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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:12 am

Originally posted by devnull
I didn't tk you, the explosion from the crash that got me got you at the same time - ZSU was empty when I LAWed it. I wasn't aiming for the tard that got me, whomever he was, but the ZSU had just pulled in and it looked like the driver never got out til after he rammed me, so I took away his toy as he did mine. Too bad it was yours, though, and he had jacked it. :(

No. I did not die in the explosion. In fact I was in the process of moving the ZSU off the runway when you Tked me with a law. Are we going to argue this fact? Or should we move on?
" We are not retreating. We are attacking in a different direction" Chesty Puller...USMC


Postby devnull » Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:45 am

I wouldn't mind arguing this, since I know xml logging would show two 'is no more's from the crash and then a ban, no tk..But whatever, done is done.

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:09 pm

I have two questions here:

1. You say the zsu was empty when you LAW'd it... why would you do this instead of just get in it and move it off the runway? You said you were aware that the zsu was there from a long trip from the enemy main, why would you give it back to them? This action alone could be worth a kick or temp ban. Destroying your team's vehicles.

2. You seem to be upset that you were kicked for chopper camping which you think was based on hearsay, but you are angry that another individual wasn't kicked based on hearsay (even if it was his own). Isn't this just a bit contradictory?

If an admin doesn't see something, he is under no obligation to take action. If someone notifies him of something, it is up to the admin whether he takes action or not based on the situation and who's doing the notifying. Even experienced players are often times unsure of a situation, as you were with the ramming incident. Has happened to me as well.

And one other thing, if Devildog says you TK'd him, then he is the one who's going to be believed. Whether you TK'd him or just blew up the ZSU, he was totally justified in giving you a tempban.

You seem like a decent guy, so just be more careful in the future, and try not to let emotion get the better of you (that's tough for a lot of us :D )


Postby devnull » Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:10 pm

Heh..1) I saw it pulling in and it very much appeared the driver never left it as it pulled right onto the runway into my path..I destroyed it as 'revenge' for ramming it into me.. 2) If I had said 'hey everyone, im going to chopper camp.' and then did it, and then people complained (note people, not person), and then admitted it with no remorse, I would expect removal from the server. Chopper camping doesn't even lose a spawn, not to mention I'm not a spawn camper to start..I make damned good use of air support if I must say so myself. What he did was much worse than I did.

I suppose a temp ban would have been somewhat justified if the tard that drove the zsu into me got one as well, and if I was told it was a temp ban.

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Thu Aug 12, 2004 11:19 pm

I am starting to become annoyed.
1. You show no remorse in purposefully destroying the ZSU
2. And you show no remorse in tking me.
3. Both of these can be perma ban offenses. Tking and destroying friendly vehicles, I only gave you a temp ban, which to be honest I am starting to regret now.
4. I don’t care about the “other” guys offense was worse than mine. I said this in my previous post “ worry about what you did” and we will take care of the other guy.

To be honest the noob who drove the ZSU into the runway got away with one. I got Tked and couldn’t look to see whom it was. It is only a matter of time before he pulls something like that again. Eventually he will get caught just like all smackers do.
" We are not retreating. We are attacking in a different direction" Chesty Puller...USMC


Postby devnull » Fri Aug 13, 2004 12:32 am

I am sorry I killed your ZSU, and that you didn't get that from the past page of replies..As I said, it appeared he drove it in as it couldn't have been parked more than 15 seconds before he took it for a joyride. I have no remorse in tking you because I really didn't...If I had done it, I would be though. I could be wrong, but I surely am not lieing about something as dumb as a tk. I invite pasting from the server logs (look for my ban and look up a few entries...) if it really is that big of a deal, otherwise let it go please..

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Fri Aug 13, 2004 3:33 am

Yeah, I think that would be best. I will see you in game hopefully under better circumstances.
" We are not retreating. We are attacking in a different direction" Chesty Puller...USMC


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