Allied max lives

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Johnny Autism

Allied max lives

Postby Johnny Autism » Sun Oct 20, 2002 5:27 pm

I was just noticing today, that as an ally, you die an awful lot. Most of it is from airstrikes out of the bunker, or panzyfausts. I think you should give the allies more lives than the axis, this point is especially valid with lots of people in the game. It is then that airstrikes are everywhere. You die alot. I am not saying this cause I am bad and die alot, its just the part of the game when you are ally. I am usually in the top 5 or 10, but you just die alot as an ally. I dunno what is a good number, but just bringing this up for discussion.


Postby MMmmGood » Sun Oct 20, 2002 5:41 pm

Actually, I found a setting that will give each side different amounts of max lives. Someone posted this in a different post and I decided to look it up.

Heres what I am thinking:

Allies: 50 lives
Axis: 35 lives


Postby [A.S.H.]ironman » Sun Oct 20, 2002 7:09 pm

max lives

i didnt know the odds where so greate against the axis..max lives 35 vs 50 respawning time is also better for allies 15 vs 8 for allies (correct me if im wrong).

And still they win most of the games ....hmeee

I say put max. lives all the time i played on the [oc-48mothafuck]beach1 server i have rarely see anyone run out of lives..exept when they are on suicide mission or something.

but on the other hand, is lower the Max.lives gonna improve playability of the game, or the fun of playing on the server, or ruin it....If a player has to wait too long to take part in the game again, he goes to a a other server.......

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Postby SilverSurfer » Wed Oct 23, 2002 12:19 pm

like you say it
50 / 35 is good

as an axis i normally get killed 10 times and as an allied every minute i die sometimes 2 times
my space

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Postby Lord ZOG » Fri Oct 25, 2002 4:46 pm

I play on the server a lot. I've seen different amounts of "Max. Lives", and I got to say it rarely affects me. I think I've skulled out maybe twice? And I'm in the action, too. I'm not pitching a tent on the documents in the war room, or hiding on sniper hil.

If you're running through 25 or 50 lives in one game, guess stink. You see, the idea is not to run haphazardly into an air strike or run into the teeth of an Allied/Axis attack. And if you do get wailed, don't frikin tap-out instantly like so many of you do like it's an unlimited lives server.

If you're on the Axis side don't spend the whole game hanging around where the fire is heavy. Vary your game.

If you're on the Allied side, chances are you're going to get obliterated 6 out of 10 times coming out of the front bunker, but even so I've only very rarely ended up going through all my lives.

The idea behind max. lives is to modify people's approach to the game. You should try one or two or three life servers. Talk about a different game! I'm not sure the better players always win there, but over time you change your game to adapt.
Lord ZOG

"Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town."


Re: Lives?

Postby MMmmGood » Fri Oct 25, 2002 5:04 pm

Originally posted by S.S. Lord ZOG

If you're on the Allied side, chances are you're going to get obliterated 6 out of 10 times coming out of the front bunker, but even so I've only very rarely ended up going through all my lives.

Here here! Even still, thats why I am working on a way to increase the invulnerability time, because even if you go around the other way, someone can still nail you with a panzer right when you spawn.

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