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Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!
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Re: Whats up

Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:41 pm

Why did you stop playing anyways, just moving stuff? Think you'll be back soon? Sure everyone (well, most people) would love to have you back.

Hope things are going well with you.

Re: Whats up

Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:59 pm

*OF*James Bundy wrote:Image

Don't you see the bulge in his pants? Where is Paint? He would of noticed.

Re: Whats up

Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:17 pm

*OF*James Bundy wrote:Image

That's about how big it is, would you or paint like a ride?

Re: Whats up

Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:02 am

B wrote:
Tragic wrote:To be honest, I never knew you left to begin with. Weren't you using some alias as a name?

If you were 'walling' then you owe me $. Remember that bet I made saying I knew you hack, waiting on my $. I accept paypal.
He didn't leave. He is Finesse.

No he isn't, finesse is serum from -Tv-


Re: Whats up

Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:50 pm

Yes I have internet here. Just been really busy working and getting the house fixed up. Haven't had much time. And thanks pix, hope all is well with you too.

Figures B would notice that bulge... But the guys... Meat gazing? Nasty ass dudes.

Pingrage!!! What's up you tater tot looking mofo
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