Against rules to snipe from basecamps?

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Against rules to snipe from basecamps?

Postby H.I. » Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:18 am

Just cut and pasting the salient parts of my "whine" here, as I started it in the wrong forum.

Just wondering if it is against rules to snipe from basecamps or something similar? Last night I seem to have gotten banned while sniping from Allies basecamp hut on Bocage. I was not TKing (had 1 accidental TK when teammate stepped right in front as I shot, but I was in positive score range), so it isn't that. I tried to reconnect a couple of times thinking it was a problem on my computer (had some modem config probs recently), but couldn't stay on, so I assume I was banned. Please let me know if sniping from basecamps is against the rules.
H.I. McDonnough

Originally posted by Bullhead

H.I, what probably got you banned was the sniping from the main base, instead of pushing forward to help take flags. I was on the allied team, and we had like 5-7 snipers in our main sniping the other flags, which was VERY frustrating, b/c we were losing horribly. I also heard an admin say he had banned someone b/c they were sniping people in the sawmill from the airfield runway, which is not possible without a fog hack. I'd suggest posting (or an admin moving) this in the whine, complaints, etc forum.......

Originally posted by H.I.

It could be that he accidentally banned me instead of the culprit (I was in the front hut taking out enemy scouts/prone gunners at the sawmill so they couldn't damage our charging assaults, and I have never used/loaded any hack/cheat).

C'est la guerre, c'est la vie.

BTW, you CAN hit people in the sawmill (and in fact on many maps in many "dark" places--i.e., in dark bunker windows, etc.) without actually seeing them or even their name tags -- just takes the psychology of the predictable, and random guess-shots. When the damage crosshair lights, you made a good guess.

General Apathy

Postby General Apathy » Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:43 am

H.I. - I will say that it is certainly easy to snipe to from the mill. There is no hack needed, you just aim into the wndows and guess.

You were prolly banned b/c of a mass snipe kick. Ask the admins though....


Postby Bullhead » Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:40 am

I'm hoping one will answer this thread in the near future...... (wink wink)


Postby H.I. » Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:30 pm

So how long do bans last? 10 days? A month? Life? Is there somewhere on this site I can check to tell how much longer I am banned?


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Postby Chacal » Tue Dec 16, 2003 6:12 am

Procedure to get unbanned: send a PM to MMmmGood, including:

- a pointer to this thread
- your IP address
- your player name when you were banned.

He'll send or post an answer.

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