Wolf 1.5a (aka iortcw) released!

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Wolf 1.5a (aka iortcw) released!

Postby MAN-AT-ARMS » Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:49 pm

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of RTCW, a new release of iortcw is now available for download.

The version number was bumped to 1.5a (15th anniversary). This is also to help avoid the continued duplication of version numbering with other projects.

As usual, more updates and fixes. This is more of a bug fix release rather than new feature additions.

Full list of changes are here:

Library updates:
SDL2 (2.0.4), OpenAL Soft (1.17.2), Freetype (2.6.4), curl (7.46.0), ogg (1.3.2), opus (1.1.2), vorbis (1.3.5), and zlib (1.2.8).

Cvar fixes / adds:
cg_crosshairHealth (Vanilla - fixed)
cg_showblood/com_blood (Vanilla - fixed turning this off)
cg_drawCrosshairBinoc and cg_drawCrosshairReticle (New SP - sniper/snooper/binoc reticle crosshairs as they appear in vanilla)

Rend2 optimization and improvements.
Some general sound and rendering bug fixes.
Some joystick/gamepad improvements.
Corrected the Punkbuster GUID hash calculation for 64 bit clients.
Re-implement official master as default and some heartbeat optimization.
Improved shader syntax/error messages.
Other stuff.

Downloads here:




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Re: Wolf 1.5a (aka iortcw) released!

Postby EurO » Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:09 am

Downloading now... great to see you on the server MAA, lots of fun playing Wizernes! Thanks for updates, will check back for more info if necessary...

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Re: Wolf 1.5a (aka iortcw) released!

Postby Jun1oR » Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:02 am

EurO wrote:Downloading now... great to see you on the server MAA, lots of fun playing Wizernes! Thanks for updates, will check back for more info if necessary...

wizernes is on the server now?!?!

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