep to the airfield. It was probably the person in the jeep with you. The person in the jeep is not driving and has no choice where the vehicle goes.

Read the rules, get TeamSpeak, have fun! :)

You should be able to get back on the server now.


Postby trombone » Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:04 pm

Yeah thanks for the info guys. I'm a newbie to ecgn message boards and such but i've been with bf since the demo released in late summer '02. I also have had teamspeak for about a year and haven't used it since my last clan; i maybe ill fish it up again. Btw I know the jeep has only one steering wheel heh, but my buddy didn't leave until we were almost there so it seemed like he was in for it too, of course it wasn't intentional.

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