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Postby [A.S.H.]Aquaman » Fri Feb 14, 2003 12:01 pm

Originally posted by [ASH]Godfucker
Whats wrong with my name man? I'm not a big fan of yours but I'm not trying to cause trouble over it.

Not trying to cause trouble? Really!:help:


Postby [ASH]Godfucker » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:01 pm

So you sit for hours every night, putting bullets in people, blowing them to bits, setting them on fire, stabbing them in the back, sniping them in the head, poking them with needles, endlessly calling airstrikes in hopes to kill multiple people with a single shot. You are awarded points for kills, deaths, and gibs but when someone comes around with a name that could be seen as offensive, it's just too much right? A names just a name, an assortment of letters on the screen, how you decide to react to that is your own issue.

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Postby S.S.Lazer » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:29 pm

its disrespectful.
"Balls," said the queen. If i had 2 I would be the King.

Everyone likes a little ass, but nobody needs a smartass.


Postby [ASH]Godfucker » Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:43 pm

Don't think into it too much. ;)

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We can tell who you are, god...

Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:11 pm

Hey GodF****r, we're not stupid. We can tell who you are. The Stats page shows all your aliases.

Come on, smarten up, man. Are you that seriously deprived of attention?
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."

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Postby SilverSurfer » Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:20 pm

fuck off heaven go and play with your mommy

dont think much about it ???

do you think we are stupid :)
no we aren't :) :)

hehe :flame:
my space


Postby Freedom » Fri Feb 14, 2003 6:38 pm

If you had no choice in the name that was given to you then I would agree, a name is just a name. But you sir DID choose that name - for a very specific reason. That reason was to show your complete lack of respect for others. It is an insult at one of the highest levels.

Understand this, I am not religous myself but I know FULLY what is appropriate behavior and what is NOT. To think that it is ok just because you are not a TKer or act like a Smaktard shows an amzing level of ignorance on your part.

The name you are using is an insult to many people and us both morally and ethically INCORRECT. The proper thing to do would be to change it. If you truly believe that "a name is just a group of letters put together" like you said, then you should have absolutely no issue with changing it. Because I can tell you that most others will neither agree with your argument nor your currently chosen tag.

Show us that you really are a teamplayer.


Postby [ASH]Godfucker » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:21 pm

Someone named freedom should understand that I am asserting mine, though, thanks for your consern. This was simply a name I choose to use for 5 mins, 1 night on oc48 and it's not quite so simple to go about name changing on these boards once it's been done. And to the others, yes this was/is simply a ploy for attention, one that is working quite well so please, keep it up. It really doesn't take much to anger some people, and even less to bring others who were not even there to witness the occasion into the mix. Try not to let the name get to you, if it helps, pronounce it like this:
Go-D-Foo-car. Send my apologies to the inijured.

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Postby SilverSurfer » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:56 pm

i can see you have issues plz contact a pro
my space


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:40 pm

GODFUCKER..........The only problem I have with the name, is the ASH you have in front of it, No reason to use a known clans tag. Shows that your only interested in bustin their balls. You can be GodFucker for all I care, but remove the ASH :D How bout [ASS] GODFUCKER.....now that works:D

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:18 pm

[ASS]Shiteater, judging from your attitude, perhaps going back to your alias "Wolfplayer" would be more appropriate.:lol:



Ok. I'll leave it at this....

Postby Freedom » Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:21 pm

Ok God******, I'll leave this discussion at this. It's obvious that I find your choice in "tags" immature, disrespectful, insulting, rude, and unethical. But since you seem to prefer that behavior - fine. Just remember that they are your actions.

As for Freedom, I am glad you like my name and understand (at least in part) of its meaning. Though I am not sure you fully understand the meaning of "freedom of speech".

There is one thing I would like to say before closing this discussion. If your reason not for changing you tag is that it is not very easy to "change" it once it is created, I believe you are using that only as an excuse. You only registered that name yesterday. Further, this is the first thread you've posted on. If you really want to change your name - it's as easy as starting over. But it is a free Country.

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:25 pm

With freedom comes responsibility...


Postby [A.S.H.]Colossus » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:21 am

Hey, this is Heaven(the real one) I asked mmgood to change my name but he hasnt gotten around to it. As i pointed out to Zog there are two completely different pages for 2 heavens. If you search and click on one that pops up on upper right it is mine. If you choose the one that comes up above the list of names it is a different one. I dont know why it has appeared on my name or who was using it or how or what the fuck ever but I swear it was not me. Ask Zog we cleared it up. And if you want further confirmation ask Ghostrider, I was playing with him the night godfucker came on and we Im'ed afterwards. Please I know it all sounds like bullshit and like i am beating it to death but i have worked hard to build a rep for myself and am not trying to destroy it now. I dont want to beat this into the ground BUT I AM NOT NOR WAS I EVER GODFUCKER! If you cant take my word for it I am very sorry because I am telling the truth. -Edit- And how fu**ing stupid do you think I am? I know other aliases come up in stats.


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Sat Feb 15, 2003 12:29 am

I can verify that Heaven(ASH Colossus) was playin when ASH Godfucker was on spec,then he changed his name to Heaven. To match the Heaven that was playing..........But if you ask me both Heavens suck:D................... just kiddin dude


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