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Random kicking?

Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:19 pm

Is it normal for ECGN servers to kick people at random so ECGN players can better their scores?

I was playing tonight on ECGN #1, Husky was the map we were on. I was allied engineer and was helping repair the ship. An ECGN team member was in the ship with someone else, when he stepped out of the ship to repair, I stepped in to fire because my repair was used up. As soon as the ECGN person was finished repairing, I was kicked. I'm sure I was kicked because he wanted his cherry spot back in the ship, but why didn't he just ask me to step out? That was my intentions to swap with the other two engineers to keep the ship up and firing full time. I could understand if he asked and I did n't respond, but he didn't, he just kicked me off the server.

Is this something I should be expecting on ECGN servers? If I'm doing well on a map, kicking ECGN people in the ass (which is a rare occurance so far), will I get kicked so they don't look bad? If I'm in a good spot or vehicle am I going to get kicked so ECGN can have it?

I expect alot of cheating on these types of games, just not from server admins on public servers sponsered by professional services.

ECGN Tommy Boy was the one doing the kicking, doesn't matter at this point, just asking questions.


Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:21 pm

they won't kick you because your doing good, they kicked you probally because you took the spot in the ship the second the guy stepped out for a second.

Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:30 pm

Rule of thumb: never get in someone's vehicle when they get out to repair it. ECGN #1 is a public server and there are too many n00bs running around who will steal people's vehicles in that manner. With the chat lag issue the way it is, chat messages are too cumbersome to deal with because they take forever to go through. How do you make sure this problem doesn't happen again? Read the rules stickied at the top of the BF42 forum, and get Teamspeak at Then you can keep better communication with those in the vehicles so that way they know you are not trying to take their vehicle.


Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:31 am

reason who ever kicked you didnt say something ingame is chat lag...which should be fixed in horrid...sometimes as much as 10 mins...especially on a 64 player server.

Re: Random kicking?

Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:02 pm

Originally posted by Unregistered
ECGN Tommy Boy was the one doing the kicking, doesn't matter at this point, just asking questions.

Tommy's not an admin (to my knowledge) so he couldn't have kicked you. He may have asked for you to be kicked, though.

Jumping into a piece of artillery when it's already occupied is also highly frowned-upon. Although it's technically a 2-piece vehicle, it's used as a one-seater on ECGN. People get their arty setup in a good spot, then some :tard: comes along and drives the thing into battle. You get the picture. As has been mentioned, read the 'sticky' rules thread on page one and you'll come to love this place.

People aren't kicked for selfish reasons like you described. Also, jumping into an AA gun on Coral Sea when a guy gets out temporarily to repair the ship is a no-no, too.

If you jump in a spot and you start hearing "bail-out" over and over, you probably just hijacked someone's asset.

Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:49 pm

t/s is the best way I was learning how to play and jumping in an arty.....then lol I hear someone scream kick Slaughter lol, put I told him my mistake and jumped out......he was cool tho so my apologizes, lol didn't even know it was a arti lol

Tue Dec 30, 2003 10:01 pm

if it was wariudos you would be kicked instantly :)

Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:57 am

I've had instances in which I'm arbitrariliy disconnected from the server (not only this server, but several others I've played on), so it's quite possible that is what happened to you as well. Otherwise, employ etiquitte, follow the rules, and maintain a policy of common courtesy, and your stay on ECGN should be as enjoyable as that of any of the regulars. I can tell you that with confidence, being a relative newcomer myself.
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