let me know what you think about s.s.clan

Off topic, but don't go too far overboard - after all, we are watching...heh.

let me know what you think about s.s.clan

Postby S.S.Elite-Guard » Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:33 am

i will listen comments,i maybe look for new s.s.,let me know what you think.just 1 thing, tool,or ash ghostrider,dont be mad if i ignore your comments.i know what you think about us. play to have fun,we can say that.:D


Postby [A.S.H]PUNISHER » Fri Dec 27, 2002 2:27 pm

with way u been acting u shouldnt get a reply from anyone:blow:


Postby Wolverine » Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:05 pm

Again we have a breakdown in communication. If u think ASH hates SS your wrong. I respect all those worthy of respect and anyone who doesnt deserve respect wont get any.


Postby OSPREY » Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:39 pm

I have been playing the Beach server for some time now and I can say with some credibility that I know the players with talent , the ball breakers and the plain nimrods.Bieng by myself I quess my opinion isnt one sided. In the begining Elite and I have busted each other balls quite a bit , I showed him up on rare occasion and he's owned me quite a few times. But things have changed within the last few months and his group has really turned into a top notch professional clan. Talent is definately there w/ the occasional trash talk. I might disagree with the amount of Medics allowed within the game, however the fact remains that no matter the personality ( Engineer,Luits, etc) they all can assume the roles and carry the objective out. This also goes for Team ASH ,as I found there players to be highly commendable.Bashing should only apply when someone gets to high on thier pedalstill and needs a grenade to bring them back to earth.


Postby MeatShield » Fri Dec 27, 2002 5:10 pm

I would have to agree with Osprey, I really enjoy having both clans as skilled as they are on the server, mainly because... if im on the clan side, I really enjoy the teamwork that is played.. and when I'm on the opposing side, killing a clan member is definately a highlight.. it gives me the warm fuzzy knowing that I am getting better... I must say that I like how S.S. attempts to improve their gaming no matter what the cost to themselves... such as a time with the everlasting flamethrower,, having a Lt. and a medic right behind at all times.. although not much protection from gernades.. also that the trashtalking is minimal with the group while on the server.. (notice I did not mention the forums..:lol: ).

A.S.H.. you guys have a good side too, can't say since you didn't start the thread,.. :P

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Postby Giggles » Mon Dec 30, 2002 10:42 am

What does giggles think of the S.S clan?
I have played with you and I have played against you, and undoubtedly you are an excellent team. You do have some of the best players on the net, but that doesn't neccesarily make you the greatest team. I have witnessed some of the S.S. clan slag off other players on occasion and that has to be your biggest downside. Everybody has to learn somewhere and this server isn't just yours, its for everyone to play on.

But yes, you do also have some very nice friendly players....

You work with well within your clan and you work well with other non-clan players who happen to be on your team. You are good allrounders, you just need to compliment players a little more....Just because somebody isn't as good as you, it doesn't make them a crap player.

Look forwards to seeing you on the beach


Postby PoNS » Mon Dec 30, 2002 5:44 pm

Well, i like the S.S. clan a lot
i like the members, cow, pie, zog
they are all good players and fun to play with
i wanted to join them, but they never answerd me :(
So i joined wef, because i knew some people there
and i don't know what is going on between the S.S. and [A.S.H.] clan, they are both good clans :confused:


Postby S.S.Elite-Guard » Mon Dec 30, 2002 6:42 pm

thx to say what you think. i appreciate it,i saw a lot of good players and they are not all in the s.s. . I will try to say more compliments (when you deserve it) and the server is not for ss only,i agree.your welcome to play with/against us.Have fun and play with respect,we will do the same thing and we gonna have great games.Wolfenstein games is based on teamworks (thats why we have voice commands),if you know that and you using it, your already a good players! SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH,I DO MY BEST TO LEARN MY 2ND LANGAGE:( continue to let me know what you think, have a good games on oc48 beach

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Postby Killer Mike » Tue Dec 31, 2002 1:00 am

To the post about them not complimenting enough, not to completely disagree, but I think S.S. does a very fine job in complementing people. For instance, if someone takes the docs to the radio room, they are always the first ones to say, "Nice run." The only time crap gets started is when people begin to come into the servers with their names "S.S. Retards" or "I fucked Lord Zog" or any other immature remarks pointed towards the S.S. clan. S.S. has a lot of crap to put up with and these are just a little bit of the things they do deal with. People get mad at them for having a lot of players that can win the game and make the whole score board with their famous blue. So, overall, I think S.S. is a great clan. I think Zog and Elite do a well job in keeping it organized and maintained. However, I wish that they would get together for a scrimm against GFU:roll: :) :D


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Tue Dec 31, 2002 12:21 pm

Thanx Mike for the kind words....as for scrimmage, I would love too. Tried to get Elite and Zog to seperate us into 4 groups under Captains, this way we can be more organized and have more chances of gettin matches accomplished(if 1 squad cant make it another steps in) and the Captains can report to Elite and Zog. Rite now I think we have had defections and lost players do to comp problems, but I'm sure Elite and Zog will get everything takin care of:D

Doug the Unforgiven

my $.02

Postby Doug the Unforgiven » Tue Dec 31, 2002 2:25 pm

I've seen you S.S. guys on Blood Beach alot and I have to say you guys play well as a team. It's fun to be on your team for the teamwork, but also fun to be on opposite team for the challenge. You guys make it tough. You could all be average, but you all look good with such teamwork.
Other people let the frustration of all the S.S. get to them; they don't look at the big picture: if you beat the S.S. dominant team, it's quite an accomplishment! Besides, it's so fun to see S.S. names come up as kills!
I don't mean to sound like a suck-up, and this is stuff you all have probably already heard before. Oh well.
Keep up the good work, and I'll see you on the killing fields.


Postby S.S.Elite-Guard » Tue Dec 31, 2002 2:53 pm

thx for the compliments,dudes!:D and killer mike,it will be a pleasure to have more scrim against gfu,you founded a great clan.if see a gfu member in my team,i know is a good teammate.if he play against me,i have to take care.tell me a good server where we can do a good training to our clans,cu later good server= ping lower than 100:P

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Postby Killer Mike » Tue Dec 31, 2002 6:22 pm

Hey Elite, I don't know why you were pinging 500 at our server, perhaps it was just down that day. I ping around 50 and so does Zog. Try connecting again later, and tell me what you get.


Postby }-{ellfish » Wed Jan 01, 2003 3:49 pm

good clan with all good members (take it easy on the airstrikes).


Postby (>Tool<) » Fri Jan 03, 2003 5:33 am

Hey Guard thanks man for the recognition, I would start a flame war in here but Cowgomoo is just entertaining and therefore I love the dude and Iceman is rather comical himself. Me and the iceman ironed out our differences. as for Zog, he can be really kewl, and he can be really dumb (not ment to insult because the really kewl part is new)


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