State of the union address, tonight 9PM, will you be watching?

Off topic, but don't go too far overboard - after all, we are watching...heh.
Ralph Wiggum

Postby Ralph Wiggum » Fri Jan 31, 2003 2:32 pm

Originally posted by (>Tool<)
Yeah, so you guys don't like mike moore. Fine, I'm not asking you to like him, but the movie is based on fact and you can't change that. So go see the movie regardless and if you don't your being blind to something rather important.:tard:

Yep, no one could possibly argue with Moore's facts.


Postby Burningwick » Fri Jan 31, 2003 2:49 pm

Would someone please enlighten me as to why anyone cares what Moore thinks? I don't know anything about the guy except that he is some sort of movie producer (usually not the realm of intellectual heavyweights). Does he have some sort of training in the areas he speaks about? Does he have any degrees in these areas? I've heard nothing yet that would indicate that his opinion carries any more weight than that of Joe Sixpack down the street. If he does have some credentials, I might take the time to go hear what he thinks, but if not...


Postby Edogg » Fri Jan 31, 2003 3:44 pm

Im not saying that i agree with this Moore guy, but you dont need to have credentials to make observations about the society that you live in.


Postby Burningwick » Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:59 pm

Originally posted by Edogg
Im not saying that i agree with this Moore guy, but you dont need to have credentials to make observations about the society that you live in.

I agree with you Edogg. A wonderful thing about our country is that you're free to have and to express an opinion about anything. However, there are plenty of blowhards out there and the vast majority do not have the intelligence, education or training to make them worth listening to. That's why I want to know his credentials. Is he worth my time? I don't have time to listen to every uninformed idiot out there so I try to weed them out the best I can. Hence my question about this guy's worth.


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:04 pm

This thread point for it to continue. The only thing I would hope for, is for our colleges to stop hiring leftist professor scumbags from the 60's, that want to do nothing but fill the heads of today's youth with their personal agenda against this the way, isnt it time for California to fall into the ocean :D

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:14 pm

Originally posted by Casus
Guys, can we keep it civil and act like adults, or I'll have to lock it down.


We may have had the potential for a big flame at a point but I feel it's passed. As far as I'm concerned, we all came to an understanding - everybody here knows they are entitled to their opinions.

Hopefully, you have nothing to worry about.:D


Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:17 pm

Originally posted by COL.BUKKAKE
This thread point for it to continue. The only thing I would hope for, is for our colleges to stop hiring leftist professor scumbags from the 60's, that want to do nothing but fill the heads of today's youth with their personal agenda against this the way, isnt it time for California to fall into the ocean :D

Affirmative! :blow:


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:13 pm

This one I love the most:

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:32 pm

Originally posted by COL.BUKKAKE
This one I love the most:

I remember seeing that one somewhere else; laughing then and now. :rotflmao:

Definitely a favorite...:rotflmao:


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:37 pm

I love the guy, but this is pretty good also:

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:39 pm

Originally posted by COL.BUKKAKE
I love the guy, but this is pretty good also:

Good one!:lol:

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:44 pm

Just seeing H.W. Bush flip the bird makes it even better.:lol:


Postby seigfreid » Sat Feb 01, 2003 5:10 am

go here, this may settle some politcal and social question brought up from the above

Doug the Unforgiven

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Sat Feb 01, 2003 9:25 am

Originally posted by seigfreid
go here, this may settle some politcal and social question brought up from the above

Wow, that article/website wasn't biased at all. So balanced in its complete bashing of "Bush the emperor." (heavy, dripping sarcasm)

It's amazing how America didn't take immediate action to stop other threats (the Soviet Union fell, BTW; I'm sure the US had nothing to do with that - yah right). There are many ways to deal with threats; doesn't mean the threats don't exist.

"Progressive" is a pretty term, but it's become nothing more than a catchy buzzword to trick people into socialism.


El Cid

Postby El Cid » Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:39 am

Originally posted by seigfreid
go here, this may settle some politcal and social question brought up from the above Instead, focus on the heart of the speech: a highly manipulative drum beat for war.

Bush used all the standard propaganda that he's been rehearsing for six months now.

First, the hyping of the threat.

Bush invoked "Hitlerism, militarism, and communism" to set the audience's temperature

Well Siegfreid, I appreciate you sharing your information, but that type of viewpoint wont get much agreement with me or Doug. I have a question for siegfreid. Is there a context when YOU would say war should be intitiated by the US?


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