Statistics on the website.

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Johnny Autism

Statistics on the website.

Postby Johnny Autism » Thu Oct 24, 2002 2:35 pm

I know I have said this before in game, but I just wanted to put it out there. I know MMgood is working on this too, so it is kinda a informational/opinion post.

I thought it would be kool to have live stats on the page. I also was thinking a ladder might be kool. Like Top players in best average per-game accuracy, kills, revives, overall points , those types of things. Have a leaderboard. It would a bit more competition and I just think it would be kool to see how you are doing and who really are the most consistent, best players on the server. I think it would work since, I am guessing you would have to keep stats by name. That is fine cause most people keep the same name. But I don't know how servers work, I just play..hehe. I am just putting this up for everyone, tell me what you think.


Postby MeatShield » Fri Oct 25, 2002 4:14 am

Hello all.... new to these posts... but I am addicted to your server. It is udderly amazing to have so much action occuring at the same time. Although at times it can be a bit much when support fire is excessive. Having ladder stats would be very cool when comparing your skill to other players. I have been on servers that displayed the top players after the match during the "warmup" period. These stats included: most kills, most property damage, most revives, and best accuracy. I cant recall the server that had this, but can find out if needed.


Postby Edogg » Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:23 pm

all of those stats have been turned on just recently.

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