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creating a shrub server

Sat Nov 02, 2002 10:21 am

ok, i need alot of help. i've installed shrub into my rtcw directory and put the addon tingy to the shortcut, but iam havin trouble makin the actualy server. i had have tried loadz of times, and when i type in cosole commands it doesn't reogonise them. This how make a server:

1) change didcated to internet
2) chagne game type to wolf mp
3) change the smaller settings (e.g pure, respawn etc..)
4) i run the erver, closes down wolfestein and brings up the console
5) i start by bringing up wolfenstein and connecting to my server.
6) i try to add the commands, but nothing happens



:beer: :blow: :confused: :violin: :(

Sat Nov 02, 2002 4:51 pm


Try that first, see if you can get a server. Then try Shrub.
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