repsonse to spam

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repsonse to spam

Postby ticks-&-leeches » Sun Sep 12, 2004 9:45 am

ok lets start @ the first ban i got in over 3 years of being a regular player happened when keek watched a guy named "panzer" block the bunker door multiple times.after several attempts @ 'move" "clear path" and "salute" i bleed a path out the bunker door.keek bans me for 3 hours without a /m global or anything.what iam wondering is why keekano didnt just remove the blocker when he was in spec watching the whole thing.i dont play dirty bleed temamates @ random or anything .ive played here long enough and he of all people should know iam not that kinda player although my style isnt in your vision of good wolf play .if you watched that whole exchange i would really like an explination to why you didnt do anything to help me instead of waiting to see if i would bleed a guy who was obviously blocking(firing) from the bunker say on ts you think i could of gotten around him but when your being pushed from behind out the door with that great salute bind you really cant control much.if you would of messaged me like you have done in that past when you got a question or want to tell me somthing the situation would of been to see me try and reconnect after such a thing shouldnt be so suprising.keek has never liked me we both know it but i always gave him credit for being fair. thats why a quick 3 hour ban my first one ever was kinda harsh.then a ban made perm when iam discussing the situation in /m. thoughts on this one anybody.?


Postby MMmmGood » Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:38 am

Your *incredibly* lucky that I dont want to deal with your dynamic IP and block you on the firewall.

If you are such a regular, you should know that spamming the console like that is an instant and permanent ban from this server.

I hear about you doing it again, i dont care if its just for a second, your gone.

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