Rape in public 3 all vids

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Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby JaccoWacko » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:18 pm

Yeah counter strike source. Rape in public 3. Here you go all.


Hope you like it.

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Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby S.Shooter » Mon Jul 19, 2010 1:25 pm

This is a video all FPS players should see.
Sure it's Counterstrike Source, but this pro player d3vall is saying some really thoughtful things about public gaming and stuff.
Its my fav fragvids:
Rape in public 1-3
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Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby SavageParrot » Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:11 pm

Good video.

You only have to look at MW2 to see the truth of what he's saying, that is effectively all pub and the skill level is verging on atrocious. People don't learn, they follow the same routines and meet the same inevitable rape and the answer is always to look at the other team and call hack rather than to look at their own play and work out how to get better.

What you don't see on the video is the set up. Those long kill streaks almost certainly follow a round where he's set a pattern he wants them to look for. Then when he's established in their heads what they think he's going to do he can exploit it to get around behind them for the rape.

People just don't do team play. You get a team of 20 all looking for the cheap easy kill with no-one looking to protect the flanks or get around behind. There's no attempt to control the flow of play, no forward planning.

It's not dissimilar to how you'll get 10 sheeple whining about Remedy instead of passing on his location to the rest of the team to allow people to take him down co-operatively.

Reading the battle and steering it to get what you want is half the skill of the game...
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Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby Slaughter2 » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:16 pm

good vid for sure!!!

Pretty much sums of the wolf community at this point, easy cheap kills and no team play

Man I love the fact that every once in a while a good team gets together on both sides and actually plays real well together

This is really the only thing that still brings me back, looking for those great team games for sure
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Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby PappaBoner » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:56 am

What works best for team play is communication. When I was is clans, communication was the number one factor for winning, of course we used team speak though. Without team speak, it was a recipe for disaster. I know this isn't the main reason for lack of team play but team speak does help.....a lot.


Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby angila » Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:05 am

the rotation issue should be looked at again at this point in the game. i would say 40-70% of the current regular players prefer a rotation now, or at the very least a bit of variety if they want to sit and play on here for 2+ hours. even the quasi-rotation thats been mentioned before would be great (beach-ice-beach-base-beach-sub-etc...)....a normal rotation would be better IMO...but i guess all those new players just buying the game from demo eh?

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Re: Rape in public 3 all vids

Postby alessiomarkz » Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:50 am

angila wrote:the rotation issue should be looked at again at this point in the game. i would say 40-70% of the current regular players prefer a rotation now, or at the very least a bit of variety if they want to sit and play on here for 2+ hours. even the quasi-rotation thats been mentioned before would be great (beach-ice-beach-base-beach-sub-etc...)....a normal rotation would be better IMO...but i guess all those new players just buying the game from demo eh? https://www.giannasgrille.com

All of those can not easily mention to the game point...

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