Not easy to explain - I'll try though

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Not easy to explain - I'll try though

Postby Doomtr@!N » Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:29 am

Well, yesterday I got banned by Ms. B for 'MBL hacks'. Today I guess MAN-AT-ARMS banned my subnet as well.

The whole situation might be a little bit confusing, let me try to explain.

I think it's been two years or even longer I got banned from this server the last time. Since that time I stopped playing Wolfenstein completely. It's not the same on other servers, when you can't play with peeps you used to play with for so many years. I think I grew up and today I don't take things so serious anymore; when I read the old posts where I'm complaining about admins, my former behaviour embarasses me today. Some of you might get a clue now who I used to be, some of you do anyway.

Now, after these years of abstinence I wanted to come back. In the banlist I've seen that all bans were lifted - from everyone. I think that was around May or June. Since I lost all credibility from the former times I decided to try my luck under another name and another guid, so I could have a complete new beginning on ECGN.

Now we're coming to the unlucky part - I picked up a guid someone else uses (or used) as well, used hacks with it and got banned by PB.

Now two days ago a guy (woody) kept telling I was hacking and Ms. B of course got suspicious. Let me show you the situation:

The guy run into me through the door, I shot him down and he claimed the whole round I was hacking. The demo shows it's a clean kill though. If you want, I'll upload the demo of the whole round. No idea why he thought I was hacking. That was one of the worst rounds I've ever played with a KR < 1 and a skull at the end.

Anyway, like said, Ms. B. was suspicious and prolly looked up my guid at yawn and found out that it is on the MBL. The guid beeing on the MBL doesn't automatically mean I was the one hacking though and it was definitely not me. The two years abstinence was enough for me, why would I come back and start hacking? All I want is to play and I apologized by nearly all admins for my former behaviour (Jesus, I was 14 or 15 to that time). My average KR is barely around 2. Is this the KR of a hacker?

That's all. It's ok to ban the stolen guids. All I want is to unban me and let me play with my original guid. Now it's up to you if you believe me or not. If not I'll give it up and throw the game away. It's to 50 per cent the game itself which makes it fun to play, but it's also to 50 per cent the people who play the game. And without the one 50 per cent it's senseless to continue playing on other servers.

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Postby B » Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:38 pm

The 9100d32a guid was added to the mbl on 8/10/06, it shows you were using that guid as Doomtrain since 6/21/06. Was that not you also? I got suspicious with some of the bs shots you were pulling. I ignored it for sometime until i saw 6 people in specs and then started getting pms from them about you. So yeah...I'm gonna look you up and see the history behind you. It's my job to try and keep a fair server. You are on the stats page 4 different times because of different guids. That right there will make anyone currious.Can't let you continue to play on the server until the situation is resolved. You put yourself in this position not me. If you have been subnet banned then that was MAA' decision and you need to take it up with him. Sorry.

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Postby Doomtr@!N » Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:22 pm

Originally posted by B
The 9100d32a guid was added to the mbl on 8/10/06, it shows you were using that guid as Doomtrain since 6/21/06.

I don't remember if I got banned on 10th August, but you are right, PB really booted me twice for 'vertex lightmap approximation'. No clue what that was. Maybe Chick remembers, we played for over an hour and suddenly PB banned me for that. Dunno if she noticed that. Anyway, I googled it and found out it's actually an issue that happens, when the size of important files like the 'opengl32.dll' is bigger or smaller than expected. Furthermore PB catched someone from Australia (Boondall) on 8/10/06 and I'm a European. :freak:

Plus ... I had a conversation with an admin about that theme before. So would I be really dumb enough to hack? And not only hack - to hack with my name 'Doomtr@!N' and the known guid? Come on.

Originally posted by B
I got suspicious with some of the bs shots you were pulling. I ignored it for sometime until i saw 6 people in specs and then started getting pms from them about you.

What do you mean with 'bs shots'? And 6 people complaining means nothing, come on. Look at the demo I posted before. Look how fast people scream 'hacks'.

Originally posted by B
Can't let you continue to play on the server until the situation is resolved. You put yourself in this position not me.

We're trying to resolve the problem right now, aren't we? At least I'm trying to convince you of my innocence. No idea what I could do to prove I didn't and don't hack, I said everything and it's on you now. Either you believe me or not.

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Postby Doomtr@!N » Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:41 pm

Oh, something I have to add.

Either PB catches the hack or it doesn't, right? In my case it seems that it catched me (the MBL says so). So let's imagine I was using hacks. PB catches me instantly. Then I come back with another guid and play (we played together some time, right?). The fact that I'm playing and PB doesn't ban me means I'm NOT using hacks anymore. Now you say:

Originally posted by B
I got suspicious with some of the bs shots you were pulling. I ignored it for sometime until i saw 6 people in specs and then started getting pms from them about you.

That means I'm really good, good enough that people think I'm hacking, but the fact that I'm still on the server proves I'm not hacking, right? So ... When I'm that good, why would I have tried hacks and got me banned?

A little bit complicated, but logical, isn't it?

Come on, please, I have no idea what to do or say anymore to prove it: I did not hack. It's a big mistake and I explained the silly situation as good as I could. :(

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Postby Doomtr@!N » Sun Aug 27, 2006 4:51 pm


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