Public apology to all on server.....

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Public apology to all on server.....

Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:18 am


I was playing on the ECGNetwork server the about a week/ week and a half ago when I encountered a player who shall remain unnamed acting rudely and disruptive. Several times this individual acted inappropriately towards me and I was able to ignore him. At one point I'd had enough and decided to handle the matter myself. I threw an expack down in front of the plane he was in and tried to blow him up. This was observed by a member of the ECGNetwork staff and I was summarily kicked and banned. The behavior I exhibited that night is not indicative of my normal gaming and had I known the server is very tightly monitored by admin, I would have let them handle this individual. I would like my ban to be lifted and be placed on probation for a period of time to monitor my activity. This behavior will not occur again and if you choose not to lift the ban, I will still regard this server as one of the premier servers offering BF1942. Thanks for your time in this matter.

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Postby Weasel Meat » Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:20 am

At one point I'd had enough and decided to handle the matter myself

Been there done that, however, revenge tks are treated the same way as intentional tks.

Please read the Server Rules

It is also recomended thet you get and use TeamSpeak as admins are on most of the time during games and can deal with the :tard: quickly.

Since you posted in the correct forums and in a mature manner, PM me your IP and the ban may be removed.


Postby Bullhead » Sat Jan 24, 2004 11:49 am

MOTHER OF GOD! I don't think I've ever read such an intelligent, honest confession......WOW!

Charlie, you sound intelligent and like a good player, GET TEAMSPEAK!!! You'll never play BF anywhere else again!


Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 11:54 am

Thanks Weasel Meat for the quick response. When I get home this afternoon I'll send you the IP addy. Again, thanks.

Thanks Bullhead; I'm a geezer to some (35) and a pup to others. You're right about the Teamspeak; gotta get that. One question in regards to that though; does it behave the same as the game chat where vehicle/person movements are interrupted while typing or is it all voice? Appreciate your time.


Postby Bullhead » Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:46 pm

naw, the default is voice activation, but IT SUCKS, b/c everyone will here echos if you use speakers, or everytime you cough, etc. What you want to do is set a button to be Push-to-Talk (I use the left shift key, personally), so all you have to do is hold it down to talk into your mic, and you can stilll fly/drive/run/shoot/etc. Some new guys just like to listen at first, get a feel for how it's used, etc. Make sure to bring a sense of humor (preferably a sick one :D), since alot of b/s gets thrown around during slow matches...

Whenever they get you back on, feel free to post any problems, questions, complaints, concerns, etc in the main bf1942 forum...

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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:12 pm

35 is about the average age for us here. I am 35 myself. :)


Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:14 pm

Thanks. I suppose I have to download the Client version right?

BTW go to this link and read my posts to get a feel for my sense of humor.


Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:44 pm

Yo Wairudo,

Anyone ever tell you that you kind of look like Steven the wife beater Segal? lol

BTW I'm in Atlanta area too. Other than ECGNetwork what servers do you hit?

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Postby Hellacious » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:47 pm

[quote]Originally posted by CharlieDontSurf
[B]Yo Wairudo,

Anyone ever tell you that you kind of look like Steven the wife beater Segal? lol

Heheheheheh wife :eek:

In Game Name [ECGN-ADMIN]Hellacious

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Postby Buliwyf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 2:02 pm

charlie, didn't you play on the EOD ecgn server awhile back?
XBOX 360 Gamertag


Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 2:13 pm

No, I haven't played anything except vanilla BF1942. I use the screen name **Charlie Don't Surf** and I have died at your hands several times in the past and hopefully in the future.

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Postby Wairudo Enjin » Sat Jan 24, 2004 3:21 pm

I only play on ECGN. :)

And no, I've never heard that before. ;)

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Postby yaDad » Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:04 pm

IF you want to plat DC on ecgn server come to mine

theresa TS channel for it as well
I have not failed...I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work.

Rule of Wrist

Postby Rule of Wrist » Sat Jan 24, 2004 4:07 pm

I can vouch for this guy's integrity... I asked him one night to get on TS since he seemed like a decent player and a decent guy...

Welcome aboard Charlie... :beer:


Postby CharlieDontSurf » Sat Jan 24, 2004 6:11 pm

Thanks for the kind word Rule. I remember going up against you on Guadacanal one night; me in Zero you in the Corsair. You had my number that night and are an excellant pilot. I promise you next time I'll make sure I'm either on the same side or on the ground.


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