Lame Admins

See people abusing the server? Cheating Scum? Post about them here for all to see their lameness.

Moderators: BladeRunner, Chacal, Mugzy


Postby Freedom » Fri May 02, 2003 12:31 am

I'm feeling the love in this room. Admit it, you do too..........

Seriously though. I hope you stick around Charlie. I think you will have a VERY different opinion in a very short time. I absolutely refuse to play on any server other than ECGN - and it's because of the admins and the regulars.

Please also understand that the S9R server is brand new and the #2 server does tend to get a little less attention than #1. The admins here work really hard but sometimes they have to make decisions very quickly which will sometimes turn out to be the wrong decision in hindsight. But that is why we have the forums too.

P.S. - Download and install TeamSpeak. It's the VoiceIP software we all use to talk to each other while we play. It totally transforms your Battlefield gaming experience. Also, since the Admins are on it as well it is much easier to resolve issues before it come to kicking and banning.


Postby CharlieGsanD » Fri May 02, 2003 2:03 am

got TS, last few times i went on nobody was there, is it used regularly?


Postby AnimalCracka » Fri May 02, 2003 4:07 am

We use it every time we play. Most of us play reg 1942, not S9RM. I play both but there usually isnt any one in the S9RM TS channel. I will have it on when I play in there now. Maybe some of the other regs will give it a run sometime.


Postby Sannop » Fri May 02, 2003 9:39 am

hey all... have to show a little love every once in awhile. I usually am just a prick:D

By the way (showing my ignorance) what is S9RM? I have been on the look out for another online game. I love Ghost Recon it isn't supported here.

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Postby FarginMofo » Fri May 02, 2003 9:42 am

Soldier's9 Realism Mod for BF1942. Pick it up in the downloads section.
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Postby Camel toe joe » Fri May 02, 2003 9:47 am

Okay enough with the jiba jaba!! get your asses on the server and zip it.....:D


Postby CharlieGsanD » Fri May 02, 2003 3:34 pm

S9RM is a realisim Mod for battlefield 1942, one hit, one kill sums it up pretty well.....

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Postby Colonel Ingus » Thu May 29, 2003 12:17 am

I made a mistake on one of the servers mainly due to bad judgement on my part plus message lag. I talked to the guys on ECGN and we figured out what I done wrong and I am playing again.

ECGN rocks and if you are not in the unfortunate situation where you miss their messages you get to see that these admins are pretty damn good.

This IS the best damn server for BF1942 bar none.

Hope you can stick around Charlie and word to the wise. If you suggest this server to RL friends (like I do) then make sure you tell them to read the server rules.

Server rules are one of the top reasons I play on it!

That and the fact I get to shoot admins repeatedly and don't get banned for it. Has happened to me on servers that are not so good. (not that I gun for admins! honest!)
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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Thu May 29, 2003 11:31 am

I'm allowed to BAN for people shooting me?! :eek: :cool:


*makes mental note, BAN Ingus*



Postby red_mist » Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:15 pm

Somebody end this thread before I get sick on all the sweetness and love...............


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