permenant ban???

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permenant ban???

Postby Tracerlords » Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:26 pm

well thanks to Le Var burton for the permenant ban on your 60 man server, seems I wasn't qualified enough to fly chopper...

I waited on our stinger site shooting at enemy helo... Fury theoriginal and Carradine went down... so over to the pad I go. Get in desptie them waiting again... I pilot as I am halfway to Comm tower I get booted... says for camping vehicle... BS... I did no such thing... So after a minute I reconnect and plead my case when I come back... then get permenant ban I say wtf? ...

I am a 6-1 kill ratio fighter pilot and 4-1 helo... considering I always pilot helo thats pretty good...

So who's nutsack do I gotta lick to be a favored player like Fury and Carradine?

When I play on your servers I am almost always a top 5 player on a team... contribute quite a bit... and sometimes even tho there is no points involved I am taking out commander abilities as a spec ops...

But if this is how u all run things ... all I can say is its pretty messed up... and how tragic it is tp kick good players because of favortism...

Tracer Lords

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Postby ANTONIUS » Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:35 pm

i think fury is admin too


Postby Tracerlords » Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:40 pm

yeah I am thinking this too... So still kicking cause u want a chopper and failed to get in ,,, why not just put a bullet in my head on the pad ?

Isn't that the same? So what admins don't have to play by the rules? Oh that's right ... this must be one of those we better then everyone servers where the admin's change rules to suit their own needs...

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Postby LeVar Burton » Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:27 pm

Wasn't me.

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Postby Chacal » Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:33 pm

I've heard about your ban and was rather expecting your post...

I love these "I was banned for no reason" posts. :P

It's never the player's fault, of course, there's always a bad admin involved. Usually though, they forget some part of the story. Didn't you forget a juicy part, Tracerlord?

I'll let Fury answer for the rest.

On a side note, we don't give a rat's ass about your score or your k-d ratio. If you have that attitude, go find another server.

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well no attitude

Postby Tracerlords » Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:44 pm

Listen... I fired at the chopper after he kicked me... not before... that is the only thing I did... And I was mad for getting kicked... for what good reason other than him wanting the chopper...

And you still fail to answer the main question... If I can't shoot someone to be in a vehicle why should an admin be able to kick someone?

And I am sorry for shooting at the chopper but I didn't kill anyone... just a little damage on the pad...

So my temper got the better of me... sorry for that

But yeah definately bad admin... As he kicked me first only to have the vehicle...

Sorry Levar Burton ... I didn't know Fury was an admin...

Most of u have played in my squads and know I am a team player. So say what u want... most who play against me respect my battlefield skills.

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Postby SGT DEVILDOG » Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:40 am

I have seen you in the past and that is why this is a little strange. Why would you shoot a chooper in the first place?
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Postby Mugzy » Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:27 am

Some stats for tracer.

Total time played 213:29:22
Kills 7095

Banned 3
Kicked 42
Team Kills 625
Team Damage 171
Team Vehicle Damage 227
Senior Admin
Admin tool developer



Postby HRR_Fury » Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:37 am

Tracer... the previous maps you were camping for vehicles for the first 10-15 minutes of the game... the Oilfields is a prime example... most of the map you were in the hanger not doing anything... I saw you everytime I flew back by for ammo... then you proceeded to do the same thing on Sharqi Penn... so I kicked you for it since long term camping is against the rules... hanging out for minute or two when the game starts is one thing (in case someone bails out of a jet for instance), but staying there for a good portion of the map is something else....

As for the ban, when you came back after the kick, you cursed about the kick and then proceeded to fire AT missles into the helicopter.... both offenses are bannable and are poor decisions to make after being kicked for a rules violation...

Thinking you are justified to try to team kill an admin for kicking you is another separate issue as well....




Postby Tracerlords » Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:19 pm

Mugzy... well 3 tk's an hour average... since a majority of my time is flying in jet or bomber I would say pretty decent... Plus if u factor in the 30 hours as commander and people not paying attention to where u drop arty... I don't set out to kill anyone. Unless they intentionally kill me first... And accidents do happen especially flying... most of the kicks and bans are from one friendly trying to take on three armored vehicles and me flying in with a bomber... Or the inevitable errant flying missile taking out a helo full of guys... and them punishing... as far as team vehicle damage... well ever bomb a spec ops who already took out the arty? you get team vehicle dam for that... or again errant missiles hitting friendly...

Fury ... on oilfield I don't believe I camped as much as u think I did... I won't wait for more than a 2 minutes normally. I think it just might have been u just happened to see me when I died in plane and coming back on respawn... I usually respawn at back base and move forward thru map as I can catch base campers or spec ops closer to our main base... and use the hardly used heavy armors that spawn there that some enemy usually grabs and spawn rapes with. And I could have been afk bio break ... sometimes real duty calls...

And on the chinese coastal map before that u were in one plane I was in other... I think we owned the sky that round.

And I am much better use in the air then on the ground... I totally suck on the ground... so yeah I prefer choppers and airplanes... which again leads to unintentional tk's... And being a big pilot yourself u should understand that much. And which again if my own memory is worth a dime... well I don't see u on the ground much either...

And as far as trying to kill you... nahh wasn't trying I would have used sniper rifle to do that... but it looked fishy to me at the time it happened... I don't remember swearing at you I asked why I was kicked and said BS to that... If u would have explained why I prob would have understood... and then wouldn't have posted as I have to start the thread.

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Postby BladeRunner » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:10 am

Tracerlords, If it was up to me I might give you another
However this, "I don't set out to kill anyone. Unless they intentionally kill me first..."
is not ok, intentional team killing is against the rules, period.
Unless you change your attitude about that I would vote no
on removing the ban.
Revenge tking can start a tk war, then everyone gets banned.
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Postby Tracerlords » Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:13 pm

I agree with that... however there are times when there aren't admins on and nothing can be done to stop people from laying in front of vehicles or tk'ing ...

Again I am not condoning any such action nor do I necessarily like doing such... but when you have one jerk sitting in a blackhawk mowing friendlies down ... well its just the lesser of 2 evils

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Postby BladeRunner » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:37 pm

Originally posted by Tracerlords
I agree with that... however there are times when there aren't admins on and nothing can be done to stop people from laying in front of vehicles or tk'ing ...

Again I am not condoning any such action nor do I necessarily like doing such... but when you have one jerk sitting in a blackhawk mowing friendlies down ... well its just the lesser of 2 evils

yep, we are trying to figure out ways to handle players that
just come on the server to screw things up. The way Dice
has the punish tk and touch a friendly vechicle setup makes
it a little hard.
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Postby HRR_Fury » Sat Sep 03, 2005 11:01 am

Tracer give me your CD hash and I will remove the ban as long as you agree to follow the server rules in the future...

They are posted in our forums if you need to review them


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Postby Chacal » Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:41 pm


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