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Ugh! Tonight!

Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:32 pm

Wow. I join and it's Market Garden. Two incidents here. First, I'm manning the flak, shooting at a Mustang, when I'm shot in the face by a friendly. Got a kick on him. Next, I spawn in a building and look at a friendly. He shoots me a few times, so I jump out the window and look at him to affirm that I'm friendly and wonder if theres an enemy nearby. Nope... he hops out and looks at me, then shoots me right in the face. I ask our nice Admin to kick him, but then he says "sorry. didn't know FF was on." If he's a medic, he could tell my health was going down. Second, I didn't return fire. Finally, he was attracted to me when I was on the flak again. He stood RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, so I accidenltly injured him when I was shooting at an enemy on a hill (got several infantries via the flak that time... was fun ;) )

Next is El Alamein. All seems ok... I get in a Spitfire and am eventually shot down. I head to the airfield and notice MANY people there. So I'm sitting by the plane I got first's spawn and notice others there. One looks the other in the face, jumps around, then shoots him. He calls "MEDIC" and gets healed... Whatever, I think. So I get my plane (they aren't smart enough to hold down E) and notice a "CLINK" sound. Nice... a guy is stuck by the wing and is shooting me with the engy rifle. I think nothing of it, but a little later, I'm down to about 3 bars left and decide to head to the hangar. Of course, on the way down I'm shot to 1 bar. Another bit, I'm down to 1/2 bar. I get in the hangar and Slayer is there. There's a guy unloading a full clip into his poor Spit. I get out of the hangar and fly off, asking Blade to kick these smackers. It was horrible. They were sitting there. If they didn't get a plane, they would shoot it. If a plane came in, they would shoot it. I know it's commonplace, but they just WOULDN'T GO AWAY!

Finally, we have a friendly Sherman by our airfield defending from baserapers. A smacker panzerchreks a friendly plane, then hops up top and shoots at my plane. Slayer (the tank pilot) hops out to get a name on him. Slayer is then knifed by another teammate.

It was horrible. Blood-boiling. Thanks to Bladerunner for just about wearing out the kick button, and Residue on the map after that.

Sat Apr 10, 2004 3:26 am

I think there is a holiday :tard: surge going on. It seems like I've had to request ~15-20 kicks past 2-3 days for vehicle hijacking & tk's. :wall:

Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:12 am

Spring Break for many. It will soon be over

Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:19 am

They're trying to make a new video to sell:

"Tards Gone Wild!" - See tards let it all hang out in this uncensored video!

:D :D :D

Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:00 am

good thing about the smackers they like to run in herds,
that way i don't have to search for them.
Don't hesitate to ask for kicks guys. the only thing i ask is
to try your best to identify the correct smacker.

i have my own award system, for every true smacker i ban
i get a beer from the fridge, last night was a hic-hic good
night. ;)
:beer: :beer: :beer:

Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:32 pm

Originally posted by BladeRunner
good thing about the smackers they like to run in herds,
that way i don't have to search for them.
Don't hesitate to ask for kicks guys. the only thing i ask is
to try your best to identify the correct smacker.

i have my own award system, for every true smacker i ban
i get a beer from the fridge, last night was a hic-hic good
night. ;)
:beer: :beer: :beer:

Yeah - as much as we'd like to have the admins BAN THEM. BAN THEM ALL!!!, we have to remember that we need players, and some people can simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'll do my best to get a sure, guarenteed smacker for you.

:rotflmao: good to know we didn't make you too frustrated. (I think I wore out my TS keys set as macros to switch. "Blade, I just got shot in the face by... Hey can I get a kick on... GAHH! This guy just...")
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