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Got Banned For An Accidental Admin TK

Tue Apr 13, 2004 12:52 am

I got banned from ur ECGNetwork #2 server for BFV last night...
i accidentally shot a teammate, believed to be a ECG member
Devil Dog, while shooting at a foe behind him...
then got banned..
i don't know by whom, pretty sure not by the system, since
tk did happen, i was getting almost top scores in couple games and that was my only tk..
any admin here, please remove me from the banning list,
i like playing w/ some of ur ecg members, couple of them do have some skills..

Tue Apr 13, 2004 12:58 am

*moving to whines*

Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:21 am

i looked at ur database, couldn't even find my player_id
being banned or kicked, there was no record at all,
someone must have banned my id....

is there any admins can look into that??

Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:32 am

i kicked you at 8:27pm for rather blatant team jumping on operation game warden.

another admin kicked you at 11:03pm on lang vei.

yet another admin banned you at 1:27am for team killing on operation hastings.

Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:31 am

Gladiator, you were banned because it was not an accidental Tk. The following reasons lead me to believe this.

1st, you shot me in the back of the head from about 2 feet away. You also hit the guy standing on the other side of the pad before the chopper spawned. You then shot up the chopper until you realized that you could fly. I was facing the direction that you were supposedly shooting at the enemy and the only thing I could see was another American standing in front of me.

2nd, You shot me moments before the chopper spawned, which you knew was going to happen because you and I had just gotten shot down in it, and everyone knows how to time the spawn.
3rd, I believe that you were upset that I was going to get the chopper again for the 3rd time in a row and you did not want to be co-pilot again. This is a clear-cut case of a tk for a chopper, which we have had a problem with as of late.

On this server we like to play a good game and not worry about people tking to get what they want. We like to get good scores here but not at all costs. It also seems that you have had a few problems today with other admins. Since you have approached this matter in a civilized manner and you obviously haven’t played on this server before. If you contact via PM in 1 week we will discuss your situation. This should give you time to read the server rules.

Tue Apr 13, 2004 12:59 pm

thanx for all of ur replies

well i admit that i do like piloting the plane, but unless
i was shot first while waiting, i never fire the first shot toward
other while waiting...
i have nothing to say or complain if somebody jump in first by normal means..

last night, i remeber flying w/ u couple of times as
gunner, i was pretty happer shooting at those Mi-8 and Mig-17, still getting the most kills in the team..
i had no intention whatsoever killing u and teammate just for flyiny it...i didn't even had much desire to fily it, just wanna getting a second seat to fire guns that time.
plus i saw other guys tk at airfield and got banned, not stupid enough to do it intentionally.

i said i saw a viet shooting at us hiding in the forest behind the
main airfield, so i start firing at him immediately, maybe u moved feet while i was shooting, that caused tks..
but then heli appeared, it's very likely for u guys to associate those tks w/ it, but it was not...

he is on the 12 o'clock direction of that image, far way from it,
otherside of A-7 field, i was at 6 o'clock of the imgae, if he was the other teammate i mistakenly killed as devil dog described, that was my bad. u just can't differentiate him well hundres meters away.

as for the two earlier kick, i didn't know those rules like
driving to the airplane or team switching etc,,,
u admins should've posted some msg in the game telling us..

Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:34 pm

Originally posted by Gladiator_1967
thanx for all of ur replies

well i admit that i do like piloting the plane, but unless
i was shot first while waiting, i never fire the first shot toward
other while waiting...

intentionally shooting at teammates is not permitted. if someone is causing trouble you should notify an admin instead of seeking revenge.

as for the two earlier kick, i didn't know those rules like
driving to the airplane or team switching etc,,,
u admins should've posted some msg in the game telling us..

it is the player's responsibility to be aware of the server rules. ignorance is an unacceptable excuse.

Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:42 pm

Originally posted by Gladiator_1967
as for the two earlier kick, i didn't know those rules like
driving to the airplane or team switching etc,,,
u admins should've posted some msg in the game telling us..

it IS posted in the messages throughout the game. please pay attention next time.
for further reference:

Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:52 pm

Read server rules at Vietnam forums
BF:V Servers for Rent from ECGNetwork.Com!
Join THE ECGN TeamSpeak server at

Tue Apr 13, 2004 6:58 pm

Originally posted by residue
intentionally shooting at teammates is not permitted. if someone is causing trouble you should notify an admin instead of seeking revenge.

it is the player's responsibility to be aware of the server rules. ignorance is an unacceptable excuse.

yeah, i never violated those rules once i knew it..

but as for the tk, i have explained many time, it was unintentional and i was firing at a distant foe...
but due to the special situations, devil dog mistakenly thought i was tking for the heli,
banned me w/o even listening to my excue in the game
it's been almost 16 hours now..

Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:00 pm

To question: why didn't u kill that vietnamese as u said

sgt devil dog:
i killed him or somebody killed him already,
plus i got banned seconds after i got into the heli...
while i was trying to sorry to u guys...

u should remember i was the guy sitting besides u firing the guns in that game for at least 3/4 rides, even though i rarely be satisfied w/ that position, most of the pilots were much worse than myself...
since i thought u were pretty good at flying and gave me good positions to shoot those mi-8 and mig 17s, so i was happy w/ being a gunner in that game..
i didn't even trying compete w/ u for the heli...
i even asked for pick up once i saw u were piloting alone..
knowing too well in that map, a good pilot and a co-pilot
is the most important winning factor for us...

if i really wanted to kill u for the heli, i could've done that since the begining of the round, be4 getting banned, i got almost 30 kills already and a medal was a pretty sure thing..
why would i do stupid things like that???

i totally understand ur feeling, got tked and somebody robbed ur helis, very natural for u to believe i tk u for heli,
and maybe 90% u are right, but this time it was totally an accident...if i hate u so much as to kill u, why would i spend time here posting threads to explain and let every one believe what happend, especially u..

Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:02 pm

Gladiator, if you were shooting at the enemy as you say. Why didn’t you fly over and kill him once you got the chopper? Also, why didn’t you at least say sorry?
*EDIT* These forums are the place to listen to complaints not in game. It seems that you are under the misconception that a ban after two other kicks in the same day is no big deal. You are mistaken on this point. We take bans very seriously. However, after consulting with different admins. If you PM me 5 days from now I will unban you. This should give you ample time to read the rules, because ignorance of the rules is no excuse. Once again thank you for conducting yourself as a gentleman in the forums.

Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:37 pm

Originally posted by SGT DEVILDOG
Gladiator, if you were shooting at the enemy as you say. Why didn’t you fly over and kill him once you got the chopper? Also, why didn’t you at least say sorry?
*EDIT* These forums are the place to listen to complaints not in game. It seems that you are under the misconception that a ban after two other kicks in the same day is no big deal. You are mistaken on this point. We take bans very seriously. However, after consulting with different admins. If you PM me 5 days from now I will unban you. This should give you ample time to read the rules, because ignorance of the rules is no excuse. Once again thank you for conducting yourself as a gentleman in the forums.

i did type F1/F4 == SORRY as soon as i get on to plane..
and was banned immediately after it..
i can appologize one more time for that tk, but here i am also trying my best to explain it was a mistake

if until now u still believe i tk u for the heli, i have nothing to say ... otherwise i would say 6 day banning for an accidental
tk was a bit too harsh, considering my totall playing time on BFV is only 2days according to

unless an admin tk weights 10 times more than a normal tk, which then would cancel my dozens kills in that game.

2 earlier kick in the server i admit it was my fault, but this banning i would have to say it was due to misunderstanding..
and could've been avoided.

Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:13 am

Your not quite getting the point 5 days for three kicks. he is being fair to you and the other players of the server. take some time read the rules and we will welcome you back next week. Don't worry we don't hold grudges and killing an admin is not worse than killing any other teammate, only diference is we have the power to do something about it faster than a regular player. Devil dog does not give bans for fun nor does any admin here, we even take kicking seroius, so please be a little more careful, read the rules and we will see you in a few days.

Have a nice day.

Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:42 pm

it's been almost 2 weeks
i am still on the banning list for that accidental tk..
any admin could help ??
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