Make sure to bring lots of med packs, our 64 player beach server is intense!
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Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:21 am

Seems we need to start to spice things up on beach...with the little community we have left it would be nice to maybe get somethings different on good ole beach


no life limits---to stop the non stop allies never moving up, and the axis hiding in wr and basement alllll game

get rid of the super medic, 30 shots to the dome and they still are running

lower the lt bar like before, a/s spam is starting to happen, especially when teams are unbalanced

do a forced team to make it fair

bring back spy, land mines maybe

start with more ammo, holy I need ammo spam alll game

teach peeps to actually read the radar, can't stand when i run behind a lt and he never truns around

increase the spawn time in bunker for allies

make axis actually defend upper area lol yeah right

have enemy when they die drop everything

all peeps get to pick up ANY weapon
(ahhhh lt with a panzer lol)


turn off PB lol just kidding

get rid of stats just bogs the server down, laggg is the worst its ever been

any thoughts on this what would you switch????

Just seeing alot of complaints of the same thing non stop, wall blows axis defend for a minute, hurry to basement and wr and camp, allies blow wall hurry to get to their lower camping spot and wait, or stay on upper whole game.....just getting old, a little spice just by changing some server settings would be great

My 2 cents, in St Lucia right now its more like 7 cents lol

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:42 pm

ive always been a fan of no life limits

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:43 pm

Slaughter2 wrote:Seems we need to start to spice things up on beach...with the little community we have left it would be nice to maybe get somethings different on good ole beach


no life limits---to stop the non stop allies never moving up, and the axis hiding in wr and basement alllll game

get rid of the super medic, 30 shots to the dome and they still are running

lower the lt bar like before, a/s spam is starting to happen, especially when teams are unbalanced

do a forced team to make it fair

bring back spy, land mines maybe

start with more ammo, holy I need ammo spam alll game

teach peeps to actually read the radar, can't stand when i run behind a lt and he never truns around

increase the spawn time in bunker for allies

make axis actually defend upper area lol yeah right

have enemy when they die drop everything

all peeps get to pick up ANY weapon
(ahhhh lt with a panzer lol)


turn off PB lol just kidding

get rid of stats just bogs the server down, laggg is the worst its ever been

any thoughts on this what would you switch????

Just seeing alot of complaints of the same thing non stop, wall blows axis defend for a minute, hurry to basement and wr and camp, allies blow wall hurry to get to their lower camping spot and wait, or stay on upper whole game.....just getting old, a little spice just by changing some server settings would be great

My 2 cents, in St Lucia right now its more like 7 cents lol

yea i agree with everything there.. especially turning pb off.. :D

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:49 am

Guys, I would say:-

a) remove life limit - I like to play aggressive and not camp the war room. This can lead to having no lifes left with 18 mins of round to go :lol: Only option then is to roll a smoko and drink a cup of tea, or fake a router d/c and reconnect. :flame:

b) Start medics with 32/64 ammo

c) Reduce medic recharge rate slightly

d) Remove flame thrower weapon :ar15:

e) Allow self kill for respawn/ammo if thats what player needs to do (it wastes a life after all) Personaly i'd rather kill for some ammo than run about holding ma knife for 10-12 mins then get shot up anways. :freak:


Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:09 am

JTsexyback wrote:Guys, I would say:-

a) remove life limit - I like to play aggressive and not camp the war room. This can lead to having no lifes left with 18 mins of round to go :lol: Only option then is to roll a smoko and drink a cup of tea, or fake a router d/c and reconnect. :flame:

b) Start medics with 32/64 ammo

c) Reduce medic recharge rate slightly

d) Remove flame thrower weapon :ar15:

e) Allow self kill for respawn/ammo if thats what player needs to do (it wastes a life after all) Personaly i'd rather kill for some ammo than run about holding ma knife for 10-12 mins then get shot up anways. :freak:


Medic: are to powerfull anyway, soo no need for more ammo so they can rule more!

Limited life: I never camp wr and still having lifes left in end of rounds, only if teams are unfair/stacked they will run out, or when beeing a panzer. So get better :rotflmao:( I try to survive 1 life every minute, and about 10-13min I rather stick to better positions then beeing open to get killed everywhere, or having backups from other teamplayers)
And I mostley always tap out instead of laying down and crying for medics if they are not close.

With no limit lifes the teamplay will die a bit, I dont see any reason to revive anyone anymore just tap and begin full health/ammo.

Flamer yepp take it away! To hard anyway to get any kills, but probobly my ping thats make it hard to use. (only sad it makes some lag sometimes)


Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:26 am

As i said i play aggressivley. To finish with lives remaining you have to stick with a heard of sheep, not only in war room, but on top of upper base, or inside entrance to back stairs, RR stairs. These areas are like farm yard, no fun, cant move, team mates shoot each other. But yes you survive and save lives.

Instead I play mid complex section were allie players are few, this way its not as easy to save lives as when in pen with sheep :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:02 am

Blaster wrote:Medic: are to powerfull anyway, soo no need for more ammo so they can rule more!

Ammo is easy to get the lack of it at the start isn't doing anything to curb medics being over-powered, dropping the recharge rate would make the meds a lot less dominant though.

The life limit is in place to stop the lame arse panzer whores who would spawn fire then suicide to repeat the process. It was weak and they'd do it again in a flash if you let them.

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:06 am

I say leave it as is no need for tweaks, if it has survived this long they must be doing something right.

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:08 am

By that rationale why'd we remove Saddam, he'd been there 20 years so he must have been doing something right :P

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:54 am

JTsexyback wrote:As i said i play aggressivley. To finish with lives remaining you have to stick with a heard of sheep


Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:39 pm

Yes why did we remove Saddam, there was not all the turmoil there is today when he was in power in Iraq. Oh he gased some Kurds that tried to assassinate him. If a group of militia in the US tried to assassinate Bush you think he would have them all terminated? Our views towards anything that is not Western are distorted by our thinking that our way is the only way . Now that statement seems to counter what I said about the server, so I will rebut each suggestion separately.

Life limit is crucial to stop /kill for panzer etc and to hopefully stop people going Kamikazee

More ammo for meds, you might as well just eliminate all the other classes then, and forget any possible teamwork. Often the only time a lt can get health is when a med needs ammo, so they have to seek one out. Its a fragile balance at best

Flamer is a class that was intended as part of the game, so it should stay, it takes skill to use it properly and can be quite effective, although there are some exploits on beach map. It can be annoying when a teammate flames his whole team but then again so is back rage

Reducing med recharge time by say 3-5 seconds isn't a bad idea really but so many people are resistant to change, its tough to say what effect this would have

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:42 pm

Sabres wrote:Teamwork.

Yeah I know all about teamwork, played in a clan for 3 years in this game. Good TP is also possible with 3-4 players. Just saying in some areas there are enough players crammed into one area that it is almost impossible to move, get out, get in etc

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:44 pm

SavageParrot wrote:Ammo is easy to get the lack of it at the start isn't doing anything to curb medics being over-powered, dropping the recharge rate would make the meds a lot less dominant though.

The life limit is in place to stop the lame arse panzer whores who would spawn fire then suicide to repeat the process. It was weak and they'd do it again in a flash if you let them.

Fair point re the panzers, guess that is pretty annoying with the respawn rate being low etc. Isn't there a way to stop the panzer being fully charged when he respawns (IE charge bar is were it would have been if player hadn't ./killed to respawn)? Sure i've seen it somewere.

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:52 pm

Then you be condemning the panzer to total ineffectiveness...

As for more ammo for meds eliminating teamwork I don't buy that for a second. Anyone with half a brain can get full ammo without any drama whatsoever by nicking guns of corpses. All switching up the ammo for meds would achieve was to even the playing field between the campers who have and the spawnees who don't. I can't see how it would affect teamwork at all.

The percentage of Lts that aren't just sten whores is about as low as it's gonna get, or was last time I checked ;)

Never bought the 'flamers are meant' to be in the game line either. I get what you are saying but we have enough vanilla stuff either turned off or tweaked that it wouldn't make a blind bit of a difference to kiss flamers goodbye. They cause chronic lag, they are tk machines and frankly they add nothing to the gameplay that even remotely makes up for those 2 facts.

Oh and backrage is a 2 player thing. Paying attention to your own team-mates lines of fire and not walking into them is as much a part of the game as learning to ease up off the trigger when team mates walk in front. It takes 2 to tango. Don't believe me, play panzer and see how many times you get kicked because of assclowns walking in front as you take the shot :)

I reckon you could safely drop med rates to default without backlash.

Re: Beach Server Settings

Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:45 pm

Solve all ammo disputes, just play knifes only. :D
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