Think I am banned or something.

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Think I am banned or something.

Postby Jeff-Canada » Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:24 pm

Greetings, I cant seem to connect to the BF1942 servers, so I am guessing I got banned for awhile or something. I know for sure I got autokicked. Anyway, I was on the phillipines map, using the defgun and accidently nailed a couple of teammates with it. Also ran one over with a pt boat, since I could not stop in time. I also commited suicide twice when I was stuck way out in the ocean with no chance of a pickup. Thats my story, didnt mean any of them(except for the suicides obviously) and again I apologize. Accidental tks happen and I always apologize for em, and also understand if i get tk'ed. Any chance the powers that be will unban or whatever? thanks.

Bluenoser NC

Postby Bluenoser NC » Thu Nov 20, 2003 3:53 am

I wish suicides wouldn't give a -2 score. There are occasions where you almost have to suicide - such as being stuck at the side of a bunker (omaha especially). I've even been stuck on a wood pile.


Postby cashcow » Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:14 am

Suicides should give negative points so idiots don't just keep doing it to lower a team's tickets. But, IMO, it should only take away one point.


Postby Bagginses » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:35 am

The bot could have gotten you if it was at the beginning of the map. I think it auto-kicks at -6. However, I don't think it auto-bans...


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Postby Harry Canyon » Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:18 pm

There might be a problem with the autobot. PM your IP to MMmmGood with some explaination of what happened.


Postby MMmmGood » Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:04 pm



Postby Kurith » Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:34 pm

Originally posted by Bagginses
The bot could have gotten you if it was at the beginning of the map. I think it auto-kicks at -6. However, I don't think it auto-bans...


Dragun420 and I were goofing around on Coral Sea trying to land planes on the island and I hit him a bunch of times and the bot banned me. This was a while ago thankfully an Admin was able to witness it and save me my life.

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