About my recent ban...

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About my recent ban...

Postby Kman » Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:16 pm

Yesterday, I was banned by Keekanoo. The reason given is "blocking/sloppy play". :mad:


Allies swarming the upper base near the ladder. I am lurking near the door around the bench/picture area of the radio room (I am not blocking the door at all). The allies are laying down fire :ar15: and I peek out the door and watch them move towards the door leading to the backstairs. I then move into the doorway (exhibiting extreme caution) line up three allies and pull the trigger on my panzer. The shot is clear there are no teammates in my way (none visible either behind or in front), as the shot is fired "S.S. {Wolf}Trebor" moves into the shot from my left (where the wall is) from the grated walkway at the very last split second. Of course we both die. :freak:

Now I don't have a wall hack, nor I guess does he. Now who is blocking who???? He blocked me as much as I blocked him. We both moved to the doorway at the same time. There are tons of doors/walls/obstacles in this level that can impede visibility for a split second. This is just one of those accidents that happens... :eek:

After this accident, S.S. {Wolf}Trebor says:
"no shooting from doorways"
"no tking"
"no crappy gameplay"

Keekanoo then bans me!! WOW!! :roll:

Earlier in the game Keekanoo says I am a sloppy player with heavy weapons, and that the server would be better off without players like me.

Some stats pulled from the ECG stat database:

name..................kills.......... teamkills..... total kills..... tk ratio
Kman....................746.......... 60.......... 806.......... 7.4%
Keekanoo.............. 43.......... 14.......... 57.......... 24.6%
<BSZ>DocTrebor. 364.......... 43.......... 407.......... 10.6%

Now obviously these stats aren't updated any longer but they are fairly recent
and give some idea as to how "sloppy" I am compared to my accusers (judging by the stats someone should take away Keekanoos grenades). :blow: I toss alot of grenades and panzers, but my tk ratio is lower than either of Keekanoo or Trebor, I hit my target more often than my teammates. I am actually a very accurate panzer. If you are a sniper and I have picked you off from the boats to the upper base, then you know this to be true. Those are very difficult shots with an arcing panzer.

When I have an accident I light up the console with red, people remember it. Maybe this leads people to the mistaken belief that panzer users are more sloppy than other weapon users or perhaps there are some with an axe to grind against panzers...

I think this server should display a little scoreboard (kills, tks, tk damage ratio, etc) at the end of each round like the Konijn server does. :cool:

That way we can all see who the truly sloppy players are... :lol:


Postby Keekanoo » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:42 pm

You arn't banned Kman, it was probably a temp-ban (how long ago did this happen?). And I don't know where you're getting the stats from, or how old they are. I do remember you use the flame/faust a lot and bleed/tk your team a lot.

Well laid out post, though ;)

You know what... I really question your stats post on 2nd thought Kman. I've NEVER tk'd that many people in one round. I think the most I hit was 12 and that was from a really badly timed airstrike. Normally I'm 2 tk pers 40 kills. Can I have the link to where you got this info from?

Further... Doc Treber has never been in the clan BSZ... so I'd really like to know where you got all this from.


Postby Keekanoo » Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:44 pm

Kman... I'm talking with Raven and Savant right now and none of us can remember this ban happening. Are you sure I banned you???

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Postby SavageParrot » Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:21 am

Originally posted by Keekanoo
Further... Doc Treber has never been in the clan BSZ... so I'd really like to know where you got all this from.

TT clan forums

You knows I still wuvs ya rtcw:beer: ;)


Postby Kman » Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:46 am

These are the stats I used with links.

Kman http://stats.ecgnetwork.com/player.php?guid=7715DF22F222F732C1177CD92267DB21&key=2
Keekanoo http://stats.ecgnetwork.com/player.php?guid=C7EE3F34EAB1E189037A158101B45A41&key=2
DocTrebor http://stats.ecgnetwork.com/player.php?guid=EEB50965099DD1D62F5614E35763CD2A&key=2

Further research indicates that I may have put up stats from someone pretending to be Keekanoo.

Here is another (real??) Keekanoo: http://stats.ecgnetwork.com/player.php?guid=0A28A1E98DE8D7F073A1AAED2FE0EF1A&key=2

kills: 4497, tk's: 401, total kills: 4898

tk ratio: 8.2%

at 7.6% it seems I am still am more careful than Keekanoo according to the stats. Interesting.

When I get hit by a sniper and my aim (panzer) veers off wildly, disasterous and unavoidable consequences can occur. I think about half of my tks are unavoidable. Shit happens in this game and these sorts of unavoidable accidents can happen to anyone. I don't think I should be banned for accidents. The panzer makes an unmistakeable sound before it discharges, maybe Trebor could have heard this an avoided running into me.

As far as bleeding teammates is concerned. I use a panzer and grenades and don't know how a could possible bleed my team. Bleed teammates with a panzer???? I don't bleed people ever...

tk maybe but that's an accident :D

Originally posted by Keekanoo
Kman... I'm talking with Raven and Savant right now and none of us can remember this ban happening. Are you sure I banned you???

After the accident, Trebor says:

"no shooting from doorways"
"no tking"
"no crappy gameplay"

Keekanoo said something like

"file your complaint" :mad:

I then typed

"he moved in front" :confused: in an attempt to explain how the tk happened

Then you banned me, I pulled down the console and see something like "!ban 9999 reason Blocking/Sloppy play". This occurred Saturday morning Sept 25.


Postby Keekanoo » Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:16 pm

Ahh yes... the sharing of names affecting stats. Been so long I'd forgotten about all that. Zog and I switched names one night for a joke, and forever after my record was smeared with massive amounts of faust kills (which, if you know me, I use very very very infrequently).

I remember not even going to the stats after awhile because I had multiple people pretending to be me and it completely skewed my stats. So... no convincing argument there, I'm afraid.

The admins I've talked to do agree that you're overly sloppy and have been warned about it in game. It's a 3 hour temp ban man. Not like we went to your house and took the cream out of your Oreo's.

Just be careful with the heavy weapons. If I'm acting it's because I've seen repeat abuse, or have had complaints sent to me. I rarely kick/temp-ban someone on a first-time sloppy play situation as everyone is entitled to a bad moment.

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Postby Sh@dow Raven » Thu Oct 07, 2004 11:50 pm

I had no idea Treb was in BSZ at all... oh well, not subject here.

Keek doesn't ban, just to ban. He always has a good reason behind it, and proof to back it up. Get over it, and move on.

R.I.P Proof.... we miss you
(Former member of D12)
(For those who don't know)


[color="white"]a.k.a [/color]

[color="red"]There isn't any point in continuing...
........ You can't beat me[/color]

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