admin abuse

See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.

Moderators: BladeRunner, Chacal, Mugzy


Postby Keekanoo » Mon Jun 02, 2003 10:54 pm

Archangel--were you going by a dif't name June 2nd afternoon @ 5pm est? There was a faust jock fireing from the spawn exit--I was specing. I warned him, and the other 2 doing the same thing. I then launched the guy (love that satisfying splat) and warned him again. Then kicked him and the other 2 as all three weren't getting the hint. The one guy came back, said he didn't fire his weapon from spawn exit, and that he was only trying to go back into the spawn so he could jump up on the ledge ( a dufus move anyways) I argued with the guy for a few minutes, then just kicked him with 'you're irritating'.
Sound familiar?


Postby Keekanoo » Mon Jun 02, 2003 10:57 pm the by--they were only kicks, no bans or even temp-bans. I only temp-ban when someone is a repeat offender. The more they do the offense, the longer the temp-ban.
I only put bans on people that have consistantly tried to disrupt the game.


Postby ARCHANGEL » Tue Jun 03, 2003 6:00 pm

hey zog what I was saying is i didnt get warned just kicked, I came back in and asked why he said i was spawnblocking, i find that hard to believe cause i had just respawned and tried to jump on the ledge. I triedexplaining what I did and he kicked me for telling him. I didnt cuss him or type in caps lock. But he wanted to be an ass about it.

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Postby ShipWreck » Sat Jun 21, 2003 8:35 am

it's funny how people do things they are not supposed to, or not listen when someone tells them to stop, gets kicked and cries.. oh u mean admin boo hoo... grow the heck up.. jesus what is wrong with you all? u got kicked big deal want mommy kiss it make it better


Postby {CN}Doomfarer » Sat Jun 21, 2003 12:27 pm

I'd rather have Catherina Zeta Jones kiss and then continue on from there, until it is ALL better :)


Postby Gusbenz3000 » Sat Jun 28, 2003 11:21 am

I'm nice to the admin he or she is nice to me.

:flame: :rotflmao:


Postby LadyDeathstrike » Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:35 am

warpath just give it up , there is nothing that can be done.I mean there have been 3 complaints on NNC Physco in the last week and I have seen no action taken.(By the way he is a nice guy)


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