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If you have been banned from any of our BF2 Pubs, Please post here.
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Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:16 pm

I'm have been a regular in your ECGn servers for the past month or so and have't had one problem with any of you guys. I keep to myself, don't talk smack or anything.

I was playing in your between 8pm and 9pm est on the Karkand map. For the first part of the game, I was grabbing one of the APC's on the MEC side. When I would die, I spawned back to grab it again.

After I did that 2 or 3 times, An ECGN member started spawning with me to get the APC. We were both pressing our action buttons to see who would grab it 1st. He ended up getting it a few times before me. The last time he got it, He was getting tagged my an APC or a tank. Then he hopped out to fix it, so I grabbed it back from him.

When I died, he banned me.

Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:19 pm

who is "he" who banned you?

Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:32 pm

I don't remember his name bro. I see so many of you guys int he servers, it's hard to keep track.

Re: Yeah...Banned

Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:41 pm

Originally posted by StankNuggets
I'm have been a regular in your ECGn servers for the past month or so and have't had one problem with any of you guys. I keep to myself, don't talk smack or anything.

I was playing in your between 8pm and 9pm est on the Karkand map. For the first part of the game, I was grabbing one of the APC's on the MEC side. When I would die, I spawned back to grab it again.

After I did that 2 or 3 times, An ECGN member started spawning with me to get the APC. We were both pressing our action buttons to see who would grab it 1st. He ended up getting it a few times before me. The last time he got it, He was getting tagged my an APC or a tank. Then he hopped out to fix it, so I grabbed it back from him.

When I died, he banned me.

That's considered stealing vehicles. Wait out the ban.

Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:31 pm

You are on the banlist on the City-maps server. It's a permanent ban. I can't see it in the logs yet, it will come up eventually.

I'm sure the admin who banned you will reply.

Mon Oct 17, 2005 11:42 pm

I banned you for Jacking my APC.

Enjoy the EA servers as you will NOT be welcomed back here.

Good day!

Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:36 am

So let me get this straight. You obviously saw me waiting for an apc to respawn. You come running over to the spawn area where I'm waiting to fight for it.

Because you can obviously tap your keys faster than I can, you ban me for taking back the apc?

Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:04 am

Originally posted by StankNuggets
So let me get this straight. You obviously saw me waiting for an apc to respawn. You come running over to the spawn area where I'm waiting to fight for it.

Because you can obviously tap your keys faster than I can, you ban me for taking back the apc?

Wasn't yours to begin with? Vehicle camping is not allowed here. First come, first serve.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:19 am

There are plenty of other vehicles around no need to squabble over them.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:32 am

Originally posted by SavageParrot
There are plenty of other vehicles around no need to squabble over them.


I just thought that getting banned for a 1st time offence was a little rash.

1 strike and you're out I guess..

Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:08 am

considering the amout of regs I regularly see camping or driving jeeps to planes it does seem a little harsh. Give the bruvva a break :)

Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:33 am

First off, I did not see you waiting for a vehicle to spawn.

I saw an APC available on the minimap, so the next time I died I switched my spawn to our main.

I spawned, got the APC and took off. At this point you came running towards me and hopped in.

I went to the front line with the APC. You never hopped out to fight, so I knew what you were up to; you wanted to jack the APC as soon as I got out to repair. Eventually the APC was destroyed and I respawned in the MAIN to grab it again. As soon as I spawn there you are waiting for it.

I grabbed the APC and took off with you in it again. Once again you never hopped out to join the fight once we were at the front lines. Once again, I knew that as soon as I hopped out to repair you were going to steal the vehicle. I hopped out to repair and you stole it. Pretty basic LOSER behavior!

You happen to hit one of my pet peaves, JACKING VEHICLES!

As I said before, have a nice time on the EA servers. We have plenty of other people who play here who know proper behaviour and we don't need your type of player on our servers.

Wairudo Enjin
Senior Admin

Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:11 am

ooh malace of forethought that's different. I can see if it was an opportunistic one off but if he was stalking you deliberately waiting to do it then he definately deserves the ban :)

Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:36 am

If that was my intention, I would have stolen the apc when you got out the 1st time to repair it don't ya think?

Did I do that? No

I admit it was a crap thing to do, and If I knew you were ban happy that day, I probably wouldn't have done it.

In any event, if you ban people because they do something wrong 1 time, I feel sorry for the people who play on your server that get banned because of something as trivial as stealing "YOUR" apc 1 time.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:46 am

Originally posted by Wairudo Enjin
We have plenty of other people who play here who know proper behaviour and we don't need your type of player on our servers.

That's a funny statement considering I've been playing on your servers for a while now and this is the only time I've ever had a problem. If I was such a Loser as you stated and I don't have proper behavior on your server, why has nobody ever said anything to me before?

It seems that you're the only one with that opinion
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