the evil "unreliable data gram protocol"

Off topic, but don't go too far overboard - after all, we are watching...heh.

the evil "unreliable data gram protocol"

Postby C20H25N3O » Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:25 pm

well simply

from [][/url]
MOHMultiplayer game servers that let players attack each other in virtual worlds could be the latest tool for online scofflaws to digitally attack other computers on the Internet, a security firm said on Thursday

just some interesting news.

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Postby SilverSurfer » Sun Jan 19, 2003 4:46 am

i dont understand it completely but does this mean that if we are playing on a server our computer could be under attack from some kind of person ??????
my space


Postby Jonny » Mon Jan 20, 2003 10:22 pm

I see what it's saying.

SilverSurfer, it has nothing to do if you're playing or not.

The basic idea is that an evil_d00d sends a status request to a server with a spoofed source IP address. The game server then sends the (much larger) status response to the IP address that evil_d00d spoofed. It acts like a network traffic magnifier with an arbitrary destination.

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