State of the union address, tonight 9PM, will you be watching?

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State of the union address, tonight 9PM, will you be watching?

Postby Buliwyf » Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:47 pm

Anyone going to tune in to Mr Bush to see what is on his agenda tonight?
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I am..

Postby Casus » Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:32 pm

I am, for 3 reasons:

(a) To hear why we got the balls to attack Iraq and NOT North Korea.

(b) To watch this bumbling idiot try and speak intelligently, mis-pronounce, mis-speak, etc, and make a fool out of himself.

(c) Hear what he is going to do to fix the god damn economy, since I don't think another $300 or $600 per family is going to work, it didn't work after he took office, not like giving everyone $300 again will change the tech-depression and recession we are in.

If you can't tell, I am so frustrated with this man. I was glad Clinton was gone, and happy to see a change, but Bush is worse then the Clinton Era in my book. I mean, what's wrong with a president getting a BJ every now and then, heck if you had Mrs Clinton as your wife, you'd do the same thing!

And no, I'm not a Democrap or Republican, I can think for myself, thank you.


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Postby Buliwyf » Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:41 pm

bleh im so used to posting in 1942, sorry about the wrong forum :)
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Postby AsphyXIatioN » Tue Jan 28, 2003 7:06 pm

no prob dude about the post.(he was just trying to get extra post under his belt).anyways ,im not going to be watching cause it doesnt matter what the hell he says he can change his mind just like a female. economy sucks ass:tard:


Postby Burningwick » Tue Jan 28, 2003 7:12 pm

I'll be watching for sure. I think he's done a great job so far; especially considering the circumstances he has had to deal with. The recession had started before he even took office and 9/11 did nothing to help it. Still, something needs to be done and I'm curious as to what he and his staff have in mind.

I'd really like to understand why we're so gung-ho on attacking Iraq. I understand why we're threatening but don't understand why we can't wait and give the inspectors time. Hopefully, that will be addressed tonight.

The Korea situation has been handled masterfully in my opinion. For anyone interested, here's a great article on the subject.
Don't know if the author is Repub. or Dem. but he makes a lot of sense.

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Postby Chacal » Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:07 pm

Originally posted by Burningwick

I'd really like to understand why we're so gung-ho on attacking Iraq. I understand why we're threatening but don't understand why we can't wait and give the inspectors time. Hopefully, that will be addressed tonight.

Because you need a Bad Guy. It's the "wag the dog" principle.


Postby Burningwick » Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:31 pm

Originally posted by Chacal
Because you need a Bad Guy. It's the "wag the dog" principle.

Certainly a possibility. I would hope that reality would not be that simplistic. Hard to tell if we always need a bad guy and so we invent them or if there are just a bunch of them out there, giving us a never-ending supply. Like most things in life, it's probably a mixture of the two.


Postby COL.BUKKAKE » Tue Jan 28, 2003 8:45 pm

Kick Sadamm, get his prob....then we should bomb the shit out of Saudi Arabia, bunch of 2 faced cunts:D

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Re: I am..

Postby ShellShock » Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:26 pm

Originally posted by Casus
Iwhat's wrong with a president getting a BJ every now and then, heck if you had Mrs Clinton as your wife, you'd do the same thing!

I'd be more worried about her cutting off my dick!

And Bush did say one smart thing for once. He's promising 1.2 billion for Hydrogen Technology research. Where that 1.2 billion will come from is up in the air though.

Oh yea, I'm registered Independent. I hate our two-party system.


Postby hothead2 » Tue Jan 28, 2003 9:28 pm

so far sounds good, only thing that bothers me is the tax cuts and all the new spendings, but then again when we own iraq we will be the axis of oil ;) !

no really i support almost all of bush's ideas. unlike clinton what an evil man!

did he just say he was against abortion?!? bcuz i love abortion!

Rat Bastard

Postby Rat Bastard » Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:10 pm

Iraq should be magically transformed into rolling hills of glass...

(okay- anyone not understand that?)


Postby SumYungGui » Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:50 pm

bipartisan politics sucks major donkey dong. you've got the choice between worse, and worse. there is no good. the whole thing's a sham, with the outcome of the election pre-determined via the two major parties. the question isn't 'who do you want for president when you vote?' it's 'which of our two pre-selected candidates do you want?'


Postby AsphyXIatioN » Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:58 pm

i actully watched the address and felt it was moving. sadaam is an ass and needs to go.:blow: i didnt vote for bush and dont want to get into politcs because this forum could go on forever but i think bush is doing one hell of a job adn all the other countries out there (non USA) we are not like a hittler but just want world peace and democracy(freedom).how else we gonna get other noobs on wolf if they are not allowed to get internet.:confused:

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Postby FarginMofo » Wed Jan 29, 2003 2:47 am


Yeah, the 2 party system does sucks. Heres something I heard the other day on a radio talk show on politics that relates to this, I'm paraphrasing:

The host was saying how he's amazed everytime someone says they voted for the "lesser of 2 evils". There are other candidates/parties. Vote for the candidate that represents your opinions/beliefs the most. He gave Ralph Nader as an example. He voted for Ralph in a previous election. He mentioned how nearly everyone was telling him that was a "wasted vote", "Nader will never win", "you hurting the democrats that way" , etc. Well, if everyone keeps telling others and themselves that, and they believe it, and they go ahead and vote for the "lesser"...than what you have is a self-fulfilling prophecy, an alternate party/candidate will never win.

Makes sense.
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Postby Allister Fiend » Wed Jan 29, 2003 5:18 am

I will be watching. (because of the state of the union address, I missed farginmofo lose it on teamspeak, damn):D

I for one did not vote for George Bush (and to this day I still bang my head against the wall for that mistake.)
But now I am one of his biggest supporters and will probablay vote for him next election.

He is doing a great job for someone who Inherited most of the problems he has to deal with.

As for Iraq, more time for the inspectors, 12 years is long enough, too long in fact, should we wait another 12 years. The UN seems useless, why do we have it if they dont follow through on anything.

Allister Fiend


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