sikwitit tks and i get banned.

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sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:36 pm

gg breast/gamb i appreciate getting banned for a week for getting shot in the head by teammates.

since you were on the other team and don't know what happened, let me tell you.

i was protecting docs at top of back stairs when sik comes around the corner prefiring and doesn't stop when he sees it's me.

i ask him to stop tking me and i get a week ban.

earlier today some guy name unknown was questioning why
we switched maps from beach to ufo and in the process dropping
30+ players. so gamb just kicked him.
apparently he's not able to get over his beef with me for not being a hacker
well i'm done with him and your server as long as he's an admin.
maa this guy is a fuckup and shoudln't be an admin


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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby Gamb » Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:10 pm

Well Oadin let me explain a few things for you so you better understand. I never kicked Unknown for asking about map change. I don't appreciate you making up lies , and even the reason never said any such thing. Don't presume to know what I am thinking or why I am doing something.

2nd you were banned yesterday by Superpuzzy for your poor behavior. Let me help your memory, you tk'd numerous people , and you spoke to admin in a manner that was rude and uncalled for, especially a lady. You should be ashamed of yourself for the comments you made.

3rd today you were unbanned and then what do i see you doing teambleeding and tking , not even 24 hours after being unbanned for similar behavior. So yes I rebanned you and put in comment 1 week, the actual amount of time will be up to the higher ups, but I suggest 1 week. For some reason you seem to think the rules don't apply to you.

I bear no ill towards you and I do not hold a grudge, in fact a week ago I apologized to you for the bad start we had. You have a horrible attitude towards others especially when you do not get your own way or people don't do things the way you expect. You always have a complaint about something and never seem to actually enjoy yourself. I suggest some anger management classes and maybe growing up.

BTW both Parrot and Ch1ck saw you spamming the server repeatedly trying to join, and I counted you doing this 3 separate times and have a demo of the first time. Now after all this if you can control yourself and follow the server rules and listen to admins I have no problem letting you back after you spend some deserved time away.

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:13 pm

It's not a lie, your reason said shhh. As in he's talking negatively about your poor admin abilities which you display daily.

what happened with puzzy was with puzzy and has no bearing on this bullshit you pulled today.

I seem to think that if somebody walks up and starts shooting me and doesn't stop until they've put half a clip in me, that that person is the one with the problem, not me.

I don't see how you claim to have seen me tking or bleeding since you were on the other team but whatever, form the 'truth' as you see fit. You're dishonest and i don't want to speak to you ever again so this is the last reply you'll ever get from me.

How's this for growing up. fuck you. I hope you're run over by a truck you fucking douche. Who do you think you are to tell me a god damn thing. Now get the fuck out of my thread or get on your knees and blow me, maybe if you do a decent job i might respond to anything else you have to say.

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby Gamb » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:32 pm

Well that was mild compared to how you spoke to SuperPuzzy. You seem to only recall and remember things as you want. This is the exact behavior I was referring to earlier and I reiterate you may want to seek anger management classes. Its a privilege to play here not a right and you have to abide by rules like everyone else.

As for why I kick someone else it really does not concern you unless you feel it was unwarranted(if so pm Man at Arms or Parrot). I do answer to them but I do not answer to you, the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will get on better on the server. You seem to want to question everything I do on the server when most times you dont know why things are happening. Sorry but I do not feel I owe you an explanation for every admin action I take especially when it is not relating to you personally.

The admins here do not get paid, and do this on there own free time to make the server as cheat free and as enjoyable as possible. Sometimes this means kicking people for inappropriate behavior such as racism, tking, teambleeding or abuse. We are not perfect and can make mistakes, but normally apologize when we have. So cut the admins some slack, help them out and please show them some respect.

This is the last time I will take the time to explain things to you and the last I will comment to you on the matter. Come back after you have calmed down and respond maturely

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby SavageParrot » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:18 am

theBIGgerman wrote:what happened with puzzy was with puzzy and has no bearing on this bullshit you pulled today.

Nah, you see that's not how it works. You don't get to be a twat to every admin in sequence, it's cumulative. We post bans in our forums so every time you act like a gimp to one of us we all know about it and use it to craft an ever bigger and bigger ban stick to hit you with.

Speak to puzzy like you spoke to her again and, I'll break out my banstick and well, to be frank, it's more of a club these days. I'm pretty sure it'll leave a mark...
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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:52 am

I don't even remember what i said to puzzy, and i don't care.

Fuck off parrot. You're an asshole now and you always have been.

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby SuPer PuZZy » Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:59 am


I know you can be decent,.
and yes you do care.

Just get all of it together, inhale and apologize to all.
Maybe you ll have a change to play on ecgn again.
Maybe you ll win the respect back.

Do read all you wrote and think back how angry you were when you wrote this.
This is no way of communication in an propitiate way.
Talking like this won t help you at all.

Come on you can do it.

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:48 pm

thank you puzzy, but i don't intend on playing at ecgn again while gamb is there.
so if they want to keep me banned for speaking my mind then so be it.
i'm plenty calm and i mean everything written up there.

I've got no problem with you, chick, slaughter, cateye, or MAA but if parrot and gamb
fell off a bridge and drowned i wouldn't give it another thought besides the smile
it would bring to my face.

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby SavageParrot » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:01 pm

theBIGgerman wrote:Fuck off parrot. You're an asshole now and you always have been.

Yep. No denials here. How about you? You in denial or have you just not realised what a gigantic sack of tools you are yet?
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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:53 pm

nope, i've posted on here numerous times that i'm an asshole, i thought you read these forums, no?

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby Gamb » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:40 am

Don't take life so seriously, It's not Permanent !!

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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby SavageParrot » Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:45 am

yet ;)
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Re: sikwitit tks and i get banned.

Postby theBIGgerman » Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:04 am

don't tell me what to do mr. ego.

nobody's talking to you parrot, ever.

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